Mario Party

Name a better mario party than 2

Protip: you might

6 is the best

>Implying I have ever had friends to play any Mario Party


Mario Retardy > Any Mario Party

I like 3 the most, but there's a lot to love in 2.

I like 4 for the minigames

Will it be any good?

2 had the best boards.
3 had the best minigames.

If they were combined it'd be a perfect game.

Nah, it's just old minigames,
and the boards was one of the best parts.

If it has actual fucking boards maybe



this, and 4 had the best duels in that you can duel for stars.

8 was the last good mario party. The cart that everyone rides ruined the game

retardy stream when?

Post yfw Chance Time!

>saying this when 4 doesn't have duels in the first place
what did he mean by this

Retardy Stream NOW @ Lomelli

2 is the most pleasant indeed.

4 has dungeon duos so it automatically wins

Dong will win

The correct answer. Why do we never get Mario party 4 in retardy anyways?

Make sure to root for WE

the boards are boring

One is good but bare. Nice to come back to every so often. Three was way too bloated and was a mess. Two was perfect. Four+ don't exist as far as I'm concerned.

>dismissing all gamecube MPs just like that

Get upset. Think I care?

I know why MP1 wasn't in the VC but why wasn't 3?

Friendly reminder not to respond to le ebin trolle

im not mad


Best answer

I still pop it in with my friends every once in awhile



it's time

Doesn´t the offical site confirm that there a still boards in the game?

I uh, didn't see that earlier.



I remember liking 4 on the gamecube a lot.

Isn't this the third 3ds Mario party? Why the fuck didn't they put that shit on Switch?

Dong will win.
Screencap this post.

No problem.




Local only play kills it for me along with the lack of boards. Also the series sees a lot of mini games rehashed because they're popular, but I never see the really good shit that was in the early games like Skateboard Scamper or the coop games like Running of the Bulb. But yeah I'm honestly not expecting much from this

So how come we don't have a game night and play one of the GC mario parties online Sup Forums? Retardy is fun the first few times, but how about actually playing the game?

Mario Party 2 with netplay

>no onlline on mp 100
what were they thinking?


pic unrelated first mario party image i saw in my Sup Forums folder

There's a Discord for MP netplay

at this point I just think they don't want to bother

Are there any more Fuck You Covers of the other games?

ways wario can win:

>tfw when luigi will win


10 because they finally got their head out of their ass and brought DK back
now if they can just put everything else back the way it was and add online we can have the perfect MP game

I'm actually excited for Top 100 because it has Mario Party 1 and 4 games. Lol I hope it even has the rotation mini-games, if they were mapped to button presses or something. Peddle Power gave my hand an enormous blister as a child.

there are boards
I won't call you retards though because nintendo themselves were retarded to not put that info in the direct

But do we know if they're real boards or more amiibo party shit?

>Top 100 "boards"

I'm pretty sure they just said "yep there's boards" so you make a good point
we'll just have to wait and see. it would be really stupid of them to release a Top 100 game and not throw in the best boards too but nintendo has a track record so who knows

who can stop this gorilla


I would like you to know that this is a quality stream and you are a good man

Luigi and wario best friends

Them multicolored marios gotta stick together

>wario gets three stars in one turn

what in the actual fuck


Man I love the N64 Mario Party artstyle. Its so unique with the paper-cut out style. The gamecube ones are so bland.

official wario status

A man above us all

He truly is.

5 has a great aesthetic


>crazy cogs level
>It ain't me starts playing


Why Wario?

6>>2>>>>all the other ones

Is this going to break Luigi's winning streak?

It was already broken before.


And the key came back.

Bobbeh broke it last time.
Wario is late to the party.


Literally why?

damn, I stopped watching last time because of the choppy audio.

Ever wanted a game that incentivized you to kill all of your friends or family without any psychotics, I think I found a game for you.

But yea MP2 is very good indeed.


>the fattest fucking jew wins every god damn time

There is no stopping him.

>almost 2 decades later
>still no Mario Party Online

Fucking Nintendo. They could announce one for the Switch for the 20th anniversary, but nope.

Will he win?

Yoshi will win, screencap this




>he doesn't use tomorrow

you are like baby

We can all at least agree 10 sucked right
