Whatever team has the least amount of idiots wins

>whatever team has the least amount of idiots wins
fuck this game

>whatever team has the least amount of idiots wins
I can understand your frustration then, considering your team must always be at the disadvantage

But OP you must remember one thing: ITS ALL YOUR FAULT

That's right. YOUR FAULT. Having quitters on the team every single game? Your fault. People playing support taking your last hits, not buying ward, dust or smoke? Your fault. People picking carries when they don't know how to last hit or play one? Your fault. Feeders? Your fault.

That's right OP. Everything is your fault :3 You're in the skill bracket where you belong. Unless you can win 1000 games 1v5 and get your MMR out of 1900 you must remember the magic words:

So whichever team doesn't have you?

fuck off

post your mmr or what you're saying doesn't matter

i went from 2k to 400 mmr back up to 3.5 and it's all about mentality, yeah you obviously get shitty fucking idiots but thats more than likely someone not paying attention or having a shit game. you are the counterbalance to that equation. if you always play when you'll play your best you're weighing the game of chance in your favor as the opposing team has 5 people who may not be as opposed to your 4. as you climb mmr it becomes less about strictly doing your best as a solo player and more about teamplay (the games get higher in quality) that's why mmr matters in my opinion.

No dude, the team with the highest average skill wins, and that's how it should be.

If you're struggling to get out of 1.9k mmr you actually belong there.

>teamplay with 4 random idiots that don't even speak your language
>your skill rating only takes wins into account

Shit system is shit.

Stop treating a team game seriously when playing it solo.

Yeah, better players win more often, it's not a difficult concept. You may have a couple of flukes here and there which are genuinely not your fault, but if you're actually good (which most people who complain about their team 24/7 aren't), then you will see your rating go up. Even people who aren't pros and only have above average MMR in the 4-5k range will consistently calibrate high when smurfing.

there are lots of ways to communicate even if your team doesnt speak the language. look at the recent all star game at TI. they had chinese players just using the chat wheel and pinging and it was fine. basically any excuse that isn't "my country's internet is awful" or "i suffer from a chronic ((if justified)) bad attitude" is invalid imo

4-5k is not "only above average"
Above average is mid to high 3k
Once you're a bit into 4k, you're like the top 15%

Statistically, OPs team is always in a disadvantage.

Welcome to every team game and sport ever, dipshit.

That's not even true, they specifically nerfed smurfing so the more games you win, the lower your MMR will put you. People throw all 10 games and get placed in 3k

That goes for all team games

anyone know why dota has such an awful community?

>be mid sf
>type in chat for supports to please buy tps as soon as possible because they will most likely gank me
>im facing TA
>suddenly wild pudge appears
>they dive me almost to T2
>im telling supports to TP mid repeatedly with my mic
>i die
>my team spams chat with "NOOB MID NOOB MID FEED"
are the people playing 8 years old, retarded, or what? ive never encountered such wreckless faggotry in any other community

lmao, i can tell you think you are 5k but are hardstuck in 2

stop paying attention to your teammates mistakes and pay attention to yours retard

Just enjoy the game while it's still alive dude.

>anyone know why dota has such an awful community?
For the same reason road rage exists. You're talking about a group of people that need to cooperate with each other in order to have an optimal experience.

I wholeheartedly agree

Especially if you have a poo in designated loo for a teammate

>me ooga
>team booga

>Have 4 idiots in my team
>Still win because we had a better comp

f-fun game....

>6 slotted spectre, one of the hardest carries in the game, beats a 6 slotted alchemist, one of the weakest late game carries in the game.

>sniper and spectre on the same team
>going late
>picking alchemist against such a team, in which you must win early

you brought this upon yourself

that actually makes sense.

also, its funny to picture five different 1k-2k players all playing like shit and after telling themselves "damn why do i always get the idiots on my team"

me jungle

I stopped playing dota at 700 hours and switched to starcraft simply because at least in RTS games you're alone meaning if you lose it really is your fault, no stupid teammates to ruin your fun, if you haven't tried RTS games competitively I highly reccomend playing some if you want some competitive 1v1 that is kind of borderline similar to a moba, the problem is that the only one with a stable playerbase is SC2

Although dota can be really fun too and I occasionally still play it as long as I have at least 2 friends so that even if the other 2 random players suck you and your friends can still carry the game.

>hey guys this is a team game
wow who knew


Dendi buys his own wards

Remember kids! You must play on 8k skill level to get out of 1k!


I like RTS even when you're running teams simply because there is more to do. There is a shitload you can micromanage if you want to inch up your edge. MOBA feels like there are huge gaps even if you're playing perfect

>little user got blown the fuck out so hard in another thread he's still booty blasted

That OpenAI bot who's god at 1v1 SF buys his own wards. I think that unambiguously defeats all those ~muh team~ tards.


1 you

To be fair, the bot was trained solely for 1v1, he does not know any teamplay

Does this spell out something?


>ench front vagina



yeah it says ded game

you're like a little baby

There is no need to samefag (You)s.

>inb4 paint cropped (You)

see, this is why i stay humble in dota, theres always a way to improve your own playing just around the corner

>you will be able to play against 6k mmr tier bots in the future

Let's just keep running the joke into the ground

I never got the point of calling samefag when you damn well know you have no way of proving it and won't accept proof because it's easily counterfeit
Can't you jerk yourself off in silence without wasting hiroshimas bandwidth

what made people stop playing around the start of february 2017?

>battlefury alch

They realized the game is shit maybe?

