Did i fuck up?

Did i fuck up?




are you a numale ?

everyone played that years ago

you bought a switch, so yes

I was in college and only pirated games 3 years ago. Mummy didnt buy them for me

the superior version is free on PC

what are you doing ?

Superior version in laying in bed comfy playing on my switch.

Nah, it's a great game. Portability is nice but it still isn't the """definitive version""" they made it out to be.

Yes you did fuck up. Ubisoft went full retard on this version of the game and now that version has FPS issues and lond ass loading times where the wi-u version had none.

Even if it's not as good as other versions, it's Rayman Legends on the go, so that's reason enough to get it if you love the game enough.

>Definitive edition
>Arguably the worst version of it yet

I like the game but how did they fuck the loading times up so bad. How does it load way slower than mario kart?

>Definitive Edition
>Worse load times and performance than the Vita version
>Dropped Vita's adhoc multiplayer


But why they didnt have to compress it is ubi just jewish???

Probably didn't thread the loading process.

in what way it's superior?

Vita version is portable, has touch-screen for the Murphy sections as originally intended and has an amazing D-Pad instead of the Switch's "acceptable" arrow buttons.

>has touch-screen for the Murphy sections as originally intended

which are a pain in the ass to play through.