Hope gay marriage never gets passed
Have fun being single
Hope gay marriage never gets passed
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oh man I remember that video
Halo 3 fucking sucks and was the beginning of the end for Halo
halo 3 forge was good tho
t. Didn't have friends to play custom games
Eat shit and die you nigger loving faggot
kys mate
Wow you're a Debbie Downer. Everyone else loved it
>You will never be this hype again
>You will never play another game that exceeds the massive hype you already had
This video is 10 years old. Fuck
This song is so fucking happy and excited. Oh man. I wanna go back to that time.
Halo 3 was good. Anyone who says otherwise probably didn't even play it.
kinda sucks gay marriage is legal now though
wow, first time in a long time I've seen someone say this, albeit I don't go into halo threads much any more.
you are completely right though. I remember playing the beta and having this huge disconnect between my expectations and the actually playing. the map design and the weapon balance was absolute garbage.
it all sounded good on paper, but now I think they just had too shitty of internal playtesters to really vet things out.
all those internal playtest matches and the devs always talking about how only one person would grab the BR and clean house with the opposing team is really telling.
3 was actually the most balanced of the entire series.
>CE dictated by Magnum
>2 dictated by BR
>Reach dictated by the DMR
>4 with awful loadouts
>5 dictated by SMG and nuPlasma Rifle
Which halo had the best weapon balance then? Don't you dare say it was CE with a straight face
>Used to play custom games in a massive Xbox Live party
>Remember how sad I felt when MW2 came out and almost everyone moved on
>Now I go back and no one is online anymore
i love 3 but dont act like BRs didnt dictate the game just like 2
These were my shit
>when you realized that the unlock trigger for katana was just having 1000 cheevo score in Halo 3, so after the DLC released and more cheevos got added little shits didn't need to get a double kill with the spartan laser on Snowbound and could unlock katana armor
It wasn't as bad, but dual wielding really threw a wrench into 2 and 3's balance.
>tfw you reminded of that one achievement I never got before getting 100% completion
iirc getting that double kill spartan laser cheevo was fucking hard as shit because it was ranked or something slayer which had like no team game modes and less people playing
it's still going
No fucking way
Why? Everyone else already moved on with their lives. It's been almost a fucking full decade
Yeah it was hard as shit, but people would also talk about boosting it in the lobby before the match, but I got mine legit. Killed a guy with a ghost and someone else who walked behind it at the last minute. Such a good feeling.
I think Jon just didn't like the nihilistic ending he originally did a few years ago and only recently started a new season
>Halo 3 fucking sucks and was the beginning of the end for Halo
In what ways? It completely improved upon 2 in almost every department aside from Campaign
Funny enough unlike 2, Bungie actually put some effort into balancing weapons and maps. 2 was a fucking pain in the ass to play on anything larger than 4 v 4 because every map was open as shit and the BR was a literal mini sniper rifle which add no accuracy loss or damage drop off. Which means 4 shotting across the maps, where every map was open with little cover. 2 was a fucking cover shooter half the time and it sucked.
3 had a bigger gap between ranged and close range weapons though.
bungie also did a horrible job with the asymmetrical maps. I'm all for the idea, but they just did not do a good job with trying to have both sides have their own strong sides.
the magnum alone, though fun, caused every other weapon to be worthless for the most part. and it had a shit ton of ammo
and yet it was still better than what we got in 3.
also the people who were better than decent would wipe the floor with practically anyone by using the sniper.
>and yet it was still better than what we got in 3.
the fuck are you talking about
there were no op weapons in halo 3, only some more under-powered ones
>also the people who were better than decent would wipe the floor with practically anyone by using the sniper.
not only is this not true but the sniper mechanics are the same in every game
>3 had a bigger gap between ranged and close range weapons though.
Elaborate. Do you mean power, or range?
What's with all these Halo threads recently?
halo 3 was excellent you fucking fag. reach however was 100% the beginning of the end
Invasion was fantastic
no it made the rifles worthless
every other weapon had an area where it excelled, the assault/plasma rifles were just underpowered
the br actually made other weapons worthless, but that was more the fault of DOOL WEELD forcing them to make every single 1h weapon incredibly shit to compensate for the fact that you can stack them
also lmao melee lunge and lmao shortfuse grenades
Destiny 2 was so bad that they went back to the OG franchise.
Halo was always a 6/10 mediocre at best game. It's honestly sad seeing retards nostalgic for it.