>guys let me get an idea of how good this game is
>hrmm just need to play it a few more times
>can't know if game is good or bad based on just a few games
>{48 months elapse}
>{5000 hours of game elapse}
>"naw games not good not worth my time"

>>whatever team has the least amount of idiots wins
You just described every multiplayer game ever.

>double moon shard spectre

I know, pcbros really are THAT stupid. It took them 5 years to realize it's the new hat simulator 2.

I guess people tried out 7.00 for a while, but wasn't happy about it.

(beats me, I loved 7.00. Though I have gone from 10-15 games/week to 1/week the last months)

Still, the bot has come to the conclusion that a ward is one of the best investments you can make in a 1v1, and that doesn't even account for enemy ganks since it doesn't know about those.

Valve is so fucking shit is why I stopped playing in late 2016.

>getting stomped by spectre without radiance

Yeah sure, I'd also usually get a ward for my mid if my team wasn't going to, 100g is fucking nothing compared to the utility of runes, being able to go in harder because safety, and no death that costs nearly triple

everyones going back to heroes of newerth bro didnt u get the message?

ward is 60g nowadays broseph

wouldnt that apply to every competition?

Haven't played in ages
Also played more HoN than doto, the principles are the same though
Are they really now?

Why haven't you stopped getting shat on by forced 50 yet?

I played a lot less since the middle of 2016, 7.00 hit and I didn't really mind the talents or shrines but the game felt off in some way and didn't manage to win me back. Also there was an event in January I think so I got some dosh out of it and dropped the game after that

nintendo switch launch?

If you play well, your team has 4 chances of getting a retard in it while the enemy has 5 chances.
Mmr hell is a shitty meme that idiots use

Mobas in general are starting to die and Dota is the first to go. There's 0 entry for newcomers so the game sitting on the same playerbase until people get bored enough to play something else i.e. PUBG/Overwatch/Literally anything else.

what forced 50

i have 55% winrate after thousands of games tho

>being a shitter

Yes my little 1K shitter, it's all a plot by Volvo to put bad players in your team only and never in your opponents.

Let's be honest if you can't get out of the trench you are actually retarded.

If you look at the Steam Charts data, Dota's playerbase has been on a steady decline since January 2017, with only the events (Darkmoon, Siltbreaker Act I, Siltbreaker Act II/TI7) bringing back up the player numbers, and only temporarily.

I'd blame it on 7.00 being far too alienating to the existing playerbase (the drop starts shortly after its release, and a +10k player gain is pretty fucking pathetic considering the magnitude of the patch). Nevermind the quality of 7.00, the game has clearly lost its fairly unique player retention ability.

>the more games you win, the lower your MMR will put you
Do you listen to the stupid shit you say?

>forced 50 doesn't exist

Do yourselves a favor and kys, doturds.

Forced 50 is in fact a natural and desired function of any mmr systm
It's just that you're a retard who thinks the system totally singles him out and queues him with retards when he's winning too hard
And that's why you'll always stay bad

>nerfed smurfing
i recently played with this guy
here are all of his games
>play 7 games
>get 4k

people got sick of forced 50% and hats and icefraud's 'nerf anything thats good' form of balancing

you played bad if am has 9 kills five deaths

>have 50% win ratio
>worked form 3K to 4K

What does that mean?

Name one


benefit of forced 50.

the games are even
without forced 50%, one team will be more likely to win than the other


Yeah, the better team. What's wrong with that?

Oh, right, Valve needs a steady supply of playing shitters who buy hats.

> Anonymous 09/17/17(Sun)10:25:34 No.390553446 ▶
>File: 1502622269870.png (122 KB, 1328x764)
>i have 55% winrate after thousands of games tho
I mean are you really this much of a mouthbreather
What does a mmr system do
Balance out the players
When are people balanced
When they win and lose 50% of their matches
Why does that happen
Because they face people as good as they are
Fuck off you shiteating retard

Tbh I always feel like it's my fault whenever my team lose. I can only play PA so I get countered almost every game. I know I will get I countered by I can't pick anyone else because I can only play PA. I imagine other people has some problems of their own that lead bad game

>Yeah, the better team. What's wrong with that?

whats wrong with a game of pickup where 5 toddlers take on the knicks?

play least played instead of all pick and learn new heroes it's not that hard.

The benefits of ~forced 50~ are irrelevant. Over a large enough number of games, you will end up with a 50% winrate, and that is an immediate, mathematical consequence of a ranking system.

>that fucking ghost scepter at the end

What is it that goes through peoples heads when they're playing?

Here's an example. Let's assume the number is the player's skill. The total for each team is 1000, making both """"equal"""".

Team 1:


Team 2:


Who do you think would win?

Nothing. It just means that the toddlers need to play some bot matches before joining the big leagues.

Assuming the player distribution for each team is random. However, it isn't, so the 50% is artificially enforced.

What the fuck is the pint of your fictional example
Good rating systems will try to have all players at the very same rating, only widening the variance as time goes on and no teams are found
You just made some unecessary addition to a system to move the fucking goalposts because you realized that you're a retard
I despise stupid people thinking they must broadcast their vapid thoughts into the void before bothering to fucking google


I tried a lot of different "easy" heroes. I failed miserably at all of them. Sven, Lina, Jugg, SS, WK. I just don't know what to do with them. I did what the guide and streamer do but the result are never the same.

I allways hated chen but I really wanna play him now

>Nothing. It just means that the toddlers need to play some bot matches before joining the big leagues.
So you're saying if matchmaking doesn't exist to balance teams and a 4k team gets dropped against a bunch of 7-8k players, it's the 4k's fault for not being better instead of matchmakings fault for a ludicrously unmatched game?

This kind of unbalanced distribution only happens to people with very high MMR.