I really enjoyed the FEAR campaign because of these guys. Any other games with similar feeling AI?
Good Enemy AI
Halo CE,
Halo Reach,
Half-Life 1
Uhhhhhh....OH the Aliens in AVP 2011 had the best fucking alien AI and survival was awesome.
Killzone 2,3, SF
Rainbow six 1, RS, 3, vegas
ghost recon 1
Just to be clear, the enemies in FEAR didn't have true AI. At least not in the sense that they themselves are acting that smart on their own. It's a hard distinction to make.
How do make this game not run like shit and also have antialiasing on rx480???
Honestly, I stumbled on Jeff Orkin's paper about the AI, having heard of but never played FEAR; and that's what got me to buy it.
I understand that to a certain extent, STRIPS-based planner AI is not the most efficient, but they feel so much smarter and challenging in a good way than the enemies in more modern titles.
Yep, a lot of what people think is intelligent about the FEAR AI is actually down to smoke and mirrors. But the illusion may as well be just as effective as the real thing, so what the devs did is pretty admirable either way.
>Yep, a lot of what people think is intelligent about the FEAR AI is actually down to smoke and mirrors
In what sense do you mean?
It's a shame how the FEAR series went downhill
Like in every videogame ever made. AI is not just creating an intelligence and letting it automatically recognize everything in a map and make tactical decisions. No game does this because it's incredibly hard to do and you wouldn't be able to run it in realtime properly.
Any game with impressive AI is a combination of a good level design, mountains of "hint entities" scattered around the map for the AI, and the AI itself knowing how to follow those hints in a nice, fluid sequence.
It's like people liking HL1 grunts, but in reality the trick is that only two at a time can attack you while the rest run in random direction, shouting stuff. What I'm saying is a compliment. Nothing in games is real, everything is a trick. And if, while playing it, you think "Wow that is cool", than it is cool and the developer did his job well.
He means that it is designed exactly like in any other game, but much better.
FEAR's AI is extremely specialized to work with the level design and layout.
It's not truly smart AI, just really fucking perfect for the game it's in, and it's dressed up really well with the dialogue and reactiveness.
Brilliant job either way.
I hate this meme
>just like any other game
Pretty sure most games are still using simplistic behavior trees. HTN has some advantages, but is less common (and the second Transformers game which used it was also noted for good AI).
Well you obviously know more about the subject than I do. Isn't all modern game AI is mappers laying out hints for them (you can take cover here, you can push this table, you can do a roll here), and the AI decides which ones to do and in what order?
The last videogame AI to impress me was Oblivions radiant AI (wonkeyness aside) it's a damn shame that artificial inteligence isn't considered anywhere near as important as visuals.
Here's one of the FEAR devs explaining its AI in great depth
Here's a presentation by the Killzone developers about the HTN they use in their game/
Yes, we get it, you know a lot about pop science on the topic of artificial intelligence. Pedantic faggot. Everyone should start calling them virtual pseudo-intelligence!
No fucking shit, THAT IS THE POINT OF IT. Most games don't give a fuck and have AI that is obviously retarded; thus defeating the purpose. You're not proving anyone right or wrong like you wish to with trivia.
You just mention AI and then you get a bunch of Sup Forums turboqueers who have PhD dissertations on the subject.
While it was far from what Todd advertised, It's still much better than what we have in any other Bethesda game before or after. I recently found out that each NPC has a morality stat which determines if he'll steal something he needs, or pickpocket, or report crimes, or even his relationship to you (if he's bad and you're bad, he will like you).
And Oblivion NPC's have the biggest schedules in their day.
Yeah it was very cool, I loved the random unpredictable elements, you never knew what the hell was going to happen, random fights breaking out, riots, stealing ect, that went a long way to making the world more feel more believeable. Too bad they dialed it way down instead of simply improving on it, so dumb.
Uncharted 4 enemies have really good AI, though there's no slo mo and the maps are much bigger so they're not quite as ninja-like as the guys in FEAR.
I shit you not, I was playing FEAR just a while back and was behind a random pipe, next thing I hear from the soldier "He's behind the pipe! Frag him!"
>the ai actually isn't good because it uses the levels to it's advantage
Do the means really matter if the results are good?
>You shouldn't be impressed by FEAR's artificial intelligence because it's artificial, it's not true computer intelligence that doesn't actually exist yet
Hard to tell from the webm if it's actually good AI or bullshit psychic AI
They bothered to record a line for basically every obstacle the player could hide behind.
FEAR is a great example of game design in general really. It's amazing how well it holds up today.