Post games that you can still play effectively even if you're completely retarded

Post games that you can still play effectively even if you're completely retarded

any mario game. heck, any nintendo game, for that matter.

Risk of Rain.
You just have to know how to mash keys and how to complete a circuit around a level.

competitive overwatch


They're certainly not smart-people games, but you can't git gud at them with an IQ of 65.

vast majority of games made in the last 10 years.



Color Splash

Animal crossing

damn i came to post this

Why are salty faggots listing games in this thread that you actually need at leas half a brain to play?

Just because you don't like a game or its fanbase doesn't mean it's a game that completely retarded people can play. is a REAL example of a game that completely retarded people can play.
>point your mouse towards the thing smaller than you
>point your mouse away from the thing bigger than you

Serious response, probably a turn-based game with a low skill ceiling. Something like pokemon.


The civilization games on the easiest settings are VERY forgiving. You could probably scoop up some easy science/military victories with patience even if you were mentally handicapped

its all fun and games till le electric wurm appears

this desu

This one is kinda cheating since you can't lose in animal crossing. You can only not progress.

Twitch chat is completely retarded

My brother has severe schizophrenia and can't even do basic pre-algebra.

Even he can handle prince difficulty in Civ 5

he hasnt played splatoon or mk8 online.. sad

street fighter 5

Bioshock Infinite

Overwatch as a Mercy main.

Tetris. Even if you literally have autism, you can still be fucking ace at it.

>You could probably scoop up some easy science victories with patience even if you were mentally handicapped
As of Civ 5 this is also true of Deity

Any walking simulator.

wut? schizo doesnt impair your ability to do math, hes just stupid.

Autism isn't mental retardation you retarded autist

You're completely retarded you couldn't get past the first world in SMB

I play Crusaders Kings 2 with cheats. It's lots of fun I even feel smart when I'm raping.

If *

Newer pokemon games

Anything western.

It is in the ways that matter.

panel de pon is a nintendo game

Puzzle Bobble.

Mount and Blade 2

>have an immortal gay Emperor of Italy with 40 martial and 15+ in all other stats with over 10k gold and 20k prestige

I refuse to let him die. He leads every battle personally, beat cancer and the plague, and survived over 15 assassination attempts.
Best part is I only cheated for the immortal. I'm slowly expanding my empire east, and I won Jerusalem and part of Portugal in crusades.

I started as the Duke of Tuscany.

Thats funny you say that because Crusader Kids is fucking braindead

Any fighting game

Fuck off todd.

Most newer games but you can't say that out loud because then you'd be a nostalgiafag.
>overwatch(or most recent FPSs)
>Fire emblems after radiant dawn
>last of us and similar games
>most western games, specially western RPGs


Any open-world survival game
WoW post WotLK

