Where were you when PUBG completely shook the gaming industry to its core?

Where were you when PUBG completely shook the gaming industry to its core?

holy fuck

Battlegrounds Continues To Break Records On Steam

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds beats Dota 2's highest concurrent player record

PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds hits 10 million copies sold

>tfw its not even out of early access yet
>tfw "minecraft of shooters"

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Can't wait for every dev to jump on the bandwagon and make this the new moba genre...

People said the same shit about DayZ and look how that ended up.

3 million lifetime sales vs 11 million in 6 months. No console versions. Dont compare the 2.

It's the best game ever made. Everyone owns it, even my mom has it.
If you don't own this game, get out, you do not belong to Sup Forums.

>mfw Sup Forums shits itself over PUBGs success and keeps praising babby games like Persona, Nier and BOTW.

I don't get the appeal.

Battle royale in Arma 3 was boring.

>Looks really fun
>Want to play it
>Poorfag so can't afford it

is this post bait? PUBG runs better than DayZ after only a 6 months. DayZ has also never broke the DOTA record, ever.

Shut the fuck up you dumb wrong faggot

wow the 15th thread today

>3 million lifetime sales
That's only counting Standalone, the height of DayZ's popularity was before that was even announced. I guarantee ArmA 2 got at least 5 million sales from that mod, especially since it was always on sale for like $5.

I own it and I still don't get how it's popular. It's fun, but not 10 million fun

Honestly I think PUBG marks a turning point in game development. Not saying there will be more "hunger games" type games (which of course some people are going to try to capitalize on) but the way player interaction is held over a massive map you never know who you are going to meet and what tactics they are capable of. Basically EA UBISOFT etc is going to focus on "social gaming" for better or for worse knowing how retarded some people can be online either way

>The #1 most popular game currently.
>Surprised that there are threads about it

so add "PUBG" to your filter list so we wont have faggots like you bitching about this issue

best reply to that lmao

It's fun with friends, you can roleplay a tacticool squad clearing houses and shit.

I agree though it's fun but really nothing special.

I just want something to remove LoL from the throne already

when you have to get your noob friend up to speed on tactics like don't just run into a house in the late game or something it feels like babysitting

Stop shilling you double pew die pie

>It's fun with friends
So is sticking things in your ass but that doesn't make it good

name one activity better than sticking things in your ass
don't say battlegrounds

Sucking on titties

haha, what a faggot. I paint fences with my friends. dumb faggots will do anything if i tell them its fun

I bet that 70% of it is chink bot farmers.

doesnt matter. its still the most epic based ftw skill based shooter out in centuries

I ignored it when it came out because it looked like some weird Russian asset flip shit from the promo art and name but I picked it up last week and it's pretty great so far.

>open unreal engine
>new BATTLE ROYALE cool game #123
it already started bud

I have more fun playing escape from tarkov

That game is broken as fuck!
>doing extremely well enough to get to 5th place
>cruising with my bike
>suddenly hear gunshots
>press buton to get off bike
>instantly die for no reason
>"You died from falling"

I was at almost full health too.
And no the bike didnt ran over me cuz my character jumped behind it and I still died.

Try getting off a moving motorcycle for real without bringing it to a stop first and see how that turns out for you.

why would anyone shill this game? it already beat out your gook click game LOL

If you jump off a moving bike in real life you're probably going to die too you fucking retard

What is early access?

What even is this game

Try that in real life, homo. That shit only works in battlefield

you a fuck boy, I can tell.

Fuck off Saywer

Holy shit the lenghty you retards will go to defend this game.
No you wouldnt die from that in real life unless you are a fucking baby who doesnt know how to stand up!
The bikes in this game doesnt even go fast enough to kill someone like that you stupid fucks.


why is this game so hard

What is physics

because it controls like ass

because people have been grinding already and the more you play the better your survival chances

because it lacks polish

It tried to make a competitive shooter with GTA5's clunky "realistic" movement.

Don't even need to jump off to die.

i like stalker better but stalker doesnt have good online multiplayer.

and they say neo-Sup Forums is a myth


>>tfw its not even out of early access yet
no early access game ever leave early access.

If Rockstar took GTA V's engine and made a 100 player battle royale game they could easily make over a billion dollars with the release, not even joking.

nope the gunplay and movement is shit in gta.

Literally a fad game like ARK and Overwatch.

>>tfw its not even out of early access yet

By the time it's """officially""" """released""" it will be far less popular than it is now.

battlefield's a better base candidate but you'd have to give the guns more recoil

This. GTA5's shooting is all hitscan and your basically dead if you get shot first
and DICE would have to make a better designed map for a free for all.

you could have used a less graphic image to get your point across but thanks

it's not graphics stupid its real life

post your feet and steam ID and we'll change that.

