Everyone is getting their videos demonetized

is this the end of ecelebs? everyone needs to censor themselves now if they wanna make money off videos

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you know I can counter you, right?


>is this the end of ecelebs?
I fucking hope so

They are forced to get real jobs

Nah man, they've just started moving to twitch.

Just moving to twitch

YouTube never had videos monetized in the beginning. Anyone making video game related videos did it out of passion and self interest. Monetization turned making videos, gaming or not, into a business for most. I'm glad its turning around.

it means they will rely more on patreon and twitch
there will always be a market for this because there will always be a way to profit from it
if twitch/youtube/patreon go down, new sites will take there place

Who give's a fuck? Youtube allowing videos to be monetized is what fucked itself over in the first place. It just finally came back to bite them in the ass.


>mfw PDP played YouTube like a goddamn fiddle by pulling out of Google and Disney's Collective Assholes right before it all went to shit
Say what you will, but he knew goddamn well what he was doing with making a profit and making sure he didn't get roped into some bullshit.

they will never get a job and will get kicked out of every job interview based on their work history on top of that every potential employer will see their autistic videos.
Best possible timeline desu senpai

oh boo hoo. Drones will still send them their tugboat money and mommies credit cards. They will still play only the hot new titles and dance for their nickels. Nothing will change other than maybe less user harassment and bombardment of this tired old crap on YouTube recommended lists.


nah, that's just DSP. Everyone else could probably parlay it into some kind of journalist, or article writer or whatever.

We will always be around. Oh, you think you can get rid of me by demonetizing my videos? I already made enough money. Hell, now you give me a reason to shill my Patreon even harder. With the money my fans send me on Patreon, combined with an donations I get from streaming, well, let's just say I will still make in a day what you make in a week, user.


>Youtube posterchild gets caught screaming nigger and making jokes about killing jews
>"lmao why are we not getting advertisers"

People are already talking about switching to other platforms such as Minds.com and Vid.me. I don't expect the transition to be over night. Likely people will shift slowly over a year or two. Generally, once a platform becomes heavily censored like Youtube is becoming, it marks the day it slowly dies. Myspace did a similar thing and people moved to Facebook. Now people are starting to leave Facebook for other services because of how censored that has become.

He was dropped. He didn't pull out.

Ignore it google will Serve no purpose and lose all sponsors becaus no one watches the politically correct shit

Nowadays every single youtuber plays it hyper safe and just wants to appease the algorithm, if youtube slowly stops becoming a job and more of a platform we could get people making vids out of passion rather than wanting to be the next pewdiepie

I wish it would kill them but nothing I hate that much will ever actually die

Good, youtube advertisement is only build around klickbait and high views.
If they are forced to use patreon than only those with actual high quality content will get paid and if they slack off it will hurt their pockets. Perfect quality control.

Why doesn't Twitch just make it easier to build and search a library of videos? Amazon could sign some of the big youtubers that don't scream nigger during videos and eat Googles lunch.

Twitch already has focused ads for "gamers" and I expect Old Spice, Asus, Hulu and the usual twitch advertisers don't care as much as Disney, Ford, etc.

If amazon signed non nigger-screaming youtubers it'd be no different than youtube, if anything.

Can someone describe what happened? I don't keep up with youtube drama.

Pewdiepie said nigger while playing PUBG, as if saying Nigger in PUBG is fucking unheard of.
Before that the Jewtube Algorithm was demonetizing any and all videos that may have swear words in them, putting the majority of ecelebs passive revenue out of service.

>Pewdiepie calls out robotic tactics
>Advertisers on YouTube bail
>people lose money for entertainment
>Pewdiepie calls out racial slurs by accident
>now even more people don't get money
Somehow it's not hurting the vloggers though

>jealous wage slave

>Youtube was hemorrhaging advertising money because their biggest star made a video paying poor people to hold up anti-semitic signs and got dropped by Disney.
>That same star called someone a nigger in one of his other videos
>The dev of the game he was playing is getting the video taken down so they don't have to be associated with him just like the advertisers
>Google and Let's Players operate in a sort of copyright gray area that hasn't been tested in court, so Google bends to the whim of the copyright holders hoping no legal battle takes place and potentially makes Youtubes biggest channels full of illegal copyright usage

>Before that the Jewtube Algorithm was demonetizing any and all videos that may have swear words in them,
it extended beyond swear words
a completely clean video with nothing offensive said can get demonetized for having the word gun or any other weapon in the title or tags, or a clear picture of one in the thumbnail
it supposed to be anti-violence measures, but that's the majority of video games

this has been tested and it seems like the automation has been targeting videos of users who have been flagged for other offensive reasons not related to guns

Pewds called out (((them))) so hard (((youtube))) got butthurt and changed tons of policies (not only monetizing videos) to avoid more Nazis from getting rich off their (((ad revenue))).

