I have nearly 5k hours in this game and im getting kind of bored of it. Any good mods i should play?
I have nearly 5k hours in this game and im getting kind of bored of it. Any good mods i should play?
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thorium and spirit are good
calamity a shittu
I see calamity fucking everywhere. What makles it bad?
It's by the type of modder who gets really anal about shit because it tramps on their "vishun"; the kind that tend to be deviant art tier oc donutsteel furfags or at least have a carbon copy of their personalities.
And in calamity's case that vision is shit, you can beat the moon lord easily in pre-hardmode gear amoungst other retarded things.
Some faggot said the reason why starbound a shittu is because someone went and molested a little girl so chucklefish had to come and nuke everything. Said faggot also said they memoryholed everything so there's no way to actually check, but it certainly activates your almonds.
someone post the autist
I actually didn't understand any of this
Thanks for the explanation. I kinda left the forums around when calamity emerged, i remember the dev for tremor remastered being a bit of a faggot. Anyways, i think ill check out thorium.
Prove it nigga.
You're so cute user.
>Ugh this game I bought for $2.49 gets boring after 5000 hours
Thorium's your best bet. Spirit as it is is a bit too lackluster in content but pairing it with Thorium can be a bit cluster-fucky at times, but it's manageable, specially if you use the What Mod Is This From mod that tells you what items are modded and from where.
Calamity is the mod equivalent of a deviantart donut steel. It's good for laughs and gets stupidly insane so play it with an open mind and do not play it with any other mod, since it has its own, ridiculous balance.
Tremor is just shit. Avoid.
Well a horse diddler made it for one.
Which part? I'll reword it in more normal terms for you.
Basically the modder has the personality of your stereotypical anally retentive artist who sees their work as infallible and perfect and can't stand the slightest criticism.
You can beat the hardest boss in the game with gear you can obtain without even moving on to the second mode of the gaem.
Starbound is shit because one of the devs molested a little girl, so the publisher had to come in and do PR, and as a result most of what was planned got deleted.
However the user who told me this said they basically purged any news of this off of the internet (which is possible, I've seen it done before by other companies for things that aren't actually morally abhorrent like molesting a child but for small offenses) so it is impossible to check.
But all in all this information should make you think.
Is that better?
now lurk more you little shit
this explains everything
Terraria Overhaul's an extremely good QoL mod that remakes the game's mechanics, as well as adding new ones. I definitely recommend trying it out.
From what I've heard, most people don't like Calamity because it's balanced around itself and doesn't take other mods into consideration. Because of this, Calamity has a completely over-the-roof progression compared to other mods which means that stuff like Thorium + Spirit + Calamity + whatever else your heart desires doesn't mean shit because you'll just end up using Calamity gear as it's far better than anything else you can obtain from the other mods.
I'm not complaining at all. I love this game but its getting a bit stale and i wanna spice it up a bit.
Here's my hours big boi. Actually thought it was closer to 4800, so my bad.
Have you guys ever played the Overhaul mod?
I can smell a certain guy that rhymes with pee that would be extremely triggered right now.
There are legit no good Terraria mods
And if you don't like base Terraria (which is fucking excellent) you won't like a worse version of it, which is every mod anyway
Thanks papa
Thorium is basically vanilla+, and there's also plenty of QoL shit that doesn't actually change up the game.
And terraria is so good that a worse version of it is bound to be pretty good
What does Sup Forums think of N Terraria?
have you tried doing class challenges?
I did all of them pre-1.3, idk if there's enough content to do the whole thing again.
try to think up some new shit then, i'm currently doing a run where i don't upgrade my health or mana past the starting amount.
Which gear can you beat moonlord in in pre-hardmode gear? Currently at skeletron in calamity and have yet to find any hilariously op shit though in revengeance mode so that might mitigate opness.
If the Mods really unbalanced, would that mean really quick playthroughs? cause that kinda intrigues me.
Just downloaded Thorium. Thanks for the advice bois
What do you even do after you beat the final boss? Start over?