It's shit in pubg too


something like arica harbor or cold war would be a decent start if they expanded the play area

or metro for skill rounds


I literally just broke my wrist and elbow and suffered hella road rash laying a 50cc scooter down at 25 miles per hour, and that's with the best tuck and roll I've ever done. You're actually retarded.

>can't afford a 30 dollar game
you don't deserve to play it

I've crashed at 65mph and only got road rash and a fractured toe. But I had $1200 of protective gear on so that doesn't really count.

>not a single pastebin in the thread
Sup Forums is dead

at least in pubg when your in cover you feel like your in cover unlike alot of other games. not counting the games where u can stick to walls by pressing a button.

*unlike a lot of other shitty games

Hey, is it still worth buying just to game the system for crates? I'm planning on being a lot more responsible with my money, less videya and more real things and what not.

I really don't get the appeal of this game. Does being underage help at all? *dab* haha no?

Mostly Positive

Yeah pubg dude would miss head damage and maybe not suffer road rash depending on outfit. Knees/ankles would be broke as fuck just hopping out on two feet. I wouldn't mind ragdolling out of a car but the damage detection would be random at best cause lol bluehole.

I rode several motorbikes to work for years and crashed many times

If you're lucky and just slide out (Wheel loses grip or you turn too hard) and you're in leathers you'll be fine, maybe a broken wrist but even at 70mph you can slide down a road and be completely fine if you're lucky.

If you hit into something and suddenly stop, even at 30mph, you could be fucked up and break many bones or even die. For what the first poster is greentexting, if you try to get off a moving bike over about 10mph there's a good chance you'll hurt yourself

I think its the minecraft of the younger generation. Game doesent matter the marketing does and its a known fact.
Minecraft was shilled by e-celebs and this shitty game is too, hence the popularity.

Reminder that 1 of 6 Chinese don't even own the game

Lucky indeed. Protective gear is vital. Don't ride at night or on wet pavement, kids! Even with gear and a proper dismount, you could break a collar bone and lay there till you bleed out.

m8 we have proof of them artificially increasing twitch viewership (lawbreakers update accidentally had 35k instead of 350 viewers yesterday), for all we know they are also falsifying steam and sales statistics in order to convince real people to give them their money.

Probably not. The paid crates are gone, for now, and the Survivor/Wanderer have too much supply.


Rockstar already has a battlegrounds mode that recently came out.

>169k crates
>more are still being added

It's more of a car combat mode than anything else.

Night time is way more fun though
Empty city streets and marginal police presence. Riding around drunk at 120mph at 2am was the best.

Of course the top players are chinks.

you're late to the party, /v7 now does hate them.

>disgusting movement delay
>disgusting interaction delay
>toggle ADS is default
>game runs 10x worse than BF4/GTA V despite looking 10x worse than said games at lowest settings

The absolute state of this shitty game, fucking KOTK is legitimately better, and that's saying something.

i was sat at home playing dayz when fred mesg

"pubg big"


and you???????


Yeah it has an emphasis on vehicle combat. I don't even think it would be good to make a GTA5 BR because of how slow you move on foot and how overpowered the cars would be for getting around.
PUBG is exploding but its making way for the concept to be done better, which is may or may not be done better. I think the gunplay is where you want it unlike Battlefield for instance where you would have to overhaul the recoil mechanics so people don't melt.

Then again, having fast responsive movement like BF with super high recoil might just counteract each other too much.

>Open world survival (zombies optional)
>MOBA / "Hero" shooter
Now the new thing is going to be "battle royale" shooters

Why are the Chinese everywhere these days though?
Wasn't like this a few years ago.

Also this. The game is aggressively bad to me. I don't understand why people enjoy it.

>fucking KOTK is legitimately better
if only

Daybreak are literal retards but at least their game runs at a semi-reasonable frame rate for the specs I have, and they don't have that shitty movement/interaction delay. It feels 10x better to play than PUBG

they're training to invade america obviously

Fucking doublenigger. Thanks for the warning user.

>Riding around drunk at 120mph at 2am was the best
Stop that you criminal scum. Altgough I admit I did that quite often.
Night time cruising, stopping at gas station or convenience store at dusk for a coffee. It just feel nice.

I refunded it because I was only getting 26 frames on lowest settings even though i can run much better looking games at 60+ frames. I wanted to like this game because i actually enjoy the idea of it but man thats inexcusable. Also it seems like its the literal first FPS game for 90% of its players, they're all casual trash so for me it was fun to go in and be unstoppable.

Radical brah. Loser