Her only purpose in the game is fan service

>her only purpose in the game is fan service
prove me wrong

Easy, her actual purpose was late game exposition dump in regards to the killer, Nanako

>We want the closet homos audience

Seems you posted the wrong image.

why wasn't this an actual ending?

>the game is fan service

I want to kiss Naoto.

how lewd can one detective be?

>friend simulator 2008
>character is designed to appeal to players

you don't say

They didnt do a very good job with Naoto ace defective then did they

>buy P4 because I love reverse traps
>become an Atlusfag

When does this happen?

daily reminder

I'm surprised so few people know about the actual ending of the game. Even on Youtube everybody puts that fake out Adachi ending as the "true" ending

I want to fatten up Naoto.

No idea.

they need to cover their bases, make sure there's a waifu for every taste

Don't forget, she's the only girl confirmed to have had sex with Yu.

Cute socks.

Nothing wrong with being a fanservice character.

Its the opposite really.

>using fan polls

These are the same fuckers that think Goro Akechi is the best confidant in Persona 5. The japanese have the worst taste.

If Yosuke is number 2, this better not be popularity.

what's wrong partner, can't handle the truth

Could atlus make it any more obvious thru stopped caring about writing real characters and just want to feed into the players ego with their recent games?

Jesus christ what the fuck happened.

Is this what sells?

How can she dance with all of that weight?

The person I was replying to said that they failed at making naoto appealable and in this case a poll is relevant, especially with their target audience.

What a coincidence I want to do the same to Yukiko

>feed into the players ego

there is literally no other point to videogames, at all

But people love getting their dick sucked and told they are the coolest person ever.

>she's the only girl confirmed to have had sex with Yu
the shy ones are always a freak in the sheets

Could Japan's taste be more shit?

yosuke might actually be alright if you could turn him into a sissy and make him suck your dick

at the very least that would stop him from talking

Appealable to people with terrible taste, we know.

Naoto is all I care about in persona 4 say what you will.

Also her and Kanji are canon MY BOI.

why did he try to go in the TV again

Can Chad Ziodynecock be stopped?

Not only vidya, every single medium from literature to films is just escapism.

When has naoto ever showed interest in kanji?


ski trip

Is this from golden?


She was another self-insert character, really. She did everything so right and had all the information at just the right time that people can project themselves not only onto the protag, but also on this character who has a completely stupid arc.

P4's characters were a dumpster fire and I'm surprised I ever liked the game for the characters rather than for autistic fusions.

To get to the other side

Seeing Naoto brings up bitter memories for me now.
>finish P4 a few months back
>remembered that one of my first friends on steam would always tell me that Naoto was the best when P4 came out, but I had no interest in the series at the time
>drifted apart over the years
>last time we spoke he admitted he had a heroin addiction and his life was in shambles
>figure i'd message him my thoughts, but can't find him on my list so he must have deleted me
>check his profile, filled with messages of condolences and eulogies
>click on the link to his obituary, died of a heroin overdose in December last year.

Felt pretty shit. Sorry for the blog post.

y tho

The midnight channel was supposed to be inactive at that point and the screen flashed even though it wasn't plugged in, it was suspicious.

I remember now thanks