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this looks like complete garbage
the hud should be more towards the corners of the screen and the art style looks like shit, try again.
the fuck is this art style? ugly.
>nostalgic gamers hate sprites, let's remake it as a flash game
what were they thinking?
Is this a mobile game?
>Watch demo announcment youtube video
>80% of the comments are "THIS is what Mania should have looked like!"
Are people really that adverse to sprites? That they'd rather of this garbage? Why?
I'm glad people are waking up and realizing the whole HD sprites thing looks retarded for the most part.
That being said I like that they're trying to go for that airbrushed artstyle and I do think it has it's charms.
I'll always prefer sprites but it's neat.
This looks like shit
Sprites will always be better than that shit
honestly some of the stages just lack background detail
chemical plant looks amazing because there's a ton of buildings in the background, but stage in OP's pic and emerald hill really need some more detail
like the title screen graphics in the beginning of the newest trailer? just put those clouds in the background of emerald hill and it'll look so much better
Seriously Nintendo you gotta hire these guys!!!!
What is this?
The issue with OP's image isn't that there's no noticeable pixels, it's that the art style is garbage. Just flat gradients with little to no detail
I mean, OP's image appears to mostly be sprites too. it's just that they're large and flat with plenty of shitty gradient colouring.
>no Studiopolis
>no Flying Battery
>no Stardust Speedway
>no Hydrocity
>no Mirage Saloon
>halfpipe special stages only
>less fun Oil Ocean
>less pleasing visuals
Yeah, Mania's sure BTFO alright.
>Sonic is based off an ugly retracing of the original sprite.
>They didn't model him after Yamaguchi's Sonic 2 art
I can't respect this pile of garbage for this massive oversight. It doesn't even at least match the promotional art Sonic.
To be fair to that particular screenshot for Sonic 2 HD imo Hill Top Zone always looked bad imo. It looks like a beta stage and I wouldn't be surprised if it was scraped for Emerald Hill but brought back late in development.
S2HD dev spotted
Their poor attempt doesn't even look half as good as the original Hill Top. Just look at the clouds. They're awful in HAD while the original has some nice and depth between the line scrolls.
Is this a joke? It looks like it was made in 2005.
Every unreal concept comment.
the guy who made sonic 2 hd helped make sonic mania though.
Looks like shit. DMCA takedown when?
It already happened. Then SEGA met with them and hired half their staff and let the rejects keep playing with their toy.
wasn't HD cancelled and the people who worked on it ended up working on Mania anyways?
The clouds are much more blue in that image, the mountain areas have a bigger section of dark. There could be more things as well but the HD rendition isn't accurate.
yeah im not sure why hilltop zone was so bad/linear
Sonic Mania sprites are recycled of SCD and look garbage in modern high screens.
They're not. There are sprite sheets available already that prove you wrong.
Looks like shit desu. The only make this sort of artstyle work is make the world look animated, in the same vein that Wario Land: Shake It did it and what Cuphead seems to be doing it.
That is what I heard but I also heard even further back that there was a dude who owned a ton of assets for S2HD that went nuts and essentially took the project out of the hands of the rest of the team.
I wonder if that dude ending up working on Mania? Or just the other members? Some fuckers on Sonic Retro probably know.
You're referring to the former lead programmer know as L0sT. He disappeared after the S2HD fiasco in which he put key loggers on everyone's computers. He is in no way involved with S2HD. The only members from S2HD that worked on Mania were all artist, minus Tee Lopes who's a musician.
>they spent years arguing about the HTZ tree and that's what they settled with
Nah, HD will never replace the charm sprites have.
This. I was excited for the HD version, but that looks awful.
This looks like it was done in photoshop.
I would gladly welcome a sonic spinball 2.
Post an "HD remake" of an old sprite based game that redrew the sprites to look better than the original, I'll wait.
Looks worse than regular Sonic 2.
Here ya go bro.
How is it even possible to fuck up thisbad on something that should be easy?
At least it's not as bad as this.
The problem people have with HD sprites is that it makes them realize they are playing cartoons
honestly, I'm expecting a total redraw of everything
the only S2HD stuff that looks kind of decent so far is CPZ
what is the issue? it looks like the sprite.
Except they aren't and they look fine.
looks like a flash game
CD or 3&K HD would've been better. Sonic 2 is boring shit.
I'll never not love the good old "tie a buncha orbs together to make a tentacle, tail, or long neck" trick so many sprite games used. And I'm so glad freedom planet did that as well
It looks ok, but that Bowser Jr. is incredibly off model.