I know that feel man.
>realize CoD is finally on the way out
>go check in on what friends I can still find
>every last one is playing Dota2
>People who were 13 when they bought Halo 3 on release are now out of college
>It's honestly sad seeing retards nostalgic for it.
I don't understand it personally. I thought Sup Forums hated Halo. Why be nostalgic about anything but the memes we used to chuck out at its expense?
>got every single achievement legit
>never beat the vidmaster achieve where you beat the last level on legendary with 4 ghosts because it was impossible with randoms
>never got recon armor
>back when Xbox and halo were the biggest things in gaming
Dark ages. So glad PS4 is leading and now people have a buffet of Yakuzas and Personas
it was, but it was distinctly lacking compared to h3
that was literally me.
i was in 8th grade. now im working on my PhD.
what the fuck
>reach however was 100% the beginning of the end
Technically it was the end.
>never beat the vidmaster achieve where you beat the last level on legendary with 4 ghosts because it was impossible with randoms
>Mfw i got that, was my last vidmaster, took months of making friends to finally make a good team
>Finally fucking beat the mission
>Check armor
>No Reacon
>"Do you have ODST?"
>"Broooo you need the ODST achievements too man."
God I was so fucking pissed and disappointed. But the experience was thrilling anyway
>Vidmaster Endure
>these threads make a lot more sense now
>Not wanting to marry your best friend
There were Halo nightly threads as far as I know dating back to 2010 or so. It has fun multiplayer, loads of community support, and some singleplayers with fun stories the levels can be super repetitive though
>dating back to 2010 or so
nah, they started being really common around 12/13, and even then you would have "babbys first FPS" or pic related be one of the first posts in the thread.
here we go, knew I had the earlier pic somewhere.
>Halo 3, The Orange Box, Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed and Super Mario Galaxy are all turning 10 within the next month or two while Bioshock turned 10 last month.
Getting old sucks
This picture has been outdated a while ago. People who are 13 now were born in 2004.
I bet you never played a custom infection match.
Halo 3's multiplayer maps were absolute shit compared to Halo 2.
I didn't say it was relevant now, just that it used to be one of the first posts in nearly every halo thread ~5 years ago.
custom games were a lot more fun in 2 than in 3. even with all the extra features.
get fucking jewed on
trying too hard, and I didn't even like H3 for the most part.
I can actually remember that night fucking vividly since I played for 17 hours straight that night into the next day.
I know this is bait but...
>dead space is also turning 10 next year
I just dont know anymore
>Yakuzas and Personas
I honestly don't understand the appeal of these games.
I liked Reach more than 3, really any campaign without dur flood is better than 3 automatically.
Halo was always trash, kid
Halo Is only OK and is only loved as much as it is because dudebrowiggerfaggots and the young generations grew up with it. The first 3 games were just OK. They aren't greatest games in the world material, they arent bad, they're just OK.
>Halo 3's multiplayer maps were absolute shit compared to Halo 2.
No they weren't. I always hear this thrown around here and don't understand it at all. Every map in 2 was a pain in the fucking ass to play because the spawn system was abysmal. You'd be spawning in the middle of a giant gap in the map ready to be sniped by the mini sniper that every player in the game carried. Or half the maps literally had you spawning right across from the enemy team with no cover so you'd be immediately be insta-gibbed. Also the maps were fucking boring aesthetically and composed of nothing but the 2 drab colors brown, and grey.
I have yet to find a game that captures vehicular combat like Halo does. Any recommendations would be appreciated.
>good gameplay
>fantastic soundtracks
>variety in levels both aesthetically and gameplay wise
>giant battles with shit tons of enemies
>guns are fun to use and there's lot of them
>art is some of the best in the whole FPS genre
I honestly don't get this "halo was always average/mediocre" meme. The series was a great take on the standard corridor shooter that every shooter after doom was.
Quakefags don't like change.
you forgot
>enemies actually played differently than run to your general direction and face tank everything you do to them
If you played shooters on PC before Halo you'd understand. It was dumbed down and crammed with story instead of fun responsive shooting. The AI was cool but other shooters were doing it better. That was the general opinion on Sup Forums until the halo 3 kids grew up enough to start posting
Oh fuck that was so hard. I had a team of 4 and it was fucking impossible. Didn't help that one guy was an annoying asshole, but yeah that was ridiculous.
