How would you make a videogame based on Dougal Dixon's Man After Man?
How would you make a videogame based on Dougal Dixon's Man After Man?
There must be more to life than this.
>You'll never live to see the human race do that kinda shit
All I see are two Americans
Why even make it a living being at that point?
To have fresh meat
lol maybe ten years ago you could still act like only america has stupid fat people, the jig is up
But if we're at the point where we can make something like that, isn't also fair to assume that we would also be able to just make a "cut" of fresh, edible meat without having to make it a living being that needs to be fed and maintained?
It would be much more efficient to have it grow in a similar fashion to plants. Have a base support for nutrition transfer and possibly energy production, but have meaty "fruits" that are constantly nourished. Maybe keep, at most, bits of the brain stem so the meat is capable of responding to stimuli, thus allowing it to develop muscle.
>needs to be fed and maintained
Regardless of the method used, you can't just create something from nothing. A side of beef grown out of a petri dish would still have to be fed nutrients and energy somehow, it needs materials.
This book is weird, man.
If this came to fruition, the only thing it'd be filled with is big dicks and massive tits. That's what people want most.
the problem with just making a cut is that it begins to decompose and has no more potential for growth. you want the meat to have a constant blood supply until it needs to be harvested. I know a lot of games with alien parasites play with the idea of collecting biomass and keeping it "living" for future use. Halo and Dead Space are two that come to mind
But think of what else we could accomplish.
This reminds me of that shitty Walrus movie.
What kind of drugs did this guy use
post dl
A brain is not required to grow muscle. Google "lab grown meatball".
this is a good idea
>giving your food creatures human faces
But why? Just genetically engineer them to absorb sewage and turn it into delicious goop.
Why is anything in this book a thing? Like seriously, why is symbiotic baby a thing? Why are rapist mustache pete humans a thing? Why are anyt of these thing things?
What's a more likely path for our species, the shit from that book or an HG Wells scenario where we start out as bipeds and become little more than brains due to our overreliance on technology?
Some sort of tokyo jungle style game.
>not All Tomorrows
>What's a more likely path for our species
Isn't this just literally Parasite Eve 2
minus the loli controlling everything.
oh, spoilers
You're right that a brain (or even a distributed neural network) isn't required, but it does help automate a lot of tasks that would be overly expensive to do manually. These would include: regulating blood flow, signalling where the muscle should grow, basic warning system in case of infection/contamination, etc. Sure we could do all of this with technology, but currently our biological hardware is much more efficient at it.
I personally think we should start looking at high-regeneration organisms, like starfish, for a base template for rapid growth. They have minimal to no cognition, have a distributed nerve structure to reduce risk of killing organism during harvesting, and could possibly be altered to grow cow/chicken/etc-like muscle instead of the calcium-carbonate exoskeletons
Leaving flesh and becoming data
this desu, we probably won't even make it to Mars before we die off
It's biohorror trash. If you Last and First Men: A Story of the Near and Far Future is vastly superior.
we already are just brains wrapped in meatsacks. eventually we'll become better at making our brains portable, either via data-transfer or just becoming some kind of nerve parasite.
Did the Martians really have it so bad?
>regress into squid things
>in return gain psychic capabilities
>lack of method for locomotion is irrelevant thanks to mechanical bodies
>only have to drink blood
>ended up winning even after dying on Earth because ending implies a successful colony on Venus was established
Cultured meat is the future. Can't wait for hippies to hold us back from it because it's not "natural".
we're going to find an alien planet someday that's just a supercomputer feeding them tentacle hentai. It's gonna happen.
What's the thing that's similar to this except it involves an alien species basically subjugating humanity and engineering them into all sorts of horrifying things for alien's purposes or pleasure?
Even worse biohorror trash.
What we need to do is genetically engineer an animal that drops chunks of meat off of its body at periodic intervals, sort of like shedding fur, which will also grow back like fur.
I don't remember the name, but I remember that it was just page after page of body horror.
>that moon colony that got turned into flesh mattresses that eat shit
All Tomorrows is the superior speculative evolution book.
the Flood from Halo
Necromorphs from Dead Space
Xenomorphs from the Alien series
The Race from Run Like Hell
I can't wait to be a self aware robot
nemo ramjet's all tommorows
I have no mouth and must scream?
Dead Space.
The Marker is basically that.
System Shock 2
>the part where the eldritch aliens turn humans into immortal living bricks to build their structures with
that book was both awesome and horrifying
If I put my brain in a robot body, I want to be a robot cat.
the true dominant species will take over before any of that ever happens
The combine.
Shit was there only 1 printing of this book?
I wasn't talking about a video game, retards, fuck off to Sup Forums
>>that moon colony that got turned into flesh mattresses that eat shit
>the flesh mattresses eventually evolve into modular flesh pods that become colonial organisms
>The modular descendants of those original moon colonists live in a peaceful utopia knowing they outlived their alien oppressors
All Tomorrows had a lot of depressing parts but that was pretty uplifting
>I wasn't talking about a video game, retards, fuck off to Sup Forums
You're a special kind of stupid, huh?
I like you.
This stupid fucking thing looks like a shellfish being attacked by sperm. I mean come on who cleared that design.
>All Tomorrows
I didn't know how scared I was of bodyhorror until this thread.
What other books, movies or games can you guys recommend to stop me from sleeping anymore?