I look forward to when this algorithm fathers in a new era of digital cybernet censorship.

Fuck off

Google doesn't give a shit. That's why comment sections are the way they are. Google's customers, the advertisers, do.

>leftist JEWS literally own youtube and are more than 50% of their managerial staff

Why so afraid, bootlicker?

Youtube isn't video game related.

>leftist JEWS literally own youtube and are more than 50% of their managerial staff
Oh shit, you're right there really is a global jewish conspiracy to exterminate white men because some jewish people work at google.


Hard to argue when they BOAST about it, eh (((Wall Street))) shill?

the popular ones can just use patreon/kickstarters or they have YT contracts

Fascism wins the same way it always has. Through appealing to the emotions of the masses.

Imagine being this guy
boards.fireden.net/v/search/filename/ 1503418669904/

What the fuck is he even saying? That Jews can't compete?

It's subversion 101.

Great I hope everyone moves on from these ecelebs.

>Dance for nickels

I kek'd to this. Maybe Jews will dance to the shakels as well.


t. le enlightened centrist.

Yeah, God forbid people actually make money doing something they like. Gotta make sure they're miserable in "real jobs" like everyone else.

>is this the end of ecelebs?

>google demonetizing LPers for WRONGTHINK ends e-celeb cancer

neat. now we just have to contend with an orwellian beast.

>Terminating someones income because they violated your rules
Still stalking my posts? How sad.
You hate jews for spreading their ideology where it doesn't belong, yet here (you) are... Go back to

Leftism is great. I love censorship and no freedom of speech. I hope I get cucked and have ahmed have his way with my wife and pour acid on my face.

Make up your mind. Am I a centrist or do I have a side? Why would a centrist say "they are the real fascists" as if he were defending one side? Fucking retard. You should form your own opinions instead of parroting Sup Forums because it's clear you have no clue what you're saying.

The real problem isn't with them getting paid for doing something they like. The problem is how they shill for donations from complete strangers, getting thousands of dollars for just talking into a microphone and being a "personality".

Meanwhile not actually producing anything, just endlessly criticizing actual hard work and production while they sit and get paid by sad saps who desperately want to be recognized by an e-celeb.

>it's jelly as fuck Sup Forumstards trying to act smug again episode

How does it feel to be a talentless losers?

Fascism has became synonymous with authoritarian long time ago.

Yes a culture of silencing people who do or say things you don't agree with is definitely not on the fast track to fascism. Why do you think the rule exists? To appeal to the fucking majority, who want people silenced. Christ.

I never understood Sup Forums being so angry about e-celebs for the whole 'get a real job' thing. As if entertainer isn't a real job. Sure, you may not find them entertaining. I find most stand up comedians obnoxious, but I acknowledge that they are entertainers.

It's a profession like any other. Being ass mad that not everyone is a wage slave is asinine.

>high quality content
oh i am laughing

>Why would a centrist say "they are the real fascists" as if he were defending one side?

That's EXACTLY what every retarded youtube centrist e-celeb says tho.

The fact that you think patreon is in any way a form of quality control is pretty laughable, user.

Maybe those dipshits aren't really centrist then and just call themselves centrist because it's less ostracising than saying you align with the right.

I totally agree I'm from Sweden and we cuck harder than any German boys.

You are right anything outside your worldview is bad. There is no way we can win on an honest discussion or a debate outside autustic screeching and echo chamber. We need to call Google and tell them it's not alright to allow this.

They're not mad because its not a job, they're mad because they themselves were too slow/skilless to get on the bandwagon of web success.

So why are people angry that people pay money through patreon to get more content they enjoy? All it seems to me is more shouting 'why do people like things I don't like?'.

