Do you agree that Persona 5 is the best PS4 game right now?

Do you agree that Persona 5 is the best PS4 game right now?

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It's best game out right now PERIOD.

No. Kill yourself weeb

No, it's still Bloodborne.


Nier Automata may have a word or two to say about that.

But I think its at least worth a spot for 2017's game of the year if that comforts you.

>Do you agree that Persona 5 is the best PS4 game right now?
>It's best the out of five games.
Sure, why not?

I would say so.

I like bloodborne a lot too but there are gameplay elements that I feel BB regressed on in comparison with the souls games where as P5 is superior to the other entries as far as mechanics goes. The story and characters are the only real thing I could see people arguing over.

Not even the best Persona game, much less the best game of an entire library of games.

I like Nier: A a lot, but come on, it can't even begin to compete with P5 let alone the title for the best PS4 game.

Genuinely liked it, but can't help but feel disappointed compared to P3 and P4.

What do people like about this game? I found it really disappointing compared to 3 and 4.

My favorite parts of these games are the time management sim aspects and all of the side stories in social links. 5 did a terrible job on both of those aspects of the game.

Persona 5, Yakuza 0, Bloodborne. The holy trinity.

I'm new to the Persona series

Should I play Persona 3 FES or Persona 3 Portable?

FES, its not even close.

FES unless you really want to play as a girl.


Generally I'd say Portable if you want to play as a lady. and FES if not.

Portable lost anime cutscenes and the ability to actually walk and explore around areas. Though the general gameplay does have the upgrades they had in Persona 4, like being able to actually control your party members and change difficulty.

Fuck no. Game is a soild 6 and enjoy the majority of my playtime but doesn't hold a candle to 2, 3 and even 4 for me. Bloodborne is still the best game for PS4 and the best game this generation.

I've never played a Persona game, and I don't own a Playstation, but I want to play P5 because I love the look of the ui in screenshots I see

what's wrong with me

Neither. Play vanilla since it doesn't have that retarded ending and the combat won't be broken from AI controlled party members.

Nothing. My sister and mom felt the same way when they looked at the menu screen while I waa taking a break. It's almost hypnotizing.

The UI is unfortunately the best part of the game.

femc is kind of bad for a first playthrough, not only is it not canon but it really changes the tone of the game in a way that doesn't really match the games themes, its great for when replaying but I wouldn't recommend it for a first time player, the game even recommends to do male first.

Vanilla has AI party members as well (which works fine) and FES is pretty much a straight upgrade, there is no reason to recommend the original p3.

This, but I agree that it is the best game on the PS4 since Bloodborne.

Vanilla has AI only characters. Playing vanilla would be like playing non Nocturne maniax

It's boring as all hell on a replay but the majority of that first playthrough was a pretty magical experience. Fuck Goro

Cause she's not as angsty/depressive?

Agree with this. P5 is a wonderful game with huge depth but Nier is like a art

It does mesh with the game better but that's not really it, its that he is fighting against death by learning to embrace life and that fits better with his personality.

Persona 5 is very good but Nier is better. P5 might not even end up in the top 5 of this year.

2nd or 3rd best

The zodiac age and kingdom hearts are on PS4
>best PS4 games are PS2 games

Zodiac Age is mediocre like every version of FFXII and Kingdom Hearts will always be trash.

persona 5 is better than 3 and 4 in pretty much every way

Yeah I'm sure you're also the guy who thinks From's 12th iteration of the same game is the best game on the system.

Or lack thereof.

I, for one, would love to see another Armored Core game alright.

I probably enjoyed the game more (and it's play time is about triple of Nier's) but I still really liked it.

I did start crying a bit during the credits to nier though.


This. It'll be like by the time Atlus has a new PS4 game, it'll get delayed and ported over to the PS5 in 2019th. This happened to Persona 5 PS3, held back a year so they could update assets to 1080p.

>Yakuza Zero
>Gravity Rush 2
It has way too much competition for game of the year. It's all style no substance the game, Nier has a better story while Yakuza 0 deals with the scummy underbelly of society better while both games have a better OST too. P5's only advantage is that it's the best looking persona game and is a little less blatant about sucking your dick (at least in comparison to P4)


The fact that Mr. Shakedown is more entertaining, threatening and has more depth than every palace owner save Kamoshida is a fucking travesty

While I do think the game is pretty great (outside of burger king) it is pretty obvious they kind of abandoned some game concepts between the start of kamoshida's palace and madarame's.

While I was still able to get some of Life Will Change with the safe rooms I think their original plan would have been a lot better. The whole thing is "the cognition is weak so you can teleport" but when they're at maximum alertness and specifically on edge you can just immediately teleport to the end.
I had never gotten the alert meter high outside of taking the treasure either, so for most of the game I thought all of the high-alert effects were just exclusive to the heist and not just things that played whenever there was high alert.

