What's the saddest most fucking heart-wrenching thing you can think of from a video game?
What's the saddest most fucking heart-wrenching thing you can think of from a video game?
Other urls found in this thread:
Mario 64 credit music
The entire LISA story
As cliche and unimaginative as it is, this scene from The Last of Us
Either this or Sarah dying.
When my guild leader inviting a girl to the guild and we disbanded a few weeks later. Lost lots of good friends because back then it wasn't easy to keep in touch.
Big Boss saluting and crying.
This isn't related to the topic but I hate when people make these threads and post a blatant spoiler to a game so whoever sees it by accident has to just live with it. Thank you for not doing that OP.
I don't know any
But there was this certain death scene that made me tear up in Bravely Default.
I think this is the one that made me cry the most, MGS and Planescape Torment are also up there with top heart wrenching moments
The ending of The Last Guardian destroyed me.
The fact that I've wasted my life on these things and am now unable to appreciate actual life.
The ending of unwound future.
Terranigma's ending, or the part with the couple of goats.
Realizing the game you just finished playing is your favorite game of all time and you'll never play anything quite like it ever again.
Alternatively, the OoT closing music.
That STALKER is never getting a proper new title ever.
Basically anything at all from this game that isn't the main asshole villain.
That first time I played Genealogy of the Holy War was really something.
>Chapter 10
>Rescue a bishop and children fleeing from dark mages
>Seliph reclaims the Tyrfing and avenges his father seventeen years after Alvis murdered him
>Cutscene where Seliph talks to the ghosts of Deirdre and Sigurd
Undertale, the whole game.
what is that picture about?
"I gotta try..."
All of Nier
Oh gosh, I'm getting teary eyed again watching this.
nvm the story is fucking stupid
To The Moon
John Marston death
ghost trick when you learn missile was the lamp and he waited a decade to save the girl
Nobody appreciates actual life user
When master chief dies
the Garl Vinland and Maiden Astrea 'fight' in Demon's Souls
teared up the first time i experienced this
Minecraft, it had its moments.
Am I really the only person here who enjoys spoilers? They are the entire reason I play a game/read a book/watch a movie sometimes because someone spoils something for me and I get curious as to how it got to that point.
The OST of the first game playing at the end of pic related and Haku revealing himself only at the end.
"I can't hold on to that image of myself any longer."
That was the huge fucking moment for me. That whole scene, where it's the darkest and most hopeless it's ever been for everyone involved. That final moment where even the protag just gives up.
In most games it's too obvious how it gets there
faggot game for faggot people
That second playthrough was brutal.
>"You raped our forests and poisoned our streams, and now you slaughter our young! We will abide your existence no longer, mankind! You will atone for your sins with blood!"
All those stories were beautiful. I'd even say that they're far better than the actual game itself.
There was one or two that didn't really do anything for me, but for the most part I cried nearly every time.
Off hand, from recent memory:
Two Sons, when you reach the your goal.
Tales Borderlands, when you have to sacrifice someone to save the world.
From recent memory.
watching this shit with mario 64 credits music playing
is really weird
makes me super sad.
>What's the saddest most fucking heart-wrenching thing you can think of from a video game?
FF7 ... but NOT Aeirth's death. Perhaps it's has been meme'd to death.
I think it's when (as recalled in a flashback) Tifa's Mom dies and she decided to run into the mountain to go see her again.
It's heart-wrenching because it is very ordinary and understandable, something you could see happening in real life. The music also sells the moment well.
Sorry I couldn't find a picture of the moment.
Terranigma's ending makes me tear up every time.
I wont spoil,but anons who recognize this pic know
A certain death of a cinnamon roll from Stella Glow...
No. Fuck those little Rugrats children. I fucking hated them so goddamn much.
>Objective Survive
>There'll Be Another Time
>Spartans Never Die...
Damn dude that's rough
chiaki dying then dying a second time
I was about to say this. This entire game was a rollercoaster of emotion.
Fuck off.
Not my point but yeah, though there were some twists on some games.
The fact that any game created past 2011 sucks cock
>Dat fisherman sidequest
I'm so sorry I found you annoyng, gramps
This fucked me up.
The Christmas stage in Elite Beat Agents.
when some loser faggot says he's a good pilot in ARMA 3 meanwhile i'm sitting there with a stick in between my legs and a headtracker strapped to my headset thinking "i wish this keyboard pilot would just crash into the fucking dirt"
fuck unprepared FAGGOTS, your gameplay is so inefficient it makes me sick
New Blood if you fail to save the little girl with a pace maker. Your character ends his career and drinks himself to suicide
I didn't get the hate of those two. I mean they were easily my least favourite, but they were still alright characters.
Also, screw that ice path with only those two.
The final boss fight in Joyful
>Dad conforts you
>Dad misses you
>The nobody hates himself
Hey it was a good game fucking and watching your creation just...
that shit was fucked up for 10 year old me
>Half as long
>Twice as bright
fucking Pokemon Mystery dungeon
jesus christ this
had a server where everyone was really close, didn't even like the game, moreso I just spent alot of time talking with people.
The day that fucking server shut down was horrible.
>Hanna's Departure
forgetting to save on a game where you have to save manually
Goddamnit, now I'm sad again.
Red had a hard life...
The end of Baten Kaitos hit me pretty hard. I couldn't tell you why; maybe it was just knowing that the game was over? There was sad, emotional music playing and I knew that my time in the world was finished and the story was over.
Undertale also got me pretty hard. Surprisingly though, the three most impactful moments were:
-First encountering the giant Onion beast thing and hearing it tell me all about how it was going to get out one day and see the world then it getting sad when you leave it.
-The echo flowers telling a cliche story of two children in love
-Getting to [old] Home and hearing Undertale (the track) start playing, getting the exposition from the monsters and that entire sequence in general just being done really well.
As a final choice, pic related. This was a really really minor throwaway line in the game but it just kind of reinforced that the series I grew up with in high school had changed and the characters had grown up as well. then they completely shit all over that idea because Maya goes right back to her old self almost immediately after
Are we going to make it?
When I played this as a child, between the whole event and not being able to save all 600,000, I punched my crt and sprained my wrist, and spent a whole week sulking before I played it again.
As far as other games go, the part of your victory lap in undertale where you leave the ruins for the last time wrecked me.
Image contains mild spoilers
This one hit me like a fucking truck. It's especially powerful because before that moment Layton was always the calm, collected pretty much mary sue of the series and he finally shows a moment of weakness and just fucking breaks down.
the fact that Paper Mario is a ruined series and they will continue to desecrate its grave for no reason
i was spoiled about aerith's death years before playing FFVII and still fucking cried like a bitch when i saw it, i don't care about how meme'd it has been, i'll never forget it, and it will allways the only moment i ever cried for real over fictional media.
This shit is more of a meme 2 years later but GODDAMN the way this game basically emotionally beats you throughout the entire genocide experience is really kind of sick
(and how toby masterfully turns you into a monster through gameplay is just UMF, its like you truly became an unstoppable monster at that point)
Sudoku or die
Fuck, that was brutal. If I remember correctly, it turns out that everybody was only in a game and their bodies are still safe, but Chiaki never really existed in the first place :/
I'm hyped as hell for DRv3 though
hey fuck you user i liked it
Did your life shine, user?
>the way Papyrus still believed in you
Jesus fuck
Every time
That fucking music...