In this thread, we discuss how disappointing Divinity: Original Sin 2 is and talk about how impatient we are for Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire to come out
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Other urls found in this thread:
2. [Video Game Scholar] *Anticipates PoE 2 and provides screenshot of D:OS 2's dialogue while claiming it is not a photoshop*
That's it. I'm gonna shitpost in every single Pillars of Eternity thread I see from now on. I hope you're happy. You just made an enemy for life.
>ooh silly you forgot thane takes damage from healing again xD
Couldn't give a fucking hint.
Can I be a human guy with a party full of femlizards?
Ok, I'll stop, I'll stop. Please don't shitpost. Let's call a truce!
Porn mods soon?
I for one cannot wait for the new Pillars of Etenity by Obsidian entertainment creators of great titles like Fallout New Vegas and Alpha Protocol.
Divinity original shilling can fuck off.
Can I be an elf girl with a party full of elf girls?
Context for why these threads exist please?
Because it's Sup Forums and people talk about video games, you goddamn moron
Because Sup Forums is for nothing but shitposting anymore. It's fucking awful.
Divinity: Original Sin 2 came out like three days ago. It's the sequel to Divinity: Original Sin.
>build preset during character creation determines which stat ability damage scales from
>Enjoy both Divinity and Pillars of Eternity
>Fan whichever side of the flamewar is waning
I'm pretty sure this "rivalry" consists 95% of people like me
Nice try playing down the fact that Larianiggers are getting blown the fuck out by Obsidialphas
Scales off the stat derived from your weapon
>all this concentrated autism in one post
it hurts
yeah, but then you won't get any of the unique companion dialogue/quests
Combat is too fucking slow, especially with this armor shit
>Invulnerability to all fucking forms of attack possible
Who thought this shit was fun? You fucking cocksucking Belgians. I'm buyingTWO damn copies of Pillars of Eternity 2 after this.
>Larianiggers are getting blown the fuck out by Obsidialphas
We are.......god dammit why are our games so shit?
>accidentally move the second the game starts combat
>do any mistake in combat
>accidentally steal something
Fuck this.
That makes a lot more sense.
>game tells you to balance magic and physical damage
>bringing both damage types is the worst possible thing you can do and you should be stacking one of the other
why is the game lying?
>be shit at video game
really makes me think, user
>Give CC spells out like candy on first level for every racial bonus possible
>Hmm, what's stopping people from just spamming CC and easily beating everyone
>Oh, I know, make it completely fucking worthless with some magical system that nullifies it and is present in every single enemy, including the weakest animals roaming around
Sawyer, where are thee?
How do necromany skills fair as a rogue? Being able to sustain yourself with blood seems useful. I don't want to invest into int though.
I thought Sawyer just did story, not gameplay?
The game literally overheated my computer. I was hyped and playing and my computer fucking boiled itself alive. Fuck you Larian
Isn't worthless for me.
Also most "animals" don't have shields at all.
>want to make a cute fantasy girl and kill shit
>cant decide if I want to get this or DSIII with online disabled
I thought we were past these false-flagging fanbase war threads.
Divinity: Original Sin 1
>new entry "NormalPlayer"
>type "Character"
>data "Vitality" "15"
>new entry "NormalNPC"
>type "Character"
>new entry "HardcorePlayer"
>type "Character"
>new entry "HardcoreNPC"
>type "Character"
>data "Vitality" "20"
>data "ChanceToHitBoost" "20"
Divinity: Original Sin 2
>new entry "NormalPlayer"
>type "Character"
>new entry "NormalNPC"
>type "Character"
>new entry "HardcorePlayer"
>type "Character"
>new entry "HardcoreNPC"
>type "Character"
>data "ArmorBoost" "50"
>data "MagicArmorBoost" "50"
>data "Vitality" "50"
>data "DamageBoost" "50"
>data "Accuracy" "10"
This is indefensible
>go back to the fort to massacre every single hostile Magister
Give me a Metamorph build.
max polymorph
max necromancy
put all points in int and con, become a muscle wizard
>already into act 2 with a subpar optimized party
Generally speaking, most fights tend to have less enemies than in DOS1. They are just stronger to compensate.
fuck, that blood witch with the dragon thingy in the cave was a pain in the ass. I had to kite her minions to entrance to stand a chance.
doesn't most polymorph shit scale with strength?
Any tips on how to kill the judge guy? He looks hard with all the enemies around him
Col. I already had enough unique companion dialogue from Neverwinter Night 2
sneak into his office, and kit them through the door. Other enemies will take awhile to get up there, so you can kill a few at a time.
