
I'm not letting you have the last word because the thread 404'd you fucking cunt:

The onus is absolutely on Square Enix to educate their players.
>"Ohhh but i did all the hard content before, now i just wanna relax, and coast through the rest"
And I'm happy to put in the effort if I'm in a party of equals, but if SE is giving no guarantees to player skill why should I even try? People lie to get into clear parties, sabotage them, then leave without any repercussions; people say they know the mechanics in farm parties, then die to the first AoE because they got carried or paid for a clear. That behaviour shouldn't be tolerated, and if it's not going to be arbitrated then players deserve to be given tools to counter it which are more powerful than a mere Blacklist. If you're a complete fuckup you need to be quarantined.

>you just seem to be the only one who still can't clear with them.
It's fundamentally impossible to clear a fight if your DPS don't have the minimum output to beat the enrage. Remove enrage timers then and let me carry as a healer. You don't want to know how many times I've wiped to GA-100 or Sophia's enrage because the DPS can't do their fucking job, but I'm happy to carry little babies like you if it means I can win the fight.

Other urls found in this thread:

I respect this level of petty spite.

Does this balding retard actually do the vocals for songs? They couldn't hire an actual vocalist?

why the fuck do bosses in this game have such long fucking transitions, i just want to hit shit not watch a cutscene mid fucking fight

>you learn the achievement I am the savage delta, I am the savage omega

ded thred jus like gaem

>Learning O3S.
>I keep getting tethered to the same DPS who can't fucking face the correct direction for mindjack.

I have yet to pass the dragon because either a DPS fucks up, or the OT dies to the dragon because they aren't using cooldowns.

>weeks later shitola poster is STILL doing his autistic routine
Just noose yourself.

>use silence on a healer
>they immediately heal themselves anyway

what the fuck's the point?

Same reason you're allowed to move when you have .75 seconds left in a cast time. Potato servers powered by hamsters.

You've got complaints about the vocals? Let's hear them then. No?

Thought not. Now shut your mouth.

Not like we'd ever get XV-kun tier autism in XIV threads.

Go back to WoW and stay there.

That is the answer to any uncultured philistine complaining about story, flashiness, boss transitions, vocal music and everything else that they are too simple minded to appreciate.

>35 second lakshmi transition is great
kys nigger

There have been a few, but eventually waifu posting and greentext DF stories drowns them out.

(not him) i recently went back to WoW. i find that though the fights are a slower pace, i'm never not doing anything. in WoW i have to pool resources, or use a defensive that eats into dps done

>need 7 more 11s and 1 more 12s to complete sam glamour

Nice argument.

I repeat my statement: This game is beyond your mental capacity, go back to WoW. It is exactly what you are looking for, and filled with other brainless retards like yourself for you to play with.

>Get Susano EX to 20%
>Party leaves after wipe.

If the wipe was to enrage, they made the right choice.

Is it really simply the fault of WoW that people want everything they want NOW?

I think its more of a overall change in mindset with the populace entirely.
Nowadays you will never see anyone going in the library and search a specific word they wanted to know about since they can have everything they want as soon as possible with their phone.
This can apply to almost anything.

Basically, even if they make the best MMO ever, people won't play it if they can't have everything quickly so they can afk in front of their house or town.

>cutscenes midfight
ff14 fags defend this, you should all be gassed

Party wiped at levinbolt.

This only happen in 2 shitty 8 man dungeons and was never used again tho.

Now that Red Mage is 2nd to last on fflogs up to 95th percentile then last 95th-99th, will people stop complaining that the job does too much damage for the difficulty? I main RDM because it's easy and I'm totally fine with it's place on the leaderboards. And I don't even want buffs because ousting any other job seems wrong because they have to work much harder.

what lol? multiple fights have 20+ seconds of you doing absolutely nothing

what the FUCK none of this would work

Kil'jaeden has about 2 minutes of dead time per fight

Oh what, you're against fight transition too?
Fuck you then.

this game makes me want to pull my hair out and yet I still play thinking it's going to ever feel rewarding. I haven't even started the current raid tier yet because everyone is fucking garbage except for the people who already cleared raid

Poopsocking doesn't make money for devs. Quickly consumed easy casual content makes the big bucks.


I didn't read the old thread, and I've long since quit the game, but I'd just like to say, it was always my stance that any content in this game that takes more than 3 or 4 players is an absolute mistake, unless it's just braindead easy like the Crystal Tower type junk.

The more people something requires, the more likely you are to get a shitter, whether you're using raid-finder or not, and in a game as crappily designed as this one, a single shitter in any role is enough to potentially fuck everyone up.

Then there's the whole having to schedule your life around a fucking game, etc.

tl;dr Fuck this game and how it's designed. That is all.

I mean, I can't argue with that, its true really.
But I just kinda miss the old days of MMO where getting to max level (if there was one) was actually an impressive fit and was actually celebrated.

Fucking hell, leveling up is so easy nowadays that people ask me why I told them "Grats" when they get a level.
I miss the days of "ding".

>I'm not letting you have the last word because the thread 404'd you fucking cunt:

When did you quit? I've "quit" a few times and honestly, I'm pretty much on the verge of quitting again now

To be fair, all the vocal tracks are fucking horrible though.


I had quit like 3 months into Heavensward, because I hated the raid structure, came back for Stormblood because my best friend promised me that they were changing so much there was no way they wouldn't fix that, and then quit again as soon as omega came out because it was the same stupid shit all over again.

>Koji Fox will make a Pickle Rick reference
>He's also going to ruin the Ivalice raid with his amateur reddit succor speak
Why is this game good but has the most awful people working on it?

