Fucking batteries, fuck em to hell. How could've they thought this a good idea for long term?
Fucking batteries, fuck em to hell. How could've they thought this a good idea for long term?
>the long term
take an economics class
It's not that expensive or hard at all to replace one
You can change the battery you stupid fuck.
>voiding the integrity of the cartridge
lmfao absolutely no fucking way, m8.
You need to hire a nintendo specialist to deal with that kind of stuff and keep your value for the long term.
Or, better yet have them download your data to the digital version on the Switch, and keep it forever on the cloud.
I know you stupid fuck. I have done it once. But I lost my save and all the memories with it.
You can back up your save dipshit. Or you can store all the pokemon on pokemon stadium before you wipe your save.
Are you retarded?
ik how you feel friend
I had a pidgeot named Goku and a Typhlosion named Fireball I'll never get back. I sucked with nicknames back then.
>it's available on the estore
They didn't.
This is why I bought a flash cart recently. Always wanted to play the Dragon Warrior games, but didn't trust spending hundreds of dollars on a copy that might have a bad battery.
Buy yourself a special screwdriver from Playasia, and a cell. Then replace the damn battery, you mindless imbecile.
This is some weird ass bait dude.
only reason the gen 2 games batteries fail is due to the real time clock
many internal battery games are still keeping saves over 30 years later.
but overall games were created for short term enjoyment, they expect the consumer to move on within 2-3 years tops when the sequels come out.
Better than DS carts which will just lose all their data completely in another decade.
Well if there was a way, I wasn't aware of it.You can of course elaborate on the subject if you want. I didn't own pokemon stadium so that was out of the question.
I had all my gen 1 pokemons stored on blue and red and you know why those games were good? They didn't have a battery which can at some point die (depending on your luck) and destroy your savefile. I might've been an idiot because I didnt prepare for that but I think thats just a bad tech to put into your game, into game where you collect and trade hundreds of pokemons which takes who knows how many hours. But im sorry for complaining I guess.
And of course people got immediately excited when they thought I didnt know about the battery changing. I have done it myself and own a soldering gun.
>Decide to start up crystal one day after a decade of not playing it.
>All my stuff is there.
>Run around, save before red because I'm tired, go to bed.
>Boot up the game the next day on my GBASP
>Save file is gone.
I pre emptively stashed all my pokemon from my crystal version ont pokemon stadium 2 a couple years ago. Im glad i did because i booted up crystal last month to find the battery dead and my save file gone. I just gotta by that special screwdriver to replace the battery and itll be good as new.
In the '90s it was a LOT cheaper to implement SRAM+battery than something like flash memory. Flash storage was still very new then, and small amounts were very expensive. At the time Nintendo didn't think anyone would still be playing these things 5+ years later, so it seemed reasonable to just use battery saves and be done with it.
When the GBA was introduced, flash memory was cheap enough that they could implement it into the cartridge instead.
This is the type of game that this kind of thing hurts the most. As a child you have collected pokemons for maybe hundreds of hours, some of them you got from friends by trading, some of are very rare and you might've named most of them. And at that young you just don't fucking know that the battery might die, hell you might dont even know that there's even a battery inside. I doubt you could even find info about this from the internet back then except if you were really looking. And for some people it was already too late because the lifetimes on these things have varied a fucking lot. All I mean is that this was just lame.
Uh red and blue have batteries. They wouldn't be able to save without them.
I can only imagine how those who got legit Mews and Celebis felt like.
>Boot up red after like 15 years
>The file data was destroyed!
Rest in peace...
I have a headache and now I have to read this.
You can easily glitch those pokemon into the game so whatever.
It's gonna be the same way for everything user.
Modern flash memory runs on capacitors. If you don't plug in things every once in awhile you will be fucked.
The energy runs out on the capacitors, your data is gone. Your flashdrives, your usb, all gone.
You are all goyim, cattle for the new excelciates. You're gonna upload your data to the cloud and be a good little ad slave for papa facebook, aren't you?
