Vidya related things that never stopped hurting

>Vidya related things that never stopped hurting
Will it ever end?

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oh give me a break with this, if it had come out you would shit on it because it wouldnt live up to your unrealistic expectations.

The demo looked amazing, I don't know where you're coming from with this garbage.


We'll never get a sequel even though the original devs wanted to make one. Why did Sierra have to be a huge cunt and send this game out to die?

Whoops didn't attach my image

>fans had the opportunity to show capcom there was demand for the game
>they didn't
Causes one to ponder and the mind to wander yonder.

Sequel fucking never.

While looking up this picture, I got so immediately fucking angry that I want to just hit something. I fucking hate you Crytek, I'm happy your company is just one bumbling failure after another now.

Kim jong fatty needs to nuke worst korea for this Trap

>tfw you only played one Timesplitters
>tfw it was one of the best shooters you ever played

tl;dr me on why this series discontinued.

>Haze didn't sell well
>Free Radical went up for sale while Timesplitters 4 was nearing the end of its development
>Crytek bought them
>Crytek shelves Timesplitters 4 and has them work on another game (I can't remember which)
>Free Radical is liquidated and turned into Crytek UK
>Crytek says that Timesplitters 4 (which at this point was like 98% finished) would never sell because people don't want to play cartoony shooters
>Crytek has them work on a sequel to Homefront
>Crytek loses a ton of money because they are stupid and don't know how to properly invest
>Sell off Crytek UK to Deep Silver along with Homefront: The Revolution
>Crytek UK becomes Dambuster Studios who just made Homefront: The Revolution

tl:dr: Crytek told Free Radical's head that no one wanted Timesplitters 4 so many times that he believes it himself and has no interest in bringing the series back. It's also the reason we will never get an HD collection

>It's also the reason we will never get an HD collection
>he doesn't know

actually Inafune sabotaged the product to leave the impression that he was the only one getting shit done at capcom before he left


The entire interaction element launched with an announcement after the waifu wars. The very first article first advising the unique position the game was in since the game was only just entering concept stages. And videogames were never announced as early as this one, and it was later revealed Inafune already handed his resignation in before the announcements. That's also the reason his submission was a napkin doodle; he forgot he had to go on with the charade that he'd be working on the game.

Too bad Capcom deleted those posts and you cannot go back to them

I mean an official HD collection with the story modes

Fuck you Inafune.

Is that bench bolted onto ice?

>Not safely securing your metal benches to a material that will melt in a few months time.

>that perfect balance between a fun story taking you through different time periods, tons of challenges with different objectives and crazy, mutiplayer where you could literally play as a monkey with a crossbow will never be done again
>they would likely just take it, make it a second rate overwatch and hide all the cooler characters behind micro-transactions
>there will never be a good console shooter with modes where you could literally play tag, king of the hill and all-v-1 deathmatches, all while picking between hundreds (if not thousands) of weapon loadout combinations and tuning the game settings to just your liking
I miss it so much, guys.