Do you prefer set classes like FF4 or customisation like FF5?
Do you prefer set classes like FF4 or customisation like FF5?
Depends on how I'm feeling
Plot of FF4
Battle system of FF5
Atmosphere, music, and characters of FF6
I prefer set classes because I hate wasting time min-maxing and studying stats to figure out who is supposed to be doing what when.
brainlet detected
That didn't answer the question, faggot.
It can be assumed he prefers customization like FF5.
Depends on how the game handles it. FF4 handled it well because you had encounters which related to the character abilities, and even had repeat fights with bosses which relied on different class abilities that you had at that time. A worse game with set classes is going to come off as a lot more disappointing.
The customization from FF5 wasn't as good (it was the first dual-classing game so not too surprising) and there were a lot of highly niche jobs which needed leveling but were only good in a few select situations. But still, the customization options were fun.
brainlet detected
>wasting time in a videogame min-maxing means i'm smart
okay bud
>Wasting time thinking means I'm smart
What about a system where every character has their own class which they can then specialise with sub classes?
You don't need to announce that you're a brainlet.
>customization of FF5
If you mean 4+ Freelancers/Mimics then no. Honestly, the Zodiac Age's class system looks the most appealing.
>He thinks this was a clever comeback
brainlet detected
you're just going to reply to everyone with this unfunny shit aren't you
>Plot of FF4
>Battle system of FF5
>Atmosphere, music, and characters of FF6
so you want a realistic down-to-earth game that's completely off the wall and swarming with magic robots?
Isn't that basically just like FF4?
>haha look mama I said a word I picked up and thought was funny!
I like the sub class system. Allows for variation in gameplay without redefining the entire character.
>getting this triggered
Brainlet detected
FF4 is the most set of any of the games, even 6 and 9 allow you to change some stuff, I really don't like set classes. However for some reason I prefer the inbetween of the job system to the fully freeform style of Materia or the Junction system, howeveer those are better than set classes.
fuck me neo shinryu was a tough mf
I liked how in FF5, changing classes actually changes their appearances, even though they're not "generic" characters. FF Tactics didn't have it, so I can't get my kawaii white mage robed Ramza.
I just want to dress up my Rydia-chan.
nice taste user
What, Zodiac Age? It lets you pick two license boards out of the 12 available now, essentially giving 60 or so jobs. It's better since each board was designed to be standalone from the start, making the synergies more natural.
You know, we saw Cecil and Kain in Dissidia, I think it'd be nice to see Rydia in a crossover game too, since she's a very powerful character. Canonically, adult Rydia is pretty much Ultimate Gohan.
i love customization but ff5 has way too much of it
anyone can be anything and change any time, and being the wrong thing at the wrong time is deadly and there's no way to know until it's too late
this is from my 5 hour experience as a 13 year old and i haven't touched the game since so i may be wrong
i like etrian odyssey's way of doing things, you have one set class per character that you can subclass into another at a later point
Is that Kain in the logo? Why is he there instead of Cecil?
Customization of V. If my path is predetermined, I'll feel that my presence is unneeded. Also because I tend to go against what the stats recommend and it feels good. I'm also heavily in favor of interchangeable characters, so I can use whomever I want. Although I rotate everyone anyway.
I've often thought about this. I think I would like it when everyone has distinct classes, but I hope that there's a wide difference in specialization that for instance allows a mage to have a physical fist mage type sub-class and the warrior to have a mystical power samurai one. They shouldn't do the same things as each others classes, they should be restricted when going to a rival's area of expertise in some way.
I do think switching between sub-classes should be allowed, if only after a path is mastered at least.
>i like etrian odyssey's way of doing things, you have one set class per character that you can subclass into another at a later point
The resting feature is nice too, I think any party composition is fine, as long as it isn't something batshit crazy, and as long as skills are assigned properly.
Half the reason the ff6 characters were so memorable is because they had a set skill and job.
I think she's in PS4 dissidia.
Sounds like final fantasy to me
In my own game I'm making, I'm thinking of each character having their own base class (for example Dragoon) then two sub classes (For example a Dragon Tamer, and a Dragon Slayer). I'm trying to decide whether to have a third subclass, or to have each sub-class specialise further. I think that allowing a new game plus character to move over to another path would work well as well
Because Dragoons were very distinctive of Final Fantasy back then and easily one of the most memorable things about FF2 (where you just heard about a great dragoon NPC) and FF3 (where you first had the chance to play a dragoon). People didn't know the characters when they were buying the game back then, so plastering the most iconic Final Fantasy profile into the title, along with making them one of the major characters, was a good idea.
Now, everybody knows who the characters are and dragoons are everywhere in the series, so that's why they put Golbez's silhouette in the logo.
I really like the uniqueness that comes with customization. FF4 is probably my favorite FF and I replay it all the time, but its a very bland playthrough each time because I know the game so well. Customization on my team like in FFV or FFT or such gives a lot more fun in replayability. Every time I play those I can try something new that changes the feel of the game.
