Is this game still worth getting into as a completely new player, or is it past its prime?

Is this game still worth getting into as a completely new player, or is it past its prime?

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It is fun. Free weekend coming up next week, give it a shot desu.

It's fun and keeps me coming back. Just ignore competitive.

The elo system makes sure that you're always put with players such that you'll win 1/2 of the time, regardless of skill level. If you suck, you'll play with and against 11 year olds, if you're good you'll go up against angry 20 year old lonely men who are obsessed with tiers. Even in quickplay this system exists

I'll check it out then. Thanks.

Play TF2 instead.

If you enjoy it buy it whenever it goes on sale if ever. Otherwise it ain't worth a full price AAA game in wherever-you-live-ville.

good to hear that, I'll be playing it.

It never was. The "game" is a rotten piece of shit to thhe core. Don't even think about giving Actiblizz your money for this blight on the first person shooter genre.


No, that's only how quickplay works. In competitive you can go on lose streaks or win streaks.



Should be a bit cheaper honestly. Nothing innovative or conceptually interesting will be added to the game until someone else makes it and Blizz can copy it, so you might end up getting bored with it. If so, you have a variety of heroes to switch to and learn to play. Hopefully they will appeal to you, because there is no way to change them or their mechanics. You can try off meta tactics and stuff though, just be warned that you may get flamed.

Yes man, it is worth it.
I always play a few quickmatches with some friends and it's pretty enjoyable, the fanbase can get pretty cancerous but not as bad as you think.

Do you like Call of Duty? Becauas otherwise you are paying for a game that is literally worse.

So....when you just type out pointless rambling bullshit, we call it pasta and laugh at it and move on.
When you screencap it and post the images, we call it greentext and take it seriously?

fun in short bursts, passable with a STACK of friends who fill for each other. anything after the first halloween event likely burned you out and seasons 4+5 spread across all game modes like a pestilence

It's pretty fun for the first 50-100 hours or so - you can extend that time with friends - by then you'll have seen everything the game has to offer, and by then you'll be playing it once a week only to get the weekly shitboxes, if even that. If you're instead looking for a balanced competitive scene with a balanced roster of heroes and a developer that understands their own game, along with a reasonably sane community, you're in the wrong place.


Just trying to prevent someone from making a grave mistake.

Overwatch is too asymmetrical by design to be considered a valid competitive game. The reason the format exists is as a marketing tool. SR is part of the skinner box that keeps people playing, and all Blizzard has to do is shill for it as an e-sport by throwing money at any six yuropoors or chinks capable of using a mouse correctly. The skill ceiling is through the floor. Since it is mechanically impossible for (You) as one person to break the multiple shields and regenerating health any 2+ players bring to the table, you rely on your team mates to assist, be they grills, 12 year olds, or third-world gutter trash. Hence, the only reason you will ever lose a game (if you're merely adequate in a real FPS like Quake) is because the 5 casuals on your team don't have the reflexes and spatial awareness to play correctly.

Once you realize this (and by extension that SR is just part of the skinner box marketing ruse), there is zero incentive to play the game because it isn't actually fun. Your desire to 'win' at it is actually fueled by passivity and resentment instead of sincere feelings of accomplishment. Don't believe me? Ask yourself why you've probably spent tens or hundreds of hours in a senseless Groundhog Day loop with perhaps thousands of faceless strangers (almost every one of which you hate) but you're unable to find the willpower to move out of your mom's basement, find a GF, or even clean your fucking room.

Look at every other game Blizzard makes, from World of Warcraft, to Starcraft, to fucking Hearthstone. Notice a pattern? Unlike the discrete experiences offered by single-player games (or movies or books or TV), Overwatch is just another temporally endless cancer that Blizzard knowingly engineered to steal your life away from you. For profit.

Uninstall this shit immediately and any other ASSFAGGOTS shit while you're at it, or you might as well kill yourself right now.

>is it past its prime?
>have made half the characters essentually useless (McCree, Roadhog, Reaper)
>"buffed" low level characters by doubling down on their obnoxious zero-effort pubstomp design instead of taking a viable risk-reward approach that would make them more universally viable (see: Junkrat,, Winston, Mercy)
>won't touch characters that are in the most dire need of a rework (Pharah, Sombra, Widowmaker)
Yeah, pretty much.

Try the free weekend coming up and decide for yourself. I will say though, avoid Competitive mode like it will give you AIDS and cancer, because it's 100% populated by faggots with AIDS and cancer.

Oh man, I love me some 8ch screencaps. Lemme get some popcorn for this read.

>not playing the superior shooter game

holy shit these are top tier posts. Autistic as hell considering it's a fucking thesis paper on a fucking video game but still great

Overwatch sucks dick but he has nothing to lose by trying it for free. If he ends up liking it, then good for him, to each his own.

Replace Pharah with Drogoz

IMO it's way past its prime. I had fun with it up until a year ago, but it's been getting consistently worse imo

Does this include not having to pay for PS Plus?

way past its prime but will still provide years of entertainment

I'm slowly losing faith in Overwatch as a long time tf2 convert
The game is certainly fun at the lowest levels, stomping and carrying games to oblivion with generic skills and cheap torb shots
But as you get further on, and the players get higher skilled. You eventually hit this skill ceiling
That's when the fun stops. You are very much prevented from getting any better, and most fights really just come down to ability timers and characters at top levels, which was not so much of a big issue in tf2. This is very frustrating compared to aiming could come down to absolute pixels, but that was fair. In Overwatch, you often find situations where you tactically outperformed and aim-wise, but one ability just overrides that and denies you (Floor Scatter arrows, Reflect)
It's mostly down to the abilities based gameplay in overwatch, which IS better for the average, but not good/great player
But this massively hinders people who wish to optimise themselves and really push further, as it becomes extremely frustrating when yours or team mates abilities are on cooldown and you are made effectively useless for that period/needed that specific ability
Whereas ammo was something in the players control and based on keeping count and conserving/collecting. This is just a plain timer, and the main reason you start to die at higher levels
Also, the devs are balancing/tailoring the game even more this way, becoming more and more bland and chance and timer based
See: Bastion Headshot nerf, Every D.Va change, ruining McCree's damage but not his cheap flashbang, Doomfist's high risk/reward ability, Roadhog's punish, Reapers Orbs, Junkrat can't self damage

Still a better use of time than playing the game.