I moved back into the small room before theirs and just let them all come to me through the narrow choke point of the door.
Oh that sounds easy thanks
Yeah, but pic related is really fucking overpowered when combined with the self healing power of a necro
how is DOS2 in the waifus department?
Waiting for my brother to upgrade his pc before I decide to play it
If I want to be a dickass thief, besides scoundrel what would be a magic school that'd compliment it?
>Original Sin 2
>not Second Sin
I heard someone say that you went to prison when you got caught stealing in this game, wtf? No, you are forced to kill every living shit in the whole city just because one friend in your group is a fucking mouth-breathing mongoloid.
How do we get around this?
I piled up a labyrinth of boxes outside the room and forced them into a gauntlet while riddling them with arrows.
autismo sawyerino will balance your shit up, and make every single build possible actually viable
anything that does physical damage or buffs you
polymorph, geomancy, necromancy are all good choices
The female companions aren't all that interesting but I've found a couple of waifu NPCs hanging around.
ITT we false flag as a PoE fan to demonize actual PoE fans
How do you beat voidwoken deepdweller
No you actually do get sent to prison if they find stolen shit on you. Your friend probably tried to resist, in which case yeah everyone and their mother tries to butcher you. Sometimes literally.
I'm pretty sure we're just fucking around at this point, mate. No one is demonizing anyone.
Does bloody everything have a shield/barrier of some sort? It makes cc pretty useless at the start of battles.
>every build viable
not from his track record
You're using it wrong then.
CC essentially ruins a guy once you can use it on him so of course you can't just drop it immediately. That said some things only have 1 kind of barrier.
You can chew through it within a couple turns. Same goes for the enemies attacking you. It's just a balancing mechanic to make it so that you can't cheese the fights right off the bat like you could in OS1.
Christ, how butthurt are you that people are criticizing D:OS2?
>It makes cc pretty useless at the start of battles.
That's the literal point of it. Hit the things with low armor vs your damage type so you can follow up and CC then. Slow, Chilled, Frozen, and slipping knockdowns work through CC immunity.
Can you save the skull in the beginning if you play undead?
No. You just say he's keeping quiet.
Why is this game so fucking poorly designed?
They never thought this might happen?
I almost want to refund now...
Choices and Consequences, bitch
Shit sucks, he was a chill dude
Enemies usually have one thing they are good at. More shields, less armor, etc. Uhoh, more shields? Use armor damaging things. Less shields? Barrel bomb time.
How come some companions chill at Amadia's Sanctuary but some are still at Fort Joy when I dismiss them? I'm worried about progressing the story with Gareth.
How is it with a controller? Was comfy in the first one.
So what happens if you steal from them but drop/stash the items before they rummage through your inventory?
>You play with an idiot in your party
>It's the games fault your choices have consequences
They'll find nothing and let you go. I actually did that thing from the trailer to test it out and stashed shit on my friend, so when the guard came around to check his shit he was pretty confused as to why he was suddenly in deep shit.
I didn't CHOOSE to be in a group with this retard
tell me your difficulty settings
Is there any reason to use flurry over 2 basic attacks when dual wielding? Seems like a waste of An extra ap point
They don't find anything and you're free to go
You are safe. BUT, later some characters will claim you're shady anyway if you many stolen goods.
This is also why I keep my stolen goods in a bag, specifically.
>The game is designed in such a way that a single player can easily make you majorly miss out on important story quests
Stop defending this trash
someone just invaded your game, and you let them steal everything?
Wow user, you really are totally not retarded at all. I am very sorry you were raped in a videogame.
If you drop the stolen goods they're looking for, they'll actually collect it. You have to stash it.
Sounds like skyrim might be more your speed friend, you know, where everyone is invincible so you don't miss out on anything important by killing people
>This option is exclusive to lizard females
What did they mean by this?
Hey guys how do I beat the fight where the enemy starts in awkward positions and everything burns all the time. Oh that's right I just described every fight and the answer is always to cheese around a corner.
You literally miss out on nothing.
It means male lizards are better
Aww fuck I just murdered him I'd have loved to seen this for myself
i voted for a difficult i'm not actually playing on just to arbitrarily jeopardize the accuracy of your poll
Except for the fact that 80% of all encounters take place in an area without a nearby corner and in areas where trying to run backwards would only waste your AP and let the enemy get some back shots in.
actually his track record only confirms it. unless you weren't talking about PoE.
Don't you get that you're irrelevant?
Just shut up.
You obviously don't have any friends, so you can't possibly relate to my issue.
I'm automatically dismissing any honor mode votes
>literally pinned down and forcibly raped by friends
y-y-y-y-y-you'll never understand.