A lot of WoW bosses have long or flashy transitions though. The strategy for killing Malygos under a time limit was bringing as many ranged as possible while he monologues. It was funny.

You sound like a whiny faggot. Fuck off to /vg/ where you belong.

>tfw 14 is dead for 4 more months

why play


Don't blame you. I think I'm going to keep playing until my sub expires, and then once it expires I'm going to seriously consider leaving the game for good. I told myself this before but the longest I went before I came back was 6 months.


>literally nothing to do in this game 2 months into expansion

Has the autistic janny stopped deleting these threads yet?

I like koji fox and I like the localization.

It's always going to feel like it does too much damage to shitters because if you remember to use cooldowns and keep the spells rolling you're already approaching peak performance, and every spell cast giving you a whole gcd to maneuver makes them bleed less damage from dealing with mechanics. Shitters will think it's overpowered because it's trivial to outdamage shitters as a RDM.


Funny how Dangan Ronpa off topic chat room threads stay up as well as other "general" threads like WoW can hit bump limit but if a XIV thread is made it's straight to the bin.

Really Enochains my Firaja's.

Kill yourself.

>Omega 4 Savage

what game is this gif from?

>fell behind but am becoming Khloe's best friend next week

WoWfags are getting desperate because their game is bleeding subs to FF14.

Nearly all the shitposting in FF14 is WoWbabbies whining.

>Have the title
>never got 3 lines

I wish they were this cute in game.

Hilda's the cutest knife ear and only because she's a half breed. That or get them when they're still young and haven't morphed into giraffes

Why does that cat slut have so many best friends?

Final Fantasy Brave Exivus /ffg/'s favorite game.

>Static exploded
>Try to pug O4S nonetheless
>Prog parties can never get past Exdeath
>Some ever fucking dare to say that I'm at fault because I try to do as much DPS as I can even though I never die and the party get fucked on BH or even goddamn flare


Thanks for saving me $9.99 (legacy) yoshi.

I turned myself into a spinner-rook Morty!


Her only best friend is Gegeruju.

>become Khloe's best friend
>see other people have the titles

She's not a slut! She's an innocent little girl.

>finally cleared today
Now I expect it to clear every week until I get my stuffs

>tfw you will never have your 6 year old daughter ask you if she can make her own lalafell character on FFXIV

I had a SCH make this same argument who believed in the main healer/off healer meme. The guy would have like 1k hps

Speaking only from FFXI experience: I'm sorry but no, you are wrong. You need to make notes on who is shit. Use word of mouth. If you are someone who really does put in the effort, then join a good group.

This is how FFXI worked, and I presume this is how XIV works. If that is not how XIV works, then something is broken.

You picked the wrong cat to please

>then something is broken.
The whole goddamn world is broken user.

Reality check aside, world of mouth doesn't exist in FFXIV like it did in FFXI, people don't communicate at all beside their own special circle.

Word of mouth worked in XI because the servers were fucking tiny and everybody knew each other, and there wasn't a stream of new blood constantly in and out.

Also, just saying "then join a good group" is a fucking stupid thing to say. First, you have to find people who even play at the same times as you consistently, then you have to work you way through weeding out however many fucktards you have to week by week to narrow it down to a good group, and if you're lucky - IF - you're lucky, the couple good players you know won't have burned out by the time you have your group 2/3 of the way manned.

There's also the fact that if you're not in a "good group" already, you're already locked away from accessing the majority of good players who have already gone through the process.

It's more of a job than my job is just to find a fucking halfway competent group of people to do anything with.

word of mouth is pretty fucking hard. i kept a txt file of shitty players but with name changes and new players shifting out the older players, it gets really hard to maintain and quite frankly only helped twice when the same guy tried to join my farm party for sephirot and then months later nidhogg.

There are no good cat to please, find a nice hyur or elezen wife.

My cat wife is actually very lovely

My FC and I kick shitty players and liars we remember on PF

To Gegeruju and her other clients

>not getting standing blowjobs from your Lalawife

Casual scum

>frontlines roulette isn't less than 5m
ded game

>Look up what raids were like in ARR and HW
>Turns/Stages where its like going through an extra hard dungeon fighting mobs instead of a single big boss
Is this what normal raids are supposed to be like? I never played WoW

Elezen are cute as they are now.

>Play a dragoon
>Can't stop backflipping
I fucking love these jump moves. This class is so fun.

What was the term people used for pulling everything all at once?

>tfw no once plays them
>tfw everyone is a stupid fucking lizard or cat

No they're not. They giraffe

T1 and T3 were fun, but people complained about them being a "waste of time".
At least Creator normal had some trash mobs up to A11. Now we just get warped to unrelated arenas for each boss fight, with no build up.

Why aren't you doing those raids now instead of just "looking them up"? You know you don't have to do exclusively Stormblood content you know. You can even just solo most of Coil at this point.




It's impossible to make a satisfying boss fight with just 4 players, retard. Healer dies? Instant unavoidable wipe. Tank dies? Likely the same deal. DPS dies? Boss enrages, because otherwise it would be braindead easy. Which it mostly would be anyway because 4 players are far to few to make for interesting and challenging party coordination mechanics.

8 players is pretty much the absolute minimum amount of players for the game to be balanced. You could have fewer DPS players, but that would only make queues even worse.



he doesnt do all of them
I think he sung titan and ravana ingame
and only rapped rise/locus live

my god eat something!
i feel like im gonna watch her bones break

>Make your own PF groups
>Kick and blacklist shitters, assholes and ragequitters
>Friend list/Discord/Linkshell good/cooperative players
>Within a few days start getting only good groups and have a catalog of confirmed good players to pull from

Wow, that was easy.