What was Nintendo thinking?
What was Nintendo thinking?
Other urls found in this thread:
>he's back
>these are games for children
mystery solved
All games are for children user.
That you're not thinking
None of the other zeldas had this level of retardation.
To make everything like this for WWbabs from then on
If you think about it, there is a progression here. This is one of the hardest puzzles in Wind Waker because you can theoretically put in a wrong answer. Compare that to the rest of the game where you are never even given the possibility.
Fuck off, shit for brains. WW is comfy
Not really
Yes really. Children and manchildren.
It's an optional puzzle. All it does is activate a way to easily travel in and out of the tower should you have things to do in Hyrule before you finish the game.
Literally in the same room there's a puzzle where you have to fight Phantom Ganon and figure out that you're supposed to enter the door that his sword hilt points towards without it being explained or hinted to you at all.
I want to see dean takahashi play this.
i'm more interested in what you're thinking. also love how mods don't just ban obvious well known shitposters even when their post history can be checked for repeat offenses.
you have nothing of value to contribute to this board, to this world. why don't you suck down some helium and end it already you fucking coward?
I'm pretty sure if you try to fuck it up KoRL just spoils the solution anyway.
First time I got the hint but didn't know what to do with them, at this point of the game you haven't used the boomerang in forever
They were thinking they made a great song
>WW is comfy
Yep, babby
looks like standard garbage zelda puzzles to go with the standard garbage combat
Why would you even begin to think that?
>it's so compricated wersterners no way they make puzzre sorve
Man go fuck your mother and go eat a dick. I go to Sapporo constantly for my job and it's just dog shit design. Incompetent people are everywhere.
damn this guy got mad
I want to fuck that bird
i'm curious what part of my post you interpreted as angry lmao
was it the part where i questioned op's validity as a human being? i'm sure they are very well-accustomed with such inquiries
easy user
deep breaths
It was a babby game. You can't even die unless you just act like a retard.
which one are you user?
Not him, but I wish I were a kid again, so maybe mamchild
It's not about westerners, it's about the absolute shittiness and insulting puzzle design all throughout Wind Waker.
did you have a stroke while writing this? what the hell are you talking about?
so it doesn't annoy any of you in the slightest that garbage threads never get people banned here, even when they are instantly recognizable even without a trip?
Is this thread VIDYA related? Then who gives a Fuck? If you don't like it, ignore it. Honestly you're being a little bitch.
>you have nothing of value to contribute to this board, to this world. why don't you suck down some helium and end it already you fucking coward
Mad as fuck holy shit. WWbabbies are dying right how
like that is any kind of barrier for entry on Sup Forums threads? there shouldn't instantly be a wave of "oh it's this guy again" when a shitty thread starts getting spammed over and over
All the repeated threads and you get mad at the one that at least relates to vidya, not some stupid shit like
>skeet did nothing wrong Jimmy Neutron thread by the way
What the fuck are you going on about? This thread, quality unrelated, is alot vidya games. Which is doing better than many shit threads that come through, if we're being honest. I really don't see the problem, you're just getting triggered for some reason.
What about it honestly makes you think it should be banned?
is about vidya games*
>People laugh about a Bioshock tutorial
>Get triggered when an endgame Zelda puzzle is even easier
There's "it's that guy again" even for posts, not just threads. Just hide the thread, in fact you can filter it, I find filters gay but maybe you didn't know you could do that.
>wait a minute... those candles...
You're an idiot if you think otherwise
b-b-b-but muh c-comfy!!!
TP is one of the better Zelda games out there, only ones who call it shit are N64fags who are mad for some reason.
and people say the Zelda cycle isn't real
What? SS is still garbage
You mean "good game 1st, bad game 2nd" and so on? I've seen many people praise both Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. Although I personally think one of them is shit.
give it one more game and you'll start seeing it.
>was it THAT bad?
It better be MM or I'll burning down an orphanage
Ocarina of Time is the better N64 game.
good. I like MM but OOT is definitely the better game
MM is better than OOT and even has better dungeons.
It's a non essential mechanism for getting back to the surface.
You'd complain if it was just a single switch too
Aiyaaaah! This puzzle SUPER hard. I don't know what to do! What do I throw boomerang at? Maybe those crystals should have eyeballs on them? Wind Waker makes you feel so smart when you solve those puzzles! Puzzles!
Why would I complain about something like that
The dungeons in OOT are pretty weak even for the first 3D outing. Only good one is the Water Temple and none have any great layouts like The Great Bay, and Stone Tower
>only good one
What about the Forest temple, Spirit temple and shadow temple? Those were great.
The dungeons in OoT are better because there's more to them than just "solve puzzles".