Nu-Battlefront 2


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Special animations? For each character? Too much work. Gotta cut every corner.

There's so many things wrong with this leaked image it activates my autistic rage. Dice has 3 fucking months left and this is suppose to be Greivous. Holy fuck thry can't even be added to make a new model that isn't human, I really wanna know what Droidekas look like now.

And its the wrong color.


You will buy my game. My chosen force avatar powers tell you to.

what is this suppose to be

post-EP1 maul?

Doesn't this supposed leak say that droidekas aren't even in the game?

Fucking hell, the real Battlefront II had him dual wield swords and pull out two more if you attacked long enough or made a dash attack

Disney and EA were a mistake.

No Asshoka.
No buy

Why is it that now we have all the graphic capabilities in the world, we can't make games fun? No matter how bad this game is, it looks utterly incredible, possibly one of the greatest looking video games ever made. but we can't get general fucking grievous with his lightsabers, what the FUCK

i feel like its because game companys think that we arent willing to wait like 3-4 years for a fuckin great game. and they are so wrong

>Corellian Corvette map
>Grievous's sprint attack covers the entire width of the hallways when he pulls out all 4 lightsabers
>You see him running towards you

I loved doing that shit with Maul in Mustafar and POLIS MASSA. So many dead salty clones

I cant make out who thats supposed to be

Is there any not-garbage YouTube screenshot

Why are you guys care about a game that got bought out by EA and is different from the original games?

>another nu-Battlefront hate thread
>open up Gameranger
>still only one server with any people on it
>it's still only vanilla


where is this even from? new gameplay?

although nu-battlefront is already completely unbalanced, heroes are the most unbalanced thing in the history of multiplayer videogames. over half of all of the kills in an entire match is done by heroes. Everyone's k/d is around 1 or 2 at most while the hero-hogger's is 100

DICE just needs to reskin battlefield and copy the singleplayer from the previous battlefronts but they are so dumb don't want the games to be battlefield clones (which what the originals were) so much that they don't even have a conquest/capture point game mode which the originals had.

ok??? people don't care about old shit anymore, big surprise.

That model and shading look like shit.

Fucking Polis Massa was a bloodbath, my brother would always play there as Darth Maul just to run around like a high speed blender

What did they mean by this?

Reminder, again.


>Tom Phillips
Shut up, Tom.



They wont get sent in til a couple regular droids die comedically

Seriously, no droidekas no buy
They're to worried about making the fame pretty and not having features that eye on the fucking ps2

Right in the Geonosis [FREE] Dee El Cee along with brand new legendary loot boxes. Magnaguards are next in the [FREE] Courescant Dee El Cee with more legendary loot boxes :^)

if DICE would let people mod battlefield, fans would immediately make a battlefront 3 because the games are so similar.

Master Windu! I take it that general grievous has been destroyed then

>mfw Polis Massa for DLC

I TOLD YOU Sup Forums

>its free because its gameplay-related
Not sure how this is supposed to be bad

Prequel content was clearly an afterthought given that the only confirmed Clone Wars heroes are Maul and Yoda, they didnt realize how much people would dig it

>freaking out this much over old news
Get help. The topics clearly about Grievous' placeholder model thats named Yoda for some reason

Also he's using luke's stance from the first EA battlefront in this image

I get it.
It's hard to do both completely different eras in a game that's so fucking hard to make because of the super good graphics.
But Polis Massa not being their TOPPEST priority as well as Hoth was for the first game, can be a fuckup of biblical proportions.
They better fucking put it on vanilla or else I'll go to Sweden and bomb their fucking HQ.

But the real Battlefront 2 majority was Clone Wars focused, even the Campaign was about the 501st and everyone loved it. Why is EA forcing this shit nu-trilogy that nobody likes?

Almost like theres no precedent for a 4-armed lightsaber-wielding droid so they just slapped a force user skelton on him for now

The old Battlefront 2 came out the same year as Revenge of the Sith and had a story tied in to it.

Nobody started openly hating the prequels until RotS was at least a few years old. The game was literally a product of its time.

people have low standards and will buy it to get their video game addiction hit. people in this thread will buy it. maybe half the thread. it'll sell like hotcakes because face it, most people don't care and want to eat shit.

it was half Clone Wars half OT

it was half and half, you had the rebels on the death star, you had to return to kill wookies, and you had hoth. nigger

You seriously expected anything else from EA? Come on man.

Hating the prequels is a meme from nu-fans of Star Wars that came into the series around ep II or III. That nostalgia syndrome where you hate new stuff and love shit that came out before you were born.

Yes, Anakin was a whiny bitch in the movies, yes JJ Binks is terrible comedic relief. Still, the movies and setting were tight af

>alpha is imbalanced

You don't say

They've been here for over a decade in some form or another. Overwatch lootboxes were a good thing, they were a reversal of that trend.


Gimme a hug man

You're saying this like the final game will be much different. It's the same exact case as the first game.

>you'll have everyone trickshot and jumping around like retards instead of having everyone roll around spending stamina like it's supposed to be
I'm glad I wasn't hyped for this. Goddammit

>mfw they announce Magnaguards
>mfw they're just holding a generic grenade launcher instead of the cool electrostaff they have in the movies

Is that Darth Maul? COuld they not give the character famous for introducing the double lightsaber a double lightsaber?

Prequel hating is an easy way to spot a reddit bugman. Luke was just as whiney as Anakin in the OT, 3P0 was a bigger fag than Jar Jar etc.

TFA is the worst film of the series, if you can even call it anything other than a reboot

I'm not even sure what I'm supposed to be looking at here.
Is that Grievous? Shit, my dude.
I had 10% hope that they would get their shit together, but my hopes have been dashed.
Can't even be upset.

