Filename thread


















All posts incredibly shit so far.
You too, faggot. Go back to reddit you unfunny fuckers.



Bretty gud

>unironically gets triggered by a word that existed centuries before reddit
kill yourself you absolute dunce

Lead the way, faggot.


haha le pc master race ;))))


Why did I click that? Why did I not stop watching?

That's boxbox.


Holy moley.



The Hunchback of Notrecapcom.

whoa dude that's hilarious.

how 'bout' The Capback of Notre dame


Are you okay, user?

What the actual fuck







what the fuck



pets evolved for max territory marking. how can beasts even compete

I mean, you're not wrong.

gimme dat sweet, sweet sauce




I'm at a LOSS for words







made me chuckle

pic related needs a filename



I know this is the joke, but how the fuck am I supposed to read this?



right to left you westcuck

I like the idea, but I'm pretty sure 郵便 is not the correct word.

it's true

This thread is fucking garbage.





>that ending


>the ending
How about the fucking everything else too?


that's literally his mvc3 model retextured tho

it's wierd seeing people call mvc3's artstyle so sick and cool looking while shitting on mvci when the only difference is a black outline and washed out textures on the characters.





>Fist of the Nose Hair propaganda

It's not even his back, it's literally just his gi being blown back since mvci has cloth physics. In motion you can see his gi jerk around wildly during his supers.




The only thing that could make this better is if there was a scene before it where the ball ricochets and kills her instead.





Dogs are fucking stupid and dog owners are awful people.




That's cool and all but what's a bicycle?

It does not worry me that this exists. It worries me that people have done this enough IRL for it to be acceptable in animation

>okay, we're gonna try that "egg up ass"thing again
>don't ruin it again, we're wasting too many eggs

