What game would you play last before killing yourself?

What game would you play last before killing yourself?

I would like to have played through the Final Fantasy series from 1 to 12 before an heroing.

As of this moment it's Samus Returns

Stalker SoC

You'll an hero once you get to 2. It's a trash fire.

Persona 4 probably.
It's the only game I've actually loved. I wanna play P5 but I don't know if I will like it so better not take risks

Legend of Mana

Katawa Shoujo. Then I could be with my waifu one last time before I die

It's a bluff user

is it bad?

The fuck your mother in the ass game.

Kirby Super Star Ultra

None of them. They'd just remind me that I used to be able to enjoy things, and that would only make me feel even worse.

Making yourself feel worse sounds like a good idea. You'd be more likely to go through with it.

Why not rack up a debt on a credit card. Just make sure your family knows that they don't have to pay your debt when you die.

Majora's Mask. It's a perfect thematic fit.

that doesn't make any sense? how the fuck will you know you like it if you don't play it?

Planescape: Torment nice knowing you,
Sup Forums

what are you implying, OP?

stream it on facebook, faggot

The one I played before my last several attempts.

Or you'll literally become too depressed to even kill yourself. That's actually a thing. The reason they warn you about possibly getting suicidal thoughts from antidepressants is that a person might be too depressed to commit suicide but the medication makes them feel just slightly less depressed, so they go through with it.

I will only kill myself after playing a remake of FE4/5 that has as much love put into it as Shadows of Valentia.

>Playing a game before killing yourself
>Not killing yourself on the spur of a moment
Spoken like a true virgin.

I would kill me some niggas

Dota 2, or some other team based moba crap

At best, I get one satisfying victory before i end it.

At worst, I get a disappointing reminder of why I am killing myself.

Cya in the Blood War.

Killing Floor

>Oh, woe is me! Life sucks too much. I'm going to end it all right now. Well... one more game first.
If I wanted to kill myself I'm not sure why I'd feel like getting in one more game.

Skyrim, that way the game never end - LOL ;)

I haven't watched that movie since it came out. How the fuck did Mami beat Homura again? How did ribbons > time stop?

Okami probably

Thanks for reminding me

I wouldn't be playing video games if I were trying to kill myself.

i want to 100% all the dark souls games, fallout games, and elder scrolls games before i even consider an heroing but by the time i do that i might be a legit old man

i'm already 30...

captcha: Permit NCRACE

Russian Roulette


it has a calming effect on me

>LOL ;)
Why not get started now?

play with my dick

Perfect Dark was with me a good 8years.

Persona 4 or 5, so you can think it through once more. Feel good games are what you need user.


Yume Nikki