Webm thread
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am I allowed to post regular shitty webms too?
I didn't wanna get tricked again by buying into early access so I didn't get alpha. I GOT TRICKED AGAIN, those fucks even closed alpha access and they stated no early access will be happening before release.
if you had kept up with the game i would expect that you would be aware of their stance on early access
youre fucked now cuz keys go for $300
The dude is going to phase out of reality
I laughed.
anime btfo
Goodbye cartoon island
That fucking uppercut from hell
this game will never come out.
is mordhau playing okay in the alpha? probably the most excited ive ever been for a game
polishing and balancing aside, the core combat game is at the level where a triple A game would call it release ready except for the lack of content
it plays phenomenally
>all these low quality tiny webms
awesome. this is why i love games that find a niche and focus solely on that niche
what game is this?
>new game
>already bullshit twirling
if youre talking about the sledgehammer thing plore did, thats prolly the worst you could do and its likely gonna be reduced
there are no backswings, at least not at the level that chiv had
Hopefully this is true chiv was my favorite game and the ballerina knights completely ruined it
i agree
fortunately mordhau has a very high skill ceiling with other mechanics like footwork, chambering, attack morphing, etc.
>there are no backswings
he literally does one at 4s
to be fair he was like 90 degrees from me, instead of the more than 180 degrees you could find in chiv
the game still has accels and drags, but they actually look natural and not floaty, and they are still aiming largely at you
I think it's diluvion but I haven't played, I just have it there sitting on my library (not the original poster)
the devs made it so you can parry it, but they do no damage/swing trough
its quite brilliant actually
Oh how exciting another game about flailing about like a retard.
weak bait
>"it's nothing like chivalry"
>it's literally chivalry
>facts are bait
Hey user do me a favor and get up from your seat. I know, it will be hard, but try it.
Now, pretend you have a sword ok? Swing it around a lot, swing it like fuck like you trying to kill your mommy when she doesn't bring you tendies.
Tell me, how often do you whip your head side to side while doing the swinging motions? How often does your head follow the movement of your arms like you have a rope connecting your wrist to your forehead? Is it 0? I bet it is. Now you know why all these games are garbage.
try harder
wtf is this?
What game?
Whatever you say, user. Enjoy your spastic game for as long as it lasts cause I'm pretty sure warband 2 or whatever will come out at some point and that too has the same retarded combat.
superpower 2
This gives me fairy bloom fresia vibes. I hope the enemies actually vary a bit and fight back instead of just pointless, easy styling.
Great, now I have to go and start another 200 hour M&B campaign
he's fast
aw thats mean to do that to a lil turtle
quickest round I've ever seen
i dont get it
What game? Is it as good as the old Descent?
Did they really change banana
Yeah new Inferno fucking sucks. Not as bad as new Nuke though.
Doujin game coming to PC/PS4.
Why does this have a fisheye lense effect?
Seriously, why do people adjust their FOV like this? More screen coverage to see more?
It makes games like this look retarded.
Not him, but I'd recognize Overload anywhere.
Yes, it's made by the Descent devs.
It's very very very good, much better than the new Descent Underground bullshit.
This feels like Descent 2.
And it has actual level design, no procedural bullshit here.
Hard to say if it's as good as descent 1 or 2, but it really is the closest thing you'll get - I like it more than Forsaken, and more than Descent 3, and that was the closest thing I got to a true descent sequel.
I like how you can tell in this how you just accepted your fate straight away.
Overload made by the original original creators + ex volition people
just as good as the old games might turn out to be even better even
>my computer is going to be too shit to run it
I can barely manage Chiv
What game is this?
its optimized for toasters i think you might be able to manage
its by the same developer.
judging from the trailer, it looks like its gonna be the same with enemies not really fighting back allowing you to just combo them to infinity.
wtf is this? Modded fallout 4?
Good job
is this game ever going to be good?
last patch was weak
>dark souls is hard
>mario is for kids
>the combat is retarded because it isnt 100% realistic
name one game with 100% realism
Will someone make a multiplayer version of this game?
>Early access
For what purpose
Data Realms is working on a new game with coop.
I hate the art style.
But love the idea
I think the be all end all would be multiplayer for this game.