>being the wrong thing at the wrong time is deadly and there's no way to know until it's too late
FF5 is balance in a way so any job can beat the game some classes have it easier than others. The job fiesta proves this.That was more of a problem in FF3 with certain bosses like Garuda.
You'll end up with a character who is just "defensive Dragoon guy" or "offensive Dragoon guy" with that sort of setup. Just replace "defensive" and "offensive" with however you want the sub-classes to specialize in. It really won't matter too much because, unlike the FF job system, you won't be getting the option to put together oddball classes and try them out. You're basically given a choice when you get the character and that determines what stat spread they'll have.
It might be interesting, but it probably won't be as involved or exciting as you're thinking.
Depends on the game. FF5 is a terrible example of the latter, since everything in the game was generic and unmemorable as fuck - story, characters, classes and roles, NPCs, locations, pretty much everything except Gilgamesh(and him only because he's been meme'd to death by square and fans ever since.) In a game like that, a make-your-own-twink system just helps make the game a pitstain on the industry instead of a great RPG. In a game like FFT or TO, where care and attention is given to at least some areas of the game, you can get away with a good class system though, and it feels right and fun.
Set classes help define characters, and in that respect they can be more fun, but again, if the rest of the game fails you it only hurts, not helps. FF13's a good example of the failstate, where it jerks you around so much through so many strange combinations of characters before the system opens up, that it just feels obnoxious. FF4 was at least a little more considerate about what your party consisted of at any given stage of the game.
The question is if it's better to have more jobs with 5-10 skills or fewer jobs with huge skill trees, talents, perks etc.
Personally, I hate customization, because it's just a lazy way for developers to pad out a game by adding more layers of grind.
A good character with unique skills will always be more memorable on top of the fact that you don't have to essentially level them 20 times to get to a good build.
Why not lots of jobs with lots of skills?
Development time.
>wasting time
Hello blithering idiot.
Yeah, this. Sometimes I'm in the mood for something simple, other times I'll want options. What kind of boring person wants all games to follow the same rules?
>triggering off triggers
Brainlet detected
>hold my hand daddy!
>doing stuff on my own doesn't make me smart!
I prefer how dungeon crawlers do it. Set classes, but you design your whole party going in. You can finetune everything but you dont have jack of all trades or needing to grind over a dozen classes per character.
Devs could shit out a game like FFIV in days if they wanted to now
Wouldn't that get rid of the point of specialized classes? I mean how many skills can an archer really have? Or for that matter wouldn't lots of them have skills bleedthrough to one another?
Because of R&D. Chinese companies could shit out a high end laptop in a month but other companies spent the time and money designing and creating the parts.
That and Kain is a major villain, rival, and friend of Cecil's.
One idea I think could work would be basically taking the FFXI Job system, where you have both a main and a support job, but each character in the party has a dedicated Job that they have to keep equipped at all times (either in the main or the support role) that would be the basis of their design. That way the characters all keep their distinctive abilities and the devs can ensure that the player always has certain key roles on their team. And then there could be an Expert mode or something that removes that restriction and lets you go wild with the job combos.
Why is there a need to know who is supposed to be what? The idea is you make them whatever you want, as though those were their set classes. Being able to change in the middle is further freedom.
Even games with set classes have room for min-maxing, and optimal equipment and all. So this isn't dependent on the game's style, it's dependent on the type of players.
Because you'd inevitably reach the point where most of the skills/Jobs are functionally identical. In order for the Jobs to even have a reason to exist at all, they need to be specialized, which means they need to have a select amount of focused abilities.
I like being given a defined character, not a blob that I can just do whatever I want with at any time. A mage who, at the drop of a hat, becomes a knight is ridiculous from a writing standpoint.
What about a character class that someone is permanently on (like Dragoon) and then a sub-generic classes (like white mage/black mage) that can be switched around?
customisation, easy
So FF Tactics is a no-no as well? Everyone can change classes, but they still play their individual roles, such as Agrias serving as Ovelia's knight.
Nobody uses the unique characters in FFT
I prefer the baton pass system in persona 5
set classes
What about FFX?
I like both. However, I do agree with the people who said that giving characters a set class can be good from the standpoint of writing, story, and character development, so I don't mind if my party members have a set class.
On the other hand, I do have a strong preference for being able to customize the main player character/protagonist.
I only use unique characters
What's the point of having the huge class system then?
Bard Orlandu
White Mage Agrias
Samurai Rapha
I misread the intent of the post and meant "I only use generic characters"
Both are fine, I don't like shit like 10 or vanilla 12 where every character can do everything at the same time.
customisation like FF5
Is IV the Final Fantasy with the least amount of customization? And is V the most?
Yes, basically.
You could argue FF2 or any of the post-SNES FF games have more potential customization but its not necessary for the premise of the thread