My six year old daughter asked me today if she could make her own character on FF14

She made it all by herself and her name is Susie Balloon.

Probably won't even make it out of the starring area but it is fun to see her try.

reddit on reddit


>posting a photo of your child on Sup Forums

Your six year old daughter is hot

Why are reddit posts so easy to identify?

post moar


Is your daughter single?

send nudes

Send nukes.

>Playing an MMO on console

I think it's the fact that redditors think people care about their daily life bullshit and act like they're special for no particular reason. They're attention whores, essentially.

You're a terrible father, I hope you realize that.

>posting your fucking daughter on Sup Forums

Parent of the year right there.

She's a fucking halfu.

Is your daughter a hapa?


>posting a picture of your child on the internet
>giving out her online handle

Someone's gonna get swarmed by fedoralord pedos on a mission for some underage ass.

Nice bait op

user you can't just take any kid off the street and call them your own.


I like those Frozen shoes.

What the fuck is going on with his arms there?



In concept this was cute.
But you posted your kid on Sup Forums, man.

Come on.

>Starting in Limsa
Way to telegraph being an awful parent.

It helps that you *have* to be nice outside of a couple of subs..

Exactly this. Reddit prides itself in pretending to care about each other's shitty lives, so the easiest way to get Reddit cred is to post some self indulging shit about how much your life revolves around whatever Reddit board you are on.

Go to any major Reddit board and you will see that all of the trending posts are the same. I promise if you go to r/starwars right now one of the top 10 threads will be "Look at this cool JarJar shirt my ex-wife made me :)"


Didn't notice those. Cute. Cute girl and lalafel too.