ITT: Post the most cringe inducing youtube thumbnail you can find. Keep it vidya

ITT: Post the most cringe inducing youtube thumbnail you can find. Keep it vidya



markiplier is going on tour. his shows in ohio are sold out already.

any video with destiny 2 will do, it's basically the audience of cod at this point

this hurts to look at

is posting minecraft considered cheating?

>only 403,000 views
Surprised, with that kind of name it should be guaranteed million.

>The same content for 3+ years

Yes. Extremely.

Also, buying into kid's trends just to troll them is fucking stupid.

Why do nu-males open mouth smile in every photo? It looks so fucking stupid, it never looks good.

The kinda people Neptunia panders to.

Just imagining this terrifies me.

Classic Sonybro

doesn't this fag dude let's plays? how would that even translate to a live show?

Leave Knack out of this

What do these guys do at these things?
My brother (who is obsessed over minecraft youtubers) once told me that diamondminecart person has live tours and I can't see that guy doing anything besides play minecraft

Gee, you obsess over this guy and "ironic weebs"
Almost makes me think you are him

All of these

>red dead is skipping switch
Um duh? We can't get a game like that on a mobile platform probably until 2022

>Sup Forums BTFO

Is this a youtube profile or the Sup Forums catalog?

fucking kys ironic cancer

Does this guy watch anything that isn't bottom of the barrel mainstream trash? Genuinely curious.

>anime channel
>not a single anime discussed

What's his endgame exactly?

>its just his video thumbnails / titles

No that's his shtick. Pander to the SAO, and naruto pre-teens. Calls every character a waifu or husbando, reacts to those "Anime on crack" videos.
It's pretty gross to watch.

How did "cancer" become such a popularized term? I remember it being taboo to speak of it casually just 3 years ago

Gonna guess live streaming in front of a crowd. Which he will then upload for even more youtube bucks when all the kiddos that watch him want to see themselves on the video. It's pretty crafty.

I unironically like Markiplier as a person

I think he's a good person desu

the cancer wave that hit youtube when minecraft came out on xbox was incredible.
my favorite was when they would just put a random pornstar in the thumbnail and make that the world seed then make a 5 minute video showing the seed


Lost Pause isn't even an ironic weeb. He obviously has interest in the medium he's just obnoxious about it. You don't even need to watch a video to get this.

Difference between ironic weebs and obnoxious ones. If anything his "fans" are the ironic weebs.

YouTube should be a 18+ site.

You don't even know him as a person, you faggot. You really think whatever "down-to-earth" blogsona he uses to bait people like you in is his real personality? No, it's another facade. He's an entertainer, you are being entertained, he is performing his job, not becoming your friend.