It's Grevious. Clone Wars was such a fucking afterthought they don't have a proper custom four armed model for the most iconic Villain of the fucking era.

At least the Prequels were redeemed to an extent with The Clone Wars series. While it had it's own flaws it was still way better than the movies and gave Anakin some semblance of a character.

Theres no way someone is this stupid that they completely forgot about E3 and how the guy who got Maul ended up MVP



it's prolly just a beta u stupid fuckin faggots lmfao

>TFA is the worst film of the series, if you can even call it anything other than a reboot
Have my babies.

The only enjoyable shit from that turdfest was when an X-wing was on screen blowing shit up. So, like 6 full minutes of the film.

luke also got his ass handed to him repeatedly and only ever DI NOT fail when he stopped being a faggot and man'd up.

anikin never stopped being a whiny little cunt. for ever and ever. even darth vader anakin was just a crying little bitch. no convictions no discipline, how the fuck did that little cunt turn into OT vader?

People who defend the prequels is an easy way to spot not only reddit but an actual kid. The movies fucking sucked major dick and the only good thing was the universe it created around the clone wars.

jar jar was even worse than r2 and c3po because they were ALSO in the PT AND reprised their dumbass roles as 'family friendly characters so you can let your kids watch'

I think everyone agrees with that, I even saw a few reviews of it and they said that part was great but the overall movie was sloppy.

The main thing I'll give TFA is having the best setting for a lightsaber duel in the series even if the fight itself wasn't great. A dark snowy forest is the perfect contrast to their sabers.

i suffer the existence of PT because it gave us such glorious gems as the original BF and BF 2. republic commando. gennidy clone wars, and CGI clone wars.

that is what typical means

I don't know what the mode is called but theres clearly one inspired by BF1 Operations. Thats all they needed to sell me on it, Operations is the best thing to happen to Battlefield in a long time.

I believe in an interview from ign, they said that they are getting prequel models from lucasarts that were used in the movies and are touching them up to fit the game's style. I don't think it was so much an afterthought as much as it was DICE just stretching themselves too far to fit the demands of disney and fans

Looking forward to seeing JJ 'reboot' RotJ?

this. except even the nuXwings are tarred with the brush of shit because they're NOT star wars tech, they're too shiny and flashy and perfect.

star wars tech is all huge and chunky and overengineered etc. see xwings , ywings and even the y and b wings in the films.

That just makes it a shame. Wasted potential

We WANTED Luke to blast in that scene, come out of nowhere and kick ass. Mark Hamill himself thought that was going to happen.

We get 2 kids flaying their arms around with glowsticks and a supposedly powerful dark jedi jobbing the hardest anyone's ever seen.

>Mfw Gennidy Grevious isn't the canon one.
Was it Lucas who wanted Grevious to be a pointless jobber instead of an actual threat?

TFA has great visuals, and some great quotes, as well.
It's shot beautifully.
However, some things about it just irk me to no end. I have a good feeling about Episode 8, though.

>mfw didn't like TFA but looking forward to TLJ
I hope they give us the space sloth.

Given all the clone wars actors on board for this he'll probably turn out good

yes and because he showed up to work with a horrendous cough that he recorded and demanded be used somewhere

gennidy grievous kills a shitload of jedi.

clone wars grievous kills SFA and onl manages to be Muh Evil killing clones.

>tfw Grievous coughed all the time in the cartoon
Wew, never knew that bit.

Fucking hell. Suddenly since everyone loves the new movies, now Sup Forums has to hate them and say how the prequels were always amazing despite them shitting on all 3 several years ago

they made it a part of the story, mace windu almost killed the ever loving shit out of grievous.

his few remaining organic bits in his chest got full on force crush'd (a darkside ability) by "i'm totally a good guy, i dindu nuffin i'm a special snowflake because we can't have the only BLACK jedi go evil!" Mace Windu.

>and then the eu comics had quinlan vos anyway, but that's okay cos he's a brown guy and they can say he's an arab/muslim expy.

FUCK, did I just let up the ruse that Sup Forums was any more than 3 people posting together?

kill yourself you hive-mind faggot

>screams hivemind at others
>hates and loves the same things that the fa/tv/irgins told him to because he's a contrarian faggot

could not even make myself sit through torrented rouge one, tfa was barf worthy.

and pt was dissapointing and shit as all hell.

cannot understand how star wars fans can even accept this new garbage?

>whatever happened to palps being a gorrillion years old having ruled his evil empire for thousands of years after thei mythological clone wars with vader being his hundreds of years old implacable invinicble henchman?

>whatever happened to skywalker kids mom being dathomiri witch that got with vader?

I always thought his coughs were because his lungs got itchy and not used to expanding and being inside a droid body. Never knew Mage Dindu nuffin squeezed them tight.

>you wont get to play as count dooku and kill some kid that just spawned in as rey and say SHLOPPY

Why does she look like she has down syndrome?

yeah, they got proper fucked by srs bizniz mode windu

Being a Mary Sue can do that to you.


because she has an extra midichlorian

Well consider how fucking bad TFA was that it makes the prequels look good.

Rogue One was alright. Even if it was fanservice: the movie.

>you won't get to stand there as vader blocking rey-players retarded flailing whilst you voice comms "Not Impressive"

I'm not even the person you were responding to, I never saw the movie.

get a grip, kiddo

Daisy Ridley is that ugly in real life too.

But Anakin had way too many midichlorians and I want to fuck his fucking brains out

I never even realized that though. It really is a great location. Too bad you can't appreciate it because the fight sucks so bad