This thing?
dead space
Parasite eve
just watch The Thing and The Fly (both movies, both remakes) and you'll be done
What the fuck did you just fucking say about Tardigrades, you little bitch? I'll have you know Tardigrades are the most resilient animal known: they can survive extreme conditions that would be rapidly fatal to nearly all other known life forms. They can withstand temperature ranges from 1 K (−458 °F; −272 °C) (close to absolute zero) to about 420 K (300 °F; 150 °C), pressures about six times greater than those found in the deepest ocean trenches, ionizing radiation at doses hundreds of times higher than the lethal dose for a human, and the vacuum of outer space. They can go without food or water for more than 30 years, drying out to the point where they are 3% or less water, only to rehydrate, forage, and reproduce. They'll wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to Tardigrades over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak they're rehydrating and resuscitating to beat your inferior animal ass, so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. Tardigrades can be anywhere, anytime, and they can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with their 8 legs. Not only they are extensively trained in surviving under extreme conditions, but they have access to the entire arsenal of the Microscope beings Marine Corps and they will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. Tardigrades will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
Is there a download of these books? They are pretty great.
>try to find actual copy to own
>selling for like $300 each
You know aside from extreme environment survival tardigrades suck shit. Other creatures still prey on them and will continue too long before we ever reach an evironment that only they can survive.
>gets eaten
Literally the first result I got from 'all tomorrows pdf' was a pdf from /tg/
why the hell is it so expensive anyways? man after man is 70 dollars.
>can go without food or water for more than 30 years
They live up to a year, what are you on about?
Seen them both and love them (eve the 2011 The Thing)
The Wikipedia articles have links to the free e-book versions, I'd post them but the system thinks its spam.
life after man has its own website
>pdf from /tg/
fa/tg/uys love their pdfs. They have an archive of manuals that's impressive as fuck
That's basically what chickens do with eggs.
humanity already has enough fucked up forms as it is. we don't need any more
sounds like fucking shit
It's not in print anymore.
>All Tomorrow's Qu got subjugated and fucked over into Quckolds by Humanity's descendants
feels good
Man After Man pdf when?
What's a Qu? And what does it and the rest of the things you mentioned look like?
How our bodies change in response to our interactions with technology depends mostly on how we interact with technology. Right now the interaction is quite awkward in many ways, causing all kinds of health issues because we force our bodies into activities they haven't evolved to. But the way we interact with technology is something that will advance itself, driven both by the need for more efficiency, and the desire to incorporate technology into our lives in a way that maximizes happiness.
So unless we go the path of the direct neural interfacing to allow us to just dispose of our bodies and live as brains in vats, I imagine we'll just slowly adapt technology to fit better into a healthy lifestyle that is highly compatible with our biology. I see the adoption of smartphones as one example of this: They're far less efficient than computers for text communication, but people are actually moving away from computers in favor of smartphones because they allow them to stay connected without tethering themselves to a desk.
What kind of trauma has to happen in your youth to fuck you up to create a book of true monstrosities.
Anybody got that copy pasta about how mankind ventures into space, and eventually finds intelligent life.
But then in the first encounter humans accidently blow the fuck out a bunch of ayys, and word gets aorund the glaxy that humans are bunch of scary space pirate murderers.
So the humans cling to that identity and make their ships scary and wear spooky power armor and use voice changers to seem super scary to the ayys, because the ayys all leave us alone instead of attacking us.
Get a load of these primitives
This would eliminate all moral qualms about eating human meat.
Picture or explanation?
I think I remember a movie based on a similar concept
These things are super fucked up.
>Be aliens
>decide to attack a little mudball third out from a Starlet that can't even Supernova
>They beat you back
>This can't stand
>they must be punished
>when you win the next time, you end up warping their biology and into these neat little flesh mats that are very hardy and subsist on basically anything
>Have superior methods of handling wastes and trash in general, but decide to use your new disposal system (once known as earthlings) instead
>this goes on for thousands of years until you get bored and move on to greater space abandoning the flesh mats to their fate
Wonder how sentient these things are, wouldn't be much of a punishment if they weren't. And if you're gonna warp them this much you might as well optimize suffering and cherry pick critical minds in the last conflict, particularly ones responsible for the loss, and copy it all over. Then you have a whole 'species' suffering for their entire lives feeling personally responsible for dooming humanity to this fate as they gulp down alien shit and trash forever.
I know what you're talking about, but I don't have it
the narrator sees a movie where the aliens win and calls it bullshit. when the audience ask him about it he takes his helmet off and they all run out of the theater in fear
Yeah I remember this one.
Earth is in some sort of Bermuda's Tetrahedron of Space. And before they find these normal ayyliens every planet inside this section of space is pretty much lifeless (as far as sentience is concerned) except for some insane gibbering jungle dwellers that merely reproduce faster than they can die of madness. They get attacked precisely because they're from this section of space, because nothing is supposed to be even able to survive there.
So Earth was the luckiest planet to develop sentient life and mankind was looking for life in a bad area?
Where are you getting this from,?
It basically looks like pic related.
They're an advanced and ancient nomadic alien race that travel from different parts of the galaxy, genetically re-sculpting entire species and ecosystems on the way. They come across an advanced (but still recognizably human) version of humanity called the Star People and are triggered by the idea of another species trying to dominate the galaxy. They defeat the Star People and deform them into monstrous alien retards. The subhuman retards eventually redevelop sentience and a later descendant species of humanity encounter the Qu and fuck them up.
FYI heres the whole story/book.
sivatherium narod ru/library/Ramjet/01_en htm
The concept is reasonable, the execution is both disturbing and difficult. There would be two executions that could have prospective use:
If a creature were to grow a thick layer of skin and muscle and then be able to shed it and revert to a smaller form only to grow large again, leaving behind a thick layer of muscle, fat tissue, and skin, it could be harvested at the time of molting.
You'd effectively have to replace the hair follicles in a creature's body with some sort of new tissue that protrudes flesh from its openings to the air like hair, growing longer and potentially without end, requiring regular trimming/shedding to keep in-line.