Yeah, this. Nier Automata is the geatest thing since... I don't know, MGS3 and Chrono Trigger? Undertale is the only thing that comes close recently from the "great game that pushes the media foward through its artistic merits and depth" point of view, but it still doesn't hold a candle to Nier (Though it's not fair to compare a game developed by an actual studio, written by an actual writer, to a one-man-army indie game).

Persona 5 is still REALLY, REALLY good, and would have taken the GOTY in any of the last five years except 2015 because everyone was so in love with Witcher.

2017's first semester was so fucking stacked it's ridiculous.

No, I don't even think it's a very good game outside of the presentation

Ys VIII or Bloodborne is the best game you can play on PS4

Nioh is better.

I haven't played any souls games and while I'd probably like them I don't know why people suck off bloodborne so hard, from what I've seen it looks near-identical to every other entry in the series.

It's up there for sure, it's on PC too though.
I think the gameplay is starting to show its age, but I like everything else about it.

Bloodborne is a good game but it's shit tier compared to Demon's Souls and Dark Souls 1. Hell it's not even better than Dark Souls 2. it is at least better than DaS3 though.

>I don't have any idea what I'm talking about but i'm probably right



Someone tell me what this series is all about. Can I jump in on the latest one? Should I play older ones for free first?

The game is flawed as hell, I wanted to enjoy it but nothing clicked for me my entire play through. I don't hate the game though like I do P4. I'd say my biggest problem with the game was the villain of the month structure. All of the bad guys are hilariously irredeemable pieces of shit, they have no depth as human beings and the worst part is, they aren't even entertaining. The winds of destruction show that the bad guys don't need depth when they're fucking fun, while Yakuza Zero has the big bad choosing to give up a multi-billion yen land deal instead of betraying and executing his own lieutenants over a shitton of money showing even evil fucks can give a shit about something more than themselves.

Where in my post did I say I was right?
Why are you so defensive?

>Hell it's not even better than Dark Souls 2

I like Berseria better.
Persona 5 is too similar to the past two games and still did the social link thing, which is boring and repetitive.
Nobody likes clicking pointless vague dialogue choices and you can't convince me they do. The dungeons were good though.

Yup, P5 and FFXII Zodiac Age.

>Nobody likes clicking pointless vague dialogue choices and you can't convince me they do.
Tell that to crpg fans

Dark Souls 2 is like a crappy version of Dark Souls 1.

but at least it was still an RPG with different ways to play through the game. that's the entire appeal of the series, both BB and DaS3 are just shitty fast-paced action games where they only way to play is to dodge through boss attacks.

meanwhile in DeS, DaS, and DaS2 you can get a completely different experience that legitimately feels like a different game just by choosing whether or not to use a shield, let alone magic, what kind of armor you'll be wearing, what path you'll take through the game, etc.

sorry i can revise it to >I don't have any idea what I'm talking about

Fast paced ARPG with ass-ripping music eg

You can definitely play the latest one first if you want to, but most of the older games can be beaten in a few hours so if your gaming time is limited you can test drive one of those first and see if you like what the series has to offer

I played the demo of Berseria and absolutely hated that to the point I have no interest in the game. Is it actually good? Combat seems fucking awful compared to Vesperia and Xillia1&2

>sorry i can revise it to >I don't have any idea what I'm talking about
So should I revise mine to "Why are you so defensive"? Why do you live bloodborne so much, and why do you think it's better than other souls games?

but there's like a billion of them, let alone remakes

This was honestly one of the most disappointing and boring games i have ever played in general. I got a fucking VITA for persona 4 golden because i played an hour of it and loved it. ended up loving all 100 hours of it. This game i couldnt tolerate past july in game. Havent touched since may now. I think its only nu males or people who have never played persona before think its amazing, because as a fan who has played them all and enjoyed them all except persona 1, persona 5 is just as garbo as p1.

Can we stop this
Persona 5 is NOT A 2017 GAME

Geeze, dude, if you hate it that much I really don't recommend you playing it at all.
The combat isn't very strong until you get farther in the game. You unlock mechanics hidden in "glacites" that drop from optional bosses (like +1 minimum souls when combined equipment upgrades equal +30 or something). It makes the combat feel very clunky at the start but I'm on NG+ chaos mode now doing infinite combos with every character and finishing off with dual mystic artes.

It's definitely not as good as Xillia 2, that's for sure, but the plot and characters are so good I'd say give it another shot just for them.

It is for most of its audience.

I've played 1-5 and I'm not a "nu male" and I enjoyed the game.
Tell me, what are some games you like

The nomenclature can be kind of confusing (especially with the remakes), but there's only 9 main entries in the series. I usually recommend starting with Ys: the Oath in Felghana. It's an incredible game that's over in about 8 hours, and it's a pretty surefire way to tell whether or not you're gonna enjoy the series as a whole

Does that mean that current generation is beyond saving and crash of the vidya market is necessary?