Am I the only one who thinks this game seems to have a far greater western influence than the original game? It looks like more of a TLOU clone than a sequel to The Evil Within. I don't like it.
Am I the only one who thinks this game seems to have a far greater western influence than the original game...
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The original Evil Within wasn't a stellar game story wise either. The sequel looks a little more exciting then the first game at least.
I didn't say TEW was stellar but neither is it very unoriginal. I'm speaking more in terms of gameplay and visuals anyhow.
>more exciting
Looks a lot more forcefully scripted to me.
I almost want to take issue with the open setting but in all honesty TEW could've stood to be a little less linear. More sections with branching paths like the Keeper chapter or the mansion would've been cool. We'll see how it goes, I guess.
Can't wait for another round of people complaining that an action game doesn't play like a survival horror game
Fucking christ
The original Evil Within was very much a TLOU clone.
To be fair the original was initially billed as a return to proper survival horror. What we got instead was a blend of RE4 and TLoU with a psychological horror skin and a few glances back at the classics. I liked it more than other action horror games for that but it's still very much in action horror territory.
it's developed by a bunch of bearded betas
that should inform you adequately
Remember that the game isn't directed by Mikami but rather by the director of the DLCs, a programer from the original title.
I don't know if I'd say it's a TLOU clone but I do have more than a few complaints about it thus far.
One example is how they're doing the scenes with Nurse Tatiana. In the stream the way she appears is kind of bland. There was a very specific style inside her asylum, surreal, dream like. In 2 it's not as well made. It feels like a cheap imitation. I don't get the same impression and while I got my copy paid for I'm still a bit iffy since there are so many things like that, where I feel like they have the right idea but aren't doing it right.
Hopefully it will have less annoying one-hit kill bullshit.
Agreed. Looks generic as fuck.
I agree. Something tells me we're going to see even less of that in TEW2. I prefer my horror with some backtracking.
You don't mean the eye maze
>Mikami is forever stuck with that shit IP at Bethesda
>He will never make another great pure action game again.
>He will never work on something he truly wants to like Dino Within or God-break
How do we save Mikami
I too would love to see Tango secede from Bethesda. How do we make this happen.
>Dino Within
I kek'd but also sad. A DC sequel or a spiritual sequel might just be something what the doctor ordered.
I'm still mad at those faggots at Dice for teasing that shit just to market their boring shooters.
Ironically, the first game was written by a Western guy but directed by Mikami. The sequel is being written by japs, but it's being directed by some western guy.
I always thought the first game was pretty western influenced desu. There wasn't really anything Japanese about, except for the cat in the DLC. The sequel actually has more potential to be more Japanese.
Mikami once talked about the drawback of both doing what you want and working for someone with money back when he and S51 were making The Damned.
The issue of doing what you want, working for yourself, is that you really can't afford to make what you REALLY want. The issue with working for someone is that they always get in the way and tell you what they want you to make out of your project.
As much as we'd like them to make whatever they see fit, some of our favorite developers have to sell their work to make ends meet because they don't have enough to make it on their own. Double edge, one way or another.
Todd, why are you trying to sabotage a game made by the company you work for? What's in it for you exactly?
I don't see Tango getting Arkane'd
reminder that mikami isn't being held at bethesda against his will or anything, he genuinely loves the company and the games they make
I'm still looking forward to it. I saw some comments mention that Seb's new face looks far more Japanese and honestly I have difficulty unseeing it now. His new VA is just straight up awful, even without being compared to the original one, who at least gave Seb a certain unique quality. I have faith in the new guy though. He was one of the designers on the core game and main lead on the DLC.
This user is probably telling the truth. Mikami even cameo'd as a VA in Fallout 4 for that ramen robot that only ever asks you what your order is in Japanese or something like that.
>implying Todd didn't brainwash him
>implying Todd isn't brainwashing everybody as we speak
I'd kill a child for a reboot or remake of Dino Crisis. Ive been dying for a dino horror game.
