Why does Sup Forums hate Yakuza Kiwami?

Why does Sup Forums hate Yakuza Kiwami?

butchered the soundtrack
added 1000% more memejima
dragon of dojima style is shit until you fight said memejima dozens of times
encourages people to not play the series in the proper order

That's pretty much it. Not a bad remake, all in all.

Do they? Sounded like a solid HD Remake of the original

>encourages people to not play the series in the proper order

Yakuza Kiwami is the new proper canon one. You need to accept that.

>Yakuza Kiwami is the new proper canon one. You need to accept that.
I do accept that. It's also got nothing to do with what I said.

What's the proper order? Should you start with 0? I figured it'd be something of a 0 spoils stuff later on or something.

start with Zero.

>Should you start with 0?
We talking "should" or "can"?

You SHOULD start with 1 on PS2. You CAN start anywhere you want.

>Why does Sup Forums hate Yakuza Kiwami?
because Sup Forums is full of bandwaggoning casual faggots

Majima Everywhere system ruins the game.

First game in the series I consider a rushed cash grab. It would be an okay game if it wasn't for the extremely pointless Majima Everywhere system making you suck of him even before his first official boss encounter from the original, and having DOD locked behind it with most abilities being reliant on completely random events.

I have no fucking idea what they were thinking, but that's my only major gripe with the game.

Use the catalog you newfuck. It's explained quite well in that thread why Kiwami is garbage.

>if I have a specific question that I want answered, I should read through every single 500+ replay thread in the catalog pertaining to the game

personal computer gaymers


Its more autistic to make a pointless thread for a stupid fucking question about a game that already has a thread.

You fags who list "memejima" as a bad thing can go fuck yourself, you fucking hypocrites.
This kind of shit was pretty much always in the series. Serious tone in the story switches for bombastic spectactle during action parts to super dumb and goofy shit for side stories.
Fuck you, by wanting to feel superior about some lame shit you ruin the once comfiest and best threads on Sup Forums.

These are the reasons I disliked it when I imported it for the 6 demo code.

Here's hoping Kiwami 2 isnt ruined.

I don't think you understand that Kiwami goes overboard with Majima. Like way fucking overboard. He went from being terrifying to fight in the original to you getting sick of him by the middle of the game.

No they like their games to be very serious, dark, and edgy to suit their mature video game brilliance. The humor should be akin to something from Rick and Morty that is for the higher end of IQ and intelligence. Please upvote their posts.

>Here's hoping Kiwami 2 isnt ruined
>more memejima and memekoto

Not to mention
>6's engine

I don't have a problem with that. Yakuza series can't stuck with Yakuza 3 engine forever


6's engine is fine. I have a Pro though.

They haven't been using 3's engine since Dead Souls though.

So I played Kiwami and found it to be a steaming pile of shit. Is Zero better?

>start playing Yakuza 4
>like it a lot at first
>do some story missions
>go around doing side stuff
>get bored
>now haven't touched it in months
Should I give it another try? It just seems quite repetitive and the open world doesn't feel that open.

Yakuza's open world's have never really been super open desu

They're more like open neighborhoods

Kiwami is literally a remake of the first game with slapped on new mechanics, it's rough around the edges for sure

Zero is a brand new game set before Kiwami, so it's better but still the same series

Much better.

They're sandboxes, not open world.

more specifically they're 箱庭 games

How can you not like 4? Its the best Yakuza game since 2. Its basically Japan's Grand Theft Auto.

Funny thing is the only autistic screecher here is you, phoneposter.

>0fag pretending like he knows the series
>thinks people hate Majima Everywhere because of Majima and not the fact that it's extremely annoying and having DOD locked behind it is completely retardrd

How cute.

>threads are ruined simply because people don't like a shit system in a remake

People have been shitting on it long before to localisation, newfag.


so that's why these game will never get ported

People don't hate it for being bombastic, people hate it because it never fucks off.

just play in release order, like any other good series