You don't like it why don't you make something better

>You don't like it why don't you make something better
>Leave it to us

Are we in the era of the fan game? Seems like these days, whether officially supported by the IP holder or not, fans are making games with more love, passion and creativity than these IPs have seen in years, sometimes decades. What is it about companies just not being able to make good games with their own shit anymore?

Putting Rabbids shit up there when Odyssey exists is a disgrace.

Have fun in jail for playing your illegal mod

Only illegal to distribute

The game industry has blown up into a bubble where the current marketing model actively discourages innovation and good games.

Of course some people in their basement who are passionate about gaming can make a better product than a hundred people under the iron fist of an executive who doesn't care about games.

Rabbids? Really? When fucking Odyssey looks like GOTY.

Rabbids have shitty games but there's nothing wrong with slapstick comedy and they're handled well in M+R not to mention how well the Mushroom Kingdom itself is handled. There's more life to it than there's been in a Mario game since Sunshine. Real puzzles. Characters actually acting like characters. Real story that isn't too much but still enhances the game. True difficulty. One of the most truly creative combat systems we've since in a while from an industry (and a company, Ubisoft) that's been content to recycle everything with no innovation. Genuinely humorous. Gorgeous locales with tons to admire. Post game & challenge content.

It's honestly a shame so many people kneejerk into HURR SHITTY MINIONS and dismiss one of the better Nintendo exclusives in recent years. I hate to go the
>u haven't played it
route but it's generally pretty obvious when somebody is just coming in to shit on the game without knowing anything about it. Not to mention Odyssey isn't even out yet.

It's one of those games you can only really appreciate if you're around 8.

If they really wanted people to play it, they should have went to something else than Rabbids. Also the Galaxy games and Super Paper Mario have more life to them than it.

Seems like it's doing pretty well. I'm guessing they figured the rest of the world isn't as autistic as Sup Forums and judge games by how good the game is and not how fuckable the characters are.

What does that have to do with anything. The game could have the greatest gameplay in the world but it still has a terrible tumor attached to it. I have and will always have zero interest in the game unless Rabbids are removed or a sequel comes out that uses a different property.

They're made by people who actually play games. Whereas the ones that inspire them are made by businessmen who tick boxes and do surveys of women and children.

Literally nothing wrong with Rabbids. It's wild that Sup Forums cares so much. It should be a good thing that Rabbids are able to reinvent their image and give us a great Mario and a great Rabbids game. It's literally a win for everyone. Your loss.

>It's literally a win for everyone.
>Your loss.
Stop abusing the word "literally".

I have no interest so it isn't a loss when I'm playing better games.

Samus Returns is better than AM2R though.

1) You're not "us".
2) The only fitting game in that picture is Sonic. M+R isn't making up for anything, and Samus Returns JUST came out and it's great.

Leave it to us is talking about the games in the picture moron not Sup Forums. When the fuck has Sup Forums ever made something worth a shit.

Nothing and OP is a fucking faggot, nothing new.

We still doing the literal grammar nazi'ing on the internet? How is that still a literal thing. On Sup Forums no less.

Na. Your loss. Best game on the market right now.

>Leave it to us is talking about the games in the picture moron not Sup Forums.
That's what I'm talking about you idiot. Don't speak for the developers, they actually understand how difficult making videogames is and not to shit on companies for petty reasons.
There's a reason most Sup Forums kneejerkers immediately went ape when am2r was pulled down and its developer, who actually spent years making it, didn't.

No it isn't.

Keep digging that hole.

>Best game on the market right now.
No it isn't.

Simmer down, shill

Yeah it is

The fuck does difficulty have to do with anything. Post is just pointing out that lately games made outside the parent company by fans have ended up better than those made inside.

wow, remaking shit, such quality, fans

Tons of better games this year. Persona 5, Breath of the Wild, Hollow Knight, Nier Automata, Yakuza O, Samus Returns, etc.

Better than all of em


The little kids of the 80s and 90s who grew up on these classic games are adults who are a little more attached to their memories of those games than most people, so they take it upon themselves to recreate the games as they remember them

You, by your own admission, haven't played it and said it could have the best gameplay in the world. My opinion is more valid since I played all those games and Rabbids.

Rabbids is GOTY.

>he thinks mania had any passion put into it
Whatever passion it could have had was removed from izuka

You mean romhack

The fact that I couldn't even stomach the initial concept isn't doing it any favors. Even when watching the gameplay and before touching the actual game I can't finish watching a trailer is a problem. Relax that no one likes your game shill, Odyssey will come out and everyone will forgot it even existed

You not being able to stomach it doesn't make it not GOTY. Your loss.

GOTY while BOTW exists and we all know its going to win for being Zelda. Okay

>0 days since NeoGAF got made about BotW

Actual mental disability

Yes it is

Who cares what some website awards. Rabbids is true GOTY.

Too you.

>Rabbids discussion is doomed to nothing but shitposting like Bayonetta and SMASH

Nah. Objectively.

>Literally nothing wrong with Rabbids.

They're forced little shits that add nothing to the game and actually detract because how annoying and obnoxious they are. They're basically an ass boil to what's a good game.

Mario/Rabbids is pretty ok. I bought it. Yall niggas need some frieds or something.

Bet you hate Looney Tunes too fag