I don't know. I see them as entertainers. If they can entertain people, have fun doing it, and make a living from it, I say good for them. I just really like to see people not having to do jobs they hate.

>Yes a culture of silencing people who do or say things you don't agree with is definitely not on the fast track to fascism.
They are allowed to spread their cancerous bullshit on youtube, they just won't be paid for it anymore. The horror!

You can't play that, dummy.

Basically this. People are embracing "centrism" now because they know they will get shafted if they say they align with the right.

Because Sup Forums consist from 12 yr old envious children.

>>The dev of the game he was playing is getting the video taken down so they don't have to be associated with him just like the advertisers
No, that's wrong.
The dev of a completely unrelated game that he played months ago is who DMCA'd him, despite previously giving him consent to make videos of their game. You cannot retroactively retract consent like that. They can legally prevent him from making more videos of their game, but they cannot take down his existing ones when they gave him (and everyone else) explicit permission to make them.

Further reason why Trump needs to win in 2020. Google and Youtube fucking hate Trump's guts because he shits on everything SJWs and PCfags represent.

Because patreon isn't actually a form of quality control. A lot of "content creators" simply use it as a better way of getting direct income from their fanboys.

Of course, there are some that actually do take the funds from patreon and make improvements in the stuff they put out, but a great majority of them just see it as easy money that they don't have to work for.

>thinking Trump will even run again in 2020
For one he's extremely old, the presidency is not doing kind things to him already, and he despises his job.

>Why doesn't Twitch just make it easier to build and search a library of videos?
Actually, I think it did just that in the past. If I remember correctly, Twitch used to be justin.tv, which automatically recorded and saved every video you made, and I'm pretty sure you could search them as well.

pls child educate yourself on how patreon works before posting.Thanks!

I can understand that point of view, but unfortunately I suppose my pessimism leads me to going with "leeches with some charm" rather than legitimate entertainers.

I'd argue the only way forward is for an Amazon or other such large corp to hire big youtubers despite saying Nigger; telling anyone who has a problem with it to eat shit.

They just won't use games footage and nigger word in their videos anymore, its not like their audience will disappear suddenly because of this shit. Problem solved.

Fucking this.

>Because patreon isn't actually a form of quality control. A lot of "content creators" simply use it as a better way of getting direct income from their fanboys.
And this is somehow a problem? No seriously, what is the problem here? People pay someone to make content because they enjoy their content? Oh the horror. No one forces you to watch their content, and especially since it's through patreon they're to a degree insular.

>Of course, there are some that actually do take the funds from patreon and make improvements in the stuff they put out, but a great majority of them just see it as easy money that they don't have to work for.
I'm still not seeing the actual problem. People pay for content they enjoy. You neither have to interact with these people nor pay for the content when you don't enjoy it. It's a better model than many things like modern cable when I need to pay for enormous packages of things I mostly do not enjoy.

Yes, people pledge to give someone money by video or by month. They support someone who creates content they enjoy. I'm not seeing where I'm wrong here.

This will not happen. 100%.

But he loves to campaign.



They are not even center or right-wing, they are leftists in denial.

>You cannot retroactively retract consent like that.
Yes you can.




it's not the end. jewtube is going to start pushing them towards putting out more agenda driven content. it is definitely not the end. it's about to get 100% more cancerous

You sound like someone who is trying desperately to justify to others why he gives a monthly paycheck to an e-celeb like a pathetic cuck.

Everyone will just move to Twitch and Patreon. E-Celebs will never die. Once they got the taste of not working and getting free money just for talking to people they will never go away. Twitch will eventually accommodate for this and Youtube won't be the same e-celeb shit you see now.

also, not video games

Ah ok that makes it all better, say nigger all you want whilst broadcasting it to thousands.

Thats ok if they can find something like that in the future not my problem but they will not make money off me (ads)

Sup Forums has unironically been right about everything they've said about Jews at the top. You have to either be a brainwashed normie, a shill, or an actual Jew to not see their influence in literally everything in society.

>Further reason why Trump needs to win in 2020.
He's not even going to make it to 2020. He'll be in prison by then.

>All the channels I follow are now censoring all their vids and keep posting vids on how youtube is fuckin them just so they can make more money

I'm over this age of ecelebs. That and seeing them all over the place rather than actual news.


So sick of it.