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Tournament continues.

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this is all I think of when I see blojira

post predictions

>Cutbot got BTFO by Double D

Fucking huehue internet

This tournament is officially sponsored by Ayycorp™

We® Win® You® Tournaments®™

your vermin wins

Team Leftovers Strike Back beats Shinelet



>that length

>dat music

These vermins are gonna give me a hard time

not even mad that i lost desu, seeing waifactory in action will be more then worth it


Okay. I hope I'm not stepping over any lines with this comic

Current Political Candidates
King Blorf of the Monarchy Party
Lewdragon of the Woman's Power Party
Mr. Ultra Rare Mats of the Matsland Party (TM)
Charred Beast of the OUR PARTY
Mr. Nice Fly of the Democratic Intimate Get Together
Pebsi of the Bebsi Barti :D
The Best Monster of The Best Party
Dinoswordus of the Founding Fathers Party
Nukeduke of the Warfare Party
Mr. Skeeto of the People's Party
Guppsiah of the Great Awakening Party
Shield Scorpion of the Please Remember Me Party
OP Cash Whale of the Pay To Win Party

All vermin shown to be on King Blorf's side (Tinkerpuss, Wep Bros, ect) except Dinoswordus are on his campaign team.

Of the candidates, all are taken seriously except one.
I'm sure it's obvious who the Jeb Bush is.
HINT: It's self-deprecating humor

Should I have more non-champ candidates?
Or should I have more champ candidates? I want to convey how champs have all the power by flooding the ballot with them

what music?

>all that fanart for nothing

>only 2 or so teams may have a chance of getting past this round

>all of the fights are insanely close
This tourney lives up to the hype already

give the robot a heart symbol for an iris.

Why the hell do people keep asking for mins that are already pixel? but here you go. i guess in this case it's fine because i had fun trying to get the drawing to match the actual pixels with varying success.
Also, is that a jaw or an arm?

I like it

>Nukeduke of the Warfare Party

Best party


I have an image with rudimentary team names but no bracket. Managemant & Ghosly Catopus might be replaced with Skketo and action grasshopper

The plant mafia got bribed by little Ayy to throw the fight

You don't have to draw Fission, bud. I appreciate it all the same, though.

>tfw ayy-ecutive's ability lets us stay in the game

why isn't MY vermin a candidate?

what a comeback

>You don't have to draw Fission

but i want toooooooooo

This is my most favorite battle yet.



Close fight, looked like Ayy-ecutive was dividing his damage a bit too much for a while there.

So this..... is the power...... of 12 speed........
woah........ not bad.....................

>that clutch by yolkster
so close. at least we all get hired!


>Skeeto as the People's Party
oh come on dude

hello can you rate my new vermin

>Why the hell do people keep asking for mins that are already pixel?
Sorry, I just thought it would have been funny. Thanks anyway, dude.
>Also, is that a jaw or an arm?
It can be either or, hell it can even both. The line is intentionally vague looking so you can use your imagination to interpret its appearance anyway you want.

this is a great opportunity for less popular vermin to become relevant. i suggest picking vermin from your collection of submitted vermin and making them candidates if it works

>3 minute long fight
Jesus fuck how tanky.

>Skeeto as People's Party
>when My Vermin fits the role better by not having a distinct personality

More non-champs.

I like mine better

You know what's funny? I'm actually on the team and made that as a joke comic about how everyone shits on us. I think we have a shot against Shinelet.

>Yolkster choked hard
Fucking wew

What's this collection of submitted vermin?

i saw stuff on the booru that fission's being removed. is that still the case???

also, mats user designed the mecha,
if ayy wins then mats user will also have a forth champ if you think about it

>the only reason why bullet hell won was because they actually had shit in attack stats
Stallfags BTFO

Yolker is a fucking jobber!

>yfw Arsonubis might burn Burning Blojira to death

I'd like to withdraw Fission, though people seem more content with the idea of just doing a rematch.

>tfw this is entire kaiju shtick was Little Ayy-ecutive's ploy to sell more city repair supplies from his company

a few threads ago, he wanted vermin in the background. he can choose from some of them as candidates for stuff like "smol cute vermin party", "spooky scary ghosts party", "inanimate object party" etc

>People's Party
>Not Ruuuuuuuzzzz
what the fuck

>yfw Scorpenger is up against a high blast and high fast team with high guard, mild offense and low fast

heh, not bad, but it's nothing against my original vermin

fuck i was late
what an ending though

wouldnt he be arrested for destroying the city?

You do. After all, Shinelet has the same stats as Cutbot, the only Kaiju that's lost so far.
But don't think that it'll be an easy fight.

Where were those random blast debris from the last fight?

Replace skeeto with Ruuuuuzzz that is basically /ourvermin/

Fuck I love these, man.

I knew I forgot someone

My Vermin of the Party that I am in

>forgot ayy's ears too
holy shit

>I originally designed the mecha for Lil' Ayy to use
>Matsanon replaced the rocket thrusters with tripod legs to be more thematic to War of the Worlds and the martian war machines from it as well as not making it a quick sketch.
Excluding you-know-who, is this the first vermin with more than two contributors to it?

>6 fast, muscle, and blast against several glass cannons
>that means he's at a disadvantage


what if i tell you
that one of the plant guys actually made ayy-cutive

>a few threads ago
Oh well, i came too late and didn't knew about it.
Either way it's pretty good stuff



Why is he clapping his hands

Rate and/or Hate

He'll be fugged if he misses too many times.

This is probably the worst vermin ever and I love it.

Because he just did his first company merger than benefited him, user.


Is it just me or was there random blast attacks on the kaijuu in the last fight but none in the first or most recent fight.

Ah, looks like my 'never make it past round 1' curse is still going strong in this tournament.

I've made an error in naming. I was having Skeeto represent the underdogs, like in Dik Swiggy's comic where Girly says this

RUUUUZ is now the People's Party Candidate
Skeeto is the candidate for the literally whos/vermin who can't beat the postrush

Sorry everyone.

no one except billy bullet and vodkollector had blast sprites, so it was probably those


someone stop me


The fourth bout has begun!
The abomination from a land beyond hell was too distracted by his donger to even pay attention!
The waifus pressed this advantage and took it out before it could do further damage!

Sexmaker's sprite was so big his blast location was way above his head
I didn't realize that until you just now pointed it out

>i-it was a naming error
sure skeetoanon
let's go with that

Yeah, but it looked like they came from above. That's what confused me. It even fished off the kaijuu in the last fight.

I dont know, but as the one who made lil ayy I love it

Mech fits him a whole lot better than getting bigger

RUUUUUZZZZ is the best vermin this fucking website will ever know.

>camgirl gaymer has no legs and just hovers

deepest lore


>only mats' vermin died

Now that was just bullying

Oh,makes sense. I thought it was backup artillery to kind of balance things out. Thought they were missing and the fights were a bit fixed

gamergraav comes through again

>when you're too busy being horny to actually fight

Lol! What a jobber getting beat up by a bunch of girls.

>your match is up next
welp, best of luck Host When

>They actually won.
Wow. It looks like lots of fast really does matter.