I don't know. I'm wondering a lot about this game.
One of the things that people developing the game said was that they got a bunch of feedback about how Seb was not a likable character and they should make him more sympathetic. I think that is an absolute pile of horseshit. The man is an alcoholic washout who lost his family, fuck does he care about being liked? Why does he need to be liked at all? That is the same line of crap we got fed when they remade Dante, that he wasn't relatable. He doesn't need to be relatable to be likable, you gits.
A lot of little things just don't sit well with me. I get a distinct feeling that there a lot of small but noticeable changes that will make it different enough that it's not the same. Yeah, the same idea on paper but just not quite it experience, or an expansion of it, whatever. I'm still hoping for another game that has that Mikami feel but the little things just don't feel right.
>Kidman dlc
>Kidman is in high heels the entire time
>not Japanese
Wait what? I honestly don't know much about Arkane, what did Beth do? Gut their Staff and replace with their own?
>It looks like more of a TLOU clone
and original was not? what the fuck's wrong with you?
>seems to have a far greater western influence than the original game?
Probably because the director of this game is a westerner (Swedish, I believe) living in Japan.
Shinji Mikami directed TEW1.
John Johanas is directing TEW2. Mikami is only there as a producer. This is Johanas' Twitter profile:
the devs have said it's "open world", but we have no fucking idea what they mean by that
I don't think TEW is a shit IP, but I think the first game wasn't handled very well
it's got potential to be great if done right
Sebastian was kind of dull though. I don't really feel anything about his character.
>Mikami will never direct a spiritual successor to God Hand or Vanquish
He needs to make at least one new action game IP before he dies or gets too old. His illustrious career should not end with The Evil Within.
You are not wrong and here's the explanation. Pic related. They have more monsters tho. But still they ditched the whole art-style of the first game. Seb is just a guy with attached flashlight in open world meme now
Is there any actual good footage of this game? All I've seen is a demo played by some incompetent dude. I'd like to see something before I get it.
Seems like an alright dude from his Twitter.
It looks like fucking Downpour. They've toned down gore, started to talk shit about 'psychological horror' in the media suddenly and make references much less blatant and campy, therefore aiming for more 'serious' territory, which simply can't do good for the franchise that wasn't made to be considered serious from the beginning. Lack of Mikami really fucking shows. I'll buy it only to loudly crash this open-world shit on YT, if it actually will be as bad as I expect. You can't just put feeding scene from RE7 and call it a day, even when it comes to franchise like TEW.
>He needs to make at least one new action game IP before he dies
He's younger than Kojima, what are you even talking about. When TEW2 flops he will be forced to make another game for Bethesda, be assured. He also stated afterwards that he overexaggerated in that interview about TEW being his last directed game.
reminder the first game was trash.
looks like boring cinematic shit
>first game
>literally forces you to pick shit under the nose of the maniac in the very first minutes, then pushes you into chase segment where your character gets wounded and slowed down drastically so the player can't run from shit like in your typical horror game anymore, and even then intentionally blocks your path with boxes, wheelchairs and other garbage to induce maximum panic
>second game
>chase segment is going through wide illuminated corridors full of nothing to actually slow you down
Fuck this game.
And now you see my point.
The only thing I can think of is how their CEO and frequent-director stepped down and seems to be considering retirement. It's pretty fucked, Dishonored 2 was a good game fucked by terrible optimization and Prey was a great game that was never going to sell well based on its name. It's not exactly a sabotage, though.
Original was more of a RE4 than TLoU. Stealth didn't even work like in TLoU, you couldn't even do a takedown from the cover without walking out of it.
I've been considering trying the new Prey game for a while now. I've heard it has similarities to System Shock which I happen to be a big fan of. Should I go for it?
Don't believe them, its shit.
There's a pretty girthy demo on Steam, you can probably spend three hours doing everything there is to do in it.