I'm in Bronze and I already feel held back.
The game is literally luck over skill. You don't know if someone has there Q to win ultimate ready until they kill you with it.

>in bronze
Turn on your monitor my dude.

>I'm in Bronze and I already feel held back.
I don't think lower ranks should have an opinion on this. The game is already simple enough.
I literally haven't touched a FPS in years and my first placement was 2300 at level 25

>I don't think lower ranks should have an opinion on this.
>implying rank has anything to do with skill rather than luck and collusion
Read again.

dude if you cant carry yourself out of bronze, you dont deserve to have an opinion on what constitutes "skill"

Question, is Overwatch more like TF2 or is more live Humans vs Humans L4D2?

Then you underestimate just how much other bronze players can drag you down.

It's well past it's prime, nobody plays for fun anymore. Everyone tryhards their dick clean off and the moment you do something they don't like they throw a tantrum. Even in quick play.

So all those competitive gamers are just "lucky" or the only people on the planet with friends? People in higher tiers are just consistently lucky every game?

I think you need to allow yourself to consider you're not as good at FPS as other people.

And it's not just about aiming skill. I've played with people who are TECHNICALLY superior to me in pure FPS games, but are ranked much lower because their game sense and team play is dumpster.

No, but search a tutorial for 14 days free trial accounts

The sole reason i still play this shit of a game is because Genji is fun and actuallly needing skill.

So many other options
>Quake Champs
>Dirty Bomb
Even if you like OW there are just so many other games in the same style that do it better.

Overwatch is terrible, buying it is like buying something at Best Buy when you can find it online at a much better price.

TF2 is long dead.

But I just played it for a few hours

I really have never understood this sort of question.
Why didn't you just play it when it came out? It's not like it was hiding behind test curtains or eventually grew into a cult hit or anything. One day it wasn't there, the next day it was and everyone was playing it. Where were you?

TF2 but with less people and more MOBA elements

cue autistic screeching about paladins

I enjoy Paladins and TF2 far more than overwatch because they have more depth in terms of playstyle and not everyone is a screeching autistic metafag

It's funny how he literally pulls shit out of his ass and justifies it with nothing but "from what I gather"

From what I gather, "from what I gather" is not a valid source or statistic to base anything off of. But what else would you expect from the retarded ramblings of some autistic contrarian fuck?

Its very design makes it impossible to not tryhard and actually enjoy the game.

It's okay. I'm really losing a lot of interest in it. At the moment I really only play during events and just enough Arcade to get my weekly loot box ration. Mostly it's the matchmaking that kills it for me. I mean, the lack or maps and game modes is a big factor too, but mostly the matchmaking. It's that 50% win ratio thing.

Now, I don't mind losing. If the match was really good, with lots of back-and-forth and amazing fights, then a loss doesn't bother me. I still had fun, and that's all I'm looking for. But I don't ever get matches like that. No matter how well I play, I'm still going to lose most of the matches. It's just stomp, stomp, stomp. And then when my team does win... it's also a fucking blowout. We just stomp the other team. It doesn't feel SATISFYING, like we earned the win. It totally just feels like the computer decided it was our turn for a participation trophy.

Competitive is a little bit better about that, it seems, but the people you're playing with and against are just so fucking awful that it isn't worth it.

So... I don't know man. There's a free weekend coming up, give it a shot and see if you like it.

Just don't give Blizzard any money for loot boxes. Fuck those guys.

>in bronze
>can't tell which heroes has Q


I don't have the patience to learn how to install hackcheats.

It's shit.

Not gonna lie, I bought it only because I enjoy it's porn. But game itself is pretty boring. I play it mostly only on events to get some skins for best girl Mercy

Imagine being so fucking autistic that you write a poorly-written, poorly-argued, poorly-cited, full-length thesis paper in an effort to stop people from buying a game you don't like, and post it all on a knockoff Indian filmmaking forum.

And then you take pictures of it and make an active, 24/7 effort to spread it around.

Does the thought of people buying Overwatch keep you up at night?

it's fun if you've never played any other team shooter

LITERALLY press tab dumbass

Imagine being so fucking autistic that you think everybody thinks in a way that nothing said lasts for more than an hour, and that no message should be more than 2000 characters.

Why are people on Sup Forums so fucking disgusted by people saying things that aren't quick thoughts with a reaction image pasted onto the side? This isn't fucking twitter.

Does the thought of reading a book that wasn't written by Dr. Seuss keep you up at night?

>all the Overwatch white knighting and shilling in this thread
What the actual fuck? What happened to the redpilled Sup Forums that was raised on arena shooters and hated the fuck out of Overwatch? Did Jeff Kikeplan and his decide to start viraling here to try and save their sinking ship? Why are there people on this WEEB BOARD who are swallowing the very definition of corporatized western antigaming? Isn't this supposed to be the forum that champions legit shit like Guilty Gear, Devil May Cry, Demon's Souls and Touhou? Am I on Reddit?

I know right? Who in their right mind would ever even imagine people on a video game forum liking a popular game? Fucking boggles the mind, m8.

There are games out right now that are popular and also happen to not be focus-tested, artistically bankrupt lowest common denominator western AAA assembly line products.