The protagonist of the last game you played has to defend you from these bad boys

The protagonist of the last game you played has to defend you from these bad boys.
How do you fare?

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>Ateliar totori
I'm fine

i honestly think i feel worse for my attackers

I want to know more about the self insert before the inevitable deletion


She gets destroyed yet again. If an insect is enough to damage her and a well bump is enough to destroy her, she wouldn't last 3 seconds against the Rowdypuff Boys.

>courier 6 from fallout nv

It was a placeholder female in a unity game, she just kisses them and they die.

So, is she black? Why don't they have an Asian or a Mexican? Hell, give us an Australian too you fucking CalAutistsArts grads.

why is she so big? that's not cute at all.
Are the rowdyruff boys gonna get a 4th member too? Fuck the ppg reboot

Rowdyruff shotas are cute!

Boy, if there's one thing I hate it's inserting minority characters into established franchises for no fucking reason

That's an instant win because she just has to kiss them and they explode.

Pretty sure she's older with hips like those.

She got raped by the Super Metroid before she could even react, and the boys are much faster than it.

>Professor made her some years before the girls
>She chimped out and got sent to some island and has a little elephant for some reason
>She's a teen and still nuts
>Has really creepy legs

Yup, they don goofed

Show me her legs, or give me her name so I can google.

fucking niggers.

According to the Sup Forums threads, they haven't been on the show.

She's the first Power Puff technically, but the girls did make a retard for a fourth member in the original


When I first saw these guys years ago as a kid I thought they were the coolest shit; they gave me a DBZ vibe. Even now I still like their designs and think they're pretty cool. I hate how they were defeated though. It was rather infuriating as a kid; the idea of fucking faggot ass magical girls defeating those GAR motherfuckers with a kiss. Literally JUST.

Thank god I play so much eroge.

>Monster Hunter Stories
a cute girl decked out in armor she crafted from the carcasses of the monsters she's slain, backed by the six monsters she used to slay the others. Sounds like a solid deal.

They already had a fourth sister, what the fuck is this shit

Creepy was too strong a word but they do look awful

This is why Trump needs to win in 2020.

Gurrrrl power !!! X3

I'm 100% okay

But what happened to the other girl? Why not add her and keep her as a permanent character?

at first glance it loks like the red one has BALLISTICS barely contained by her outfit which shows magnifique amounts of sideboob.

dissapointment yet still aroused.

anyway last protag was Leon Kennedy. He sits in the corner crying about never getting his slant pussy while the three of them rape me mercilessly. IDK if they're supposed ot be girls or boys this is perfect outcum.

Flash move, flash guard, win.

>Show about superpowered girls
>Expecting villain boys to win

>the Klingon empire
Stellaris btw

i thought they'd win by fighting or thinking smart or something. But no, turns out that if they get kissed they explode.

I actually didn't mind too much about how they lost when I was young. They were generally shown as superior, so the ending was an alright justification to me. Also yeah, their designs are pretty cool.

>Replacing a retard with a ganguro is progressive now

In the vast universe, the history of humanity is but a flash of light from a lone star. The life of a single person should be lost in space and time. But among the stars, there is one light that burns brighter than all others. The light of Samus Aran. Her battles extend beyond her life, and etch themselves into history.

Nu-Powerpuff a shit.

When is it too much for them? How many good things do they need to ruin for them to be satisfied?

So let's just be open about this, who else got a boner at this scene?
Also when Ms Bellum fought Sedusa

wait are you telling me shes a permanent member
what the hell

i was too young for that but i definitely felt funny

Phoenix Wright. He might be able to adopt them.
That was a glitch caused by Mojo's incompetency. Him fixed it later on.

To be fair, the retard died in the episode she was in.

I know they completely cut out Ms. Bellum and one of the writers self inserted themselves into a relationship with Blossom.

The episode with her premiers tomorrow. I'm guessing she'll be like that magic dog they added to FOPs and get dropped quick

They are the "Rowdyrough Boys" so the Powerpuffs would eventually lose since the boys are just better at fighting. They had to play the game differently

She's not a one-off? They're really making an entire season of that?

>I know they completely cut out Ms. Bellum

Such a good fight for a kids cartoon.

I'm glad they won't be in nuPPG they'd ruin them.

are there any good powerpuff girls games

If it makes you feel better, they come back in a later season and are immune to the kisses.


The last champion I played was Bomb King spcecced for health and Grumpy Bomb, so he *JOJO REFERENCE?* the fuck out of them.

The ppgirls literally had to WHORE themselves to win...think about that...

I like how Buttercup just goes straight for the leader, no questions asked. That's a nice little character moment for her.

Also, those drums are fucking intense, jesus.

The last game I played was Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2

The protagonist is either Goku, or my Time Patroller (who at this point is stronger than Goku)

Either way I'm sure to be fine

This whole scene was massive young boner fuel.

Her name is Bliss and her proportions are more fucked up than the powerpuff girls which is already a thing

unless they embrace /ss/ to make them fuck off or hurt their ego by beating them in a card game then i'm probably fucked

But that's Buttercup's MO. She always tries to be the toughest and bites off more than she can chew. Kind of funny being that she's by default the weakest girls since she's the one that doesn't have a special power.

Im good

>it's a sissy white boi episode

>Cell from FighterZ
I'm good, perfect android > ultimate little girls

Its the mandela effect, the pp girls have always been black you just never noticed it

>since she's the one that doesn't have a special power.

I don't remember bubbles having a special power

granted I haven't watched this show more than once or twice in about 12 years

It's /sl/ or sholicon when it's shotacon on loli.

Seriously all they needed to do was bring Bunny back except not retarded.

She'd be cute, PROBABLY the same size as the other 3 if she as normal, and doesn't seem to have some obvious donut steel characteristics like Bliss being black when the rest aren't, or bliss haven't fucking neon blue hair when the rest have natural hair colors.

Bubbles has sonic screams but Buttercup has been shown doing weird power shit in the later seasons like thunderclaps or something.

She could speak spanish

PPG fighting game by Arcsys fucking when

I'd have liked that but it'd probably piss off a lot of people for, I dunno, retard shaming or whatever the kids are into these days.

Bubbles can speak a bunch of languages and has a sonic attack scream. That first part's brought up in the episode Blossom gets her ice breath.

I think Bubbles had super speed that was probably faster than the others? In the justice pals episode where she races against the 56k modem guy

Bunny didn't die for this

No they all have vague energy projection, and do concussive or rapid force stunts.

Buttercup's special ability was rolling her tongue



What the fuck.