It was a great way to have big, animated characters on-screen. Coming off the NES, it's amazing how much the SNES/Genesis could do, especially Treasure with their games.
that reminds me of some mapper / coder work I used to do in some ghetto MMO in the XtremeWorlds engine. You could only ever make enemies1-tile-big, so the "solution" to thet problem was creating multiple enemies per tile for a single big foe and add lines and liens of code to kill all "parts" of the "big enemy" simultaneously when it died. god that engine was ass
I wonder if there's an actual name for this trick
I love how you post this in literally every thread that even mentions S2HD. You're laughably pathetic. Keep it up.
If you're gonna argue in favour of sprites, don't choose literally the worst sprite you could've picked.
Not every sprite can be on the level as Metal Slug or have its benefits of being on a more versatile platform.
>CD is great meme
It's got great music but its really not better than 2 dude.
Adverse means disadvantageous. You mean "averse."
Did you make this OP? It looks like shit.
Does this game offer any of the gameplay changes Taxman's version of 2 has?
>it isn't even a real game, just a mockup
>better music (duh)
>better levels
>cool time travel theme
>less floaty physics
sonic 2 sucks, mania is pretty much sonic 2 but good
literally nothing is wrong with it
What is it about sonic that inspires so many autists to make shitty fan games?
t. Nintendo cocksucker who loves it when Nintendo shuts down quality fan-games for no reason
looks shit
pic isnt related
It also took the artist like 40+ hours to make that one image so it's entirely unfeasible to make an entire game in that style.
But they actually are though.
user there are sprite games that look better than that already, fuck are you on about? You have multiple employees making sprite sheets which have plenty of portions copied from previous frames, and a bunch of background artists.
40 hours for an entire scene from a single person is fuck all.
It was supposed to be the past version of Emerald Hill you fucking idiots, because if you have at least 2 brain cells and know shit about Sonic you'd remembered that 2 was supposed to be the first one to introduce a Time Travel like mechanic that was scrapped due to the game being rushed as fuck.
calm down cybershell
I wish sonic were a nintendo IP so BASED nintendo could DMCA this abomination. unfortunately sega has no standards so they will let this fugly thing exist.
Fuck off
This, also like 3/4 of the enemies in hill top use the same base sprite (the angry red ball)
That doesn't take away from the fact that good pixel art style games exist
What the fuck. I had no clue about this.
Pixel art is mostly used as an excuse for not knowing how to draw, and leads to having a bad reputation, but all that aside, if people who know what they're doing we can get things like these
is this the same project by that guy that got paranoid and put spyware in the demo years ago?
That guy got fired from the team
>2 was supposed to be the first one to introduce a Time Travel like mechanic
Time travel wasn't going to be a mechanic like in CD, the game's story was just going to have you travel through time as you chase Eggman back and forth across different iterations of Westside Island.
Why do you faggots keep insinuating that this is supposed to compete with Mania? I mean it looks like ass don't get me wrong, but the devs aren't saying something like
>Now fans can play a REAL tribute to 2D Sonic
Since its like a bunch of beads on a string.
while the top looks better, i think maybe the people complaining about this are too young to remember atari days.
Is that Scribblenauts?
>genesis controller
>not saturn
>mania in 4:3
>that screen tearing
Also, it seems really strange that a clone of a 4:3 game doesn't really support 4:3.
Um no sweetie~
>not using the hidden 4:3 mode
Weak nut
It does support 4:3, you have to activate the hidden Dev Menu to turn it on though.
Should have also posted an image of it.
He was paranoid and packed the executable in a way that prevents reverse engineers from accessing anything in the engine. What was initially thought of as a keylogger was just his retarded usage of windows registry to store game data in addition to a fuck-up with DirectInput allowing the game to be controlled while the window wasn't in focus.
You can actually do it just by editing the ini
>manipulative trailer that basically says "look sega, if you do anything to protect your own intellectual property, you hate your fans" while claiming to have been inspired by sega in the first place
>only innovation is the arbitrarily remade graphics featuring babby's first gradient effect, unlike the christian whitehead remake that had hidden palace zone officially released, complete with an original boss fight
>shown in the wake of mania when everyone already has their classic sonic fix already
How do you do that? All I get its a 16:9 video inside a 4:3 frame
>manipulative trailer that basically says "look sega, if you do anything to protect your own intellectual property, you hate your fans" while claiming to have been inspired by sega in the first place
Fuck are you on about?
Sega's already shown they're cool with fan games anyway, everybody knows this.
While I actually think this project looks good, I wouldn't say BTFO'D because this is not getting finished anytime soon.