>mfw this killed the only shiny I ever caught
gyarados doesnt count
You could have Gamesharked them too. It's not just about owning them.
I guess I meant is that "those types of batteries" but yeah call me a retard, of course they had batteries.
I just started my pokemon blue from 1998 on my gameboy color and it still has my save, thats my point.
bitch what
Not everyone is an insufferable nostalgiafag you know. If it really bothers you so much to lose some data on a game cart you played as a kid that can easily be replicated seek help.
>A Nintendo Specialist
>To resolder a connection
>To a watch battery
This is why we call you Nintenbros.
Are you autistic, user?
The batteries on red and blue will die too. They only last longer because the game doesnt have an internal clock like gen 2 does. But it will happen. If you still have your red and blue save intact back that shit up if you want to keep it before time runs out.
Are you? im not the one bitching about losing meaningless bits of data in a video game because "muh childhood''
It's a simple concept. You lose a rare thing you got at the height of its popularity, something you enjoyed a lot as a kid with no warning. Being unable to relate to that is rather telling.
>Rare thing
Literally everyone I knew had mews and celebis when i was a kid. Stop being retarded.
If you were redpilled you would have used an emulator and not have that problem, fag
You do understand there's literally no other way for people to keep their stuff rather than, eventually, upload it to the cloud, right?
Include me in the screen cap!
No way.
I'm gonna get ridiculed and this might sound pretty fucking stupid but 6 years ago I actually brought my gameboy with me to my 12 month military service and I named the pokemons according to the names of the officers, captains and shit in our company. I played the game throughout when I was in the military. Few years later I lost my save and I've forgotten almost every officers name, it would be nice to reminisce those times by playing the save I used my time on in the military but its gone now.
And no I didn't get beat up because I played pokemon, it was just something to do to pass time.
truly the macfag of consoles
Shut up larping fag
It's called mechanical drives or magnetic tape.
Flash memory either didn't exist back then or was absurdly expensive.
>tfw nintendo timed the gold cartridges to lose their battery with the release of gold on the eshop
Game Freak is not known for good ideas
what did he mean by this
Are Ninten-yearolds really this dumb?
Good luck trying to re-sell your knock off modified original cartridges, dumb asses.
Glad to see knows how to keep his valuables secure.
I bought one of these in the 90s and its saved my ass all the time.
people really fell for this. how new are the people who use this site?
This is clearly bait right? No one can be so stupid
My Blue's and Crystal's batteries died, and I replaced them. ezpz
This level of bait should be banworthy.
What country? I know the US doesn't do 12 month deployments.
>How could've they thought this a good idea for long term?
It wasn't designed for the long term. All technology is a planned obsolescence. Everything you own will stop working eventually and you will have to replace your aging hardware with new aging hardware.
If I wanna play the game I'm gonna replace the battery, if I care about archival and reselling like a jew I'll keep the original battery to appease high paying autists like you.
this is why you emulate stupidass just ask justin roiland
Looking at that cartridge triggered me, thanks OP
They lasted like a decade that's pretty solid
>implying most retro game collectors don't open up the cartridges anyways to see if you don't have some repro board inside
I thought this guy was talking about the fucking gameboy batteries.
You telling me the cartilages have batteries? And that everyone in this thread is a veteran at soldering new ones?
why did you hate gold and silver?
As usual people that use reddit spacing are retarded like
>meanwhile in future Sup Forums
>fucking cloud, how could they thought this was a good idea for long term?
You don't really need to solder it
I've done without it for four or five of them. You just need a little electrical tape and something to scrape the tabs off the old battery
Cartridges have batteries, DVD you don't need to solder them you can literally take out the old one and put a new one in and stick it down with electrical tape. I've done this with all of my Gen 1 and 2 carts.
If GameFreak knew when they came out with this game that you, an adult, would be complaining about their battery in 2 thousand and fucking 17 even though umptillion other games had come out including a blatantly superior remake they'd laugh like hell and launch the game with the battery they did anyway.