>if you played shooters on PC before Halo you'd understand
Already assuming shit like a fucking idiot. Ironically enough my favorite FPS of all time was made before Halo and is a PC exclusive. Shadow Warrior.
>crammed with story
Literally what. Halo had no moments where you just sat around and waited for shit to happen the most "Story" involved in the game were the short well made cutscenes that played at the beginning and end of every level which were completely skippable. No different from the words of text that doom had before every level.
>The AI was cool but other shooters were doing it better.
Name 3. All I can think of was Half life and all the enemies in that game were aim bots.
already posted it friend, but it's nice to see some people haven't forgotten.
Great argument. Calling people babies when you're the one replying to everybody's post with a image because you can't sum up an argument. Fucking retard
>sup guys
>everyone starts talking shit
I miss those days man.Xbox live is pretty much dead with party chat.
>I miss those days man.Xbox live is pretty much dead with party chat.
Same. I recently played the Advanced Warfare and the only voice chat was people spamming rap.
I meant to say that the AI was better in Halo than other shooters of the time, but other shooters were better regardless. You play through it once and you're done. The multiplayer is trash, full of autoaim and by design requires way less skill, meaning there's a low skill ceiling. It popularised only carrying two weapons at a time, which again limited your abilities significantly. You always had Cortana or whoever barking at you while you were walking around even outside cutscenes too.
>Asks for recommendations
>Instead of posting superior games user proceeds to mock what he feels is inferior
Top notch user.
Nah, I played Counterstrike 1.6 and Half-Life. On the PC, you know, where FPS is meant to be played. Instead of babby's first FPS on a shitpile controller with regenerating shields.
Wow user, now tell us how you really feel.
Discerning meaning from images is a base skill you learn in school. You clearly were deprived so I'll tell you.
The image is saying your experience in first person shooters is lacking, and you defend Halo because its clearly either your first or favorite due to your lack of experience. There are far better FPS series, Halo is mediocre. Sorry you and your teachers have deprived you.
brought a smile to my face
Every game I get excited for has a cancer community, shit gameplay, has dlc out the asshole, or dies after a second
Halo 3 was the last huge multiplayer game I remember where it WAS BETTER than my hype, which young high school me was all in on.
You do know that Halo 1 and 2 were on the PC right?
>but other shooters were better regardless.
How so?
> You play through it once and you're done.
Maybe you. I still do yearly Legendary and LASO playthroughs with my best friend.
>full of autoaim
What the fuck? Are you referring to aim assist? Something that was needed due to the fact that the game was made with consoles in mind? How is this a detriment? The PC version didn't have this.
>It popularised only carrying two weapons at a time
Why is this a bad thing and why is it Halo's fault for doing it. You don't blame doom for the majority of shooters after it being placed in tight corridors do you?
>You always had Cortana or whoever barking at you while you were walking around even outside
No you did not. She said short sentences about 3 times a level to teach the player about the covenant or forerunners, or situation at hand. You can always disable character dialogue volume in the options dude.
>gay marriage plebiscite in Australia
>all the pro gay marriage advocates and tv hosts constantly shoving their "vote yes" down everyones throats 24/7
>one "vote no" advertisement airs on tv
>the collective butthurt from the pro crowd is worse than a faggot taking a triple anal penetration from 3 black men while throwing tantrums like children and unfriending people on facebook because they voted 'no'
I want the world to end.
Yeah, nobody played it there. Why would they? I mean the only reason people even played Halo in the first place is because their parents only bought them an xbox. If they played on PC, they would have just played objectively superior games like Counterstrike.
>The image is saying your experience in first person shooters is lacking, and you defend Halo because its clearly either your first or favorite due to your lack of experience
Again like an absolute fucking retard you are still assuming shit. I've already stated that my favorite FPS of all time is Shadow Warrior 1997. Halo 3 is like my 5th or 6th following Tribes 2 , Blood, Half life 1, and SWAT 4. The only person here who needs further teaching is you since you can't go one post without assuming shit like a fucking toddler.
>implying I went to college
How are you enjoying greentexting every line individually? I hope you're having fun.
Talk about it
Sounds like a better time....
He's a shit eating halotard, what do you expect?
the only good thing about halo was it being a party game with custom games
its casual, slow trash compared to nearly any other fps
>Yeah, nobody played it there
>how dare he present his argument in a readable fashion, this upsets me for some reason
Okay, from this point on I'll just make everything a giant messy paragraph so retards like you don't get flustered