What's your plan for the ps4 Dragon's Dogma release?

What's your plan for the ps4 Dragon's Dogma release?
Will you level pawn to the 10lvl and wait few days for the thousands Rift Crystals? Or playing game is more important?

>playing game is more important?

Yes it's more important and people are gonna be playing it instead of waiting for a negligible amount of rift crystals, third worlder kun.

My plan is to not get it

No plans, I already played the re-release on the PC a year and a half ago. Not intending to buy it a 3rd time.

My plan is
>make cute loli arisen (Ranger)
>make onii chan pawn (also Ranger)
>not give a fuck that he'll never get hired and have fun adventures

>plan for PS4 release

I have it on PC, complete with a bunch of quality of life improvement mods. If I wanted to go back to playing a shitty version instead I still have my ps3 and ps3 copy of the game. Also why buy a rererererererererererererererere..........................................rerererererererererelease to reward lazy fucking cash-grabbing when they could've been working on a fucking sequel or spiritual successor at least instead?

They already released sequel and it's pretty great.
Now instead considering all b2p and f2p games trash I gave exception to the hub based ones(first guild wars and dragon's dogma online)

>4th release of a game
capcom is really milking it now

Just like skyrim
>see that Dragon?
>You can climb it

Dark Arisen release was the least jewish dlc in the history of gaming if you owned original.
And this one is just $20, so after shit sony, FROM, Naughty Dog and few others developers did with "remake without anything new for $60", I actually don't mind much. Japs and many normal people hated pc version anyway thanks for the no protection from the cheatengine users and others cancers of community.

Anyone willing to take my pawn out for a spin?
I'm still potty training her, so she may act a bit weird.
Just add me in steam if you want me to return the favour later.

Oh and it's obviously not the moomin on the left.

>Japs and many normal people hated pc version anyway thanks for the no protection from the cheatengine users and others cancers of community.

>Game with no pvp, or even real multiplayer

Literally what?

dragon's dogma is possibly one of the most mediocre games of all time. the only reason people even care about it is because the game is a waifu builder. the game itself sucks total ass. the combat has no depth, it's all flash. the difficulty is health sponges and spamming curatives. the most effective way to play the game is to literally spam one button. playing an assassin? spam arrows. playing a mage? forget about casting your actual spells since they are shit and you do more damage with a charged staff attack that looks like semen balls

at least be honest about this game. the only reason you like it is for waifus otherwise it's garbage

It doesn't make any sense to get the HD console version over the PC version with the amount of mods offered on PC. It's even cheaper to buy and looks AND runs better.

>gather throwblasts early
>head to BBI
>bomb some puppers for tons of exp

>someone, somewhere, sometime is cheating in an entirely single player game
>somehow this ruins the experience for other players and indicates a cancerous community

Nani the everloving fuck.

this user is speaking in lies

You never played game, did you?
You forced to pick pawns of others players and when you had garbage like 6 level pawn oneshooting Daimon second form, it's not fun.

>things that literally never happened

I literally have several hundred hours across both PS3 and PC versions, and I am loving the SHIT out of all the cool things you can do specifically because of the PC version. Cheats can be abused, certainly, but it breathes all new life into the game otherwise. Faggots like you are probably why modern games no longer have fun cheats unlocked with game progress or entering codes at the title screen; waaaaaaaaaah baby demands unilateral legitimacy waaaaaaaaaah.

If I don't want to rent a pawn with goldforged BBI lvl3 gear in every slot and have it oneshotting everything, guess what? I can look at its fucking gear in the rift and NOT RENT IT. If someone gifts me an item or equipment that I don't want to have yet? I can NOT KEEP IT. You stupid fucks will piss and moan about anything and everything but god forbid you have the first hint of personal agency and responsibility for your own fun.

Oh my, ps2-3 gen kid got buttdevastated
If game has any form of multiplayer it should be protected from the cheatengine faggots.
>If I don't want to rent a pawn with goldforged BBI lvl3 gear in every slot and have it oneshotting everything, guess what? I can look at its fucking gear in the rift and NOT RENT IT
>needing gear when you can just break entire character
So you never even played game
Just as expected from the neo Sup Forums

Why is warrior the most fun vocation?

>capcom shills at it again
Can you fags stop astrotufing here? Thanks.

>thanks for the no protection from the cheatengine users and others cancers of community.
The fuck is this? Who gives a shit who cheats in a singleplayer game?

>when you had garbage like 6 level pawn oneshooting Daimon second form
You are so full of shit.

I don't really have a plan, but I should have one
I really want to do warrior again but I also want to do assassin
Might do warrior for base game and switch to assassin for BBI actually


>multiplayer needs protection from cheats

Competitive multiplayer needs protection, sure. Cheating in vidya, like in sports, subverts the point of the competition.

>Dragon's Dogma is multiplayer

There's not a day that goes by that a huge portion of the playerbase wish it had included exactly that. Pawns are player-customized NPC's, dipshit, that's not multiplayer.

>so you've never played the game

What game were you playing if not Dragon's Dogma, and if not Dragon's Dogma why are you even shitposting here? Sasuga neo Sup Forums, memes, buzzwords, etc :^)

I really like the features of the dinput8 mod but hate that there isn't a feature to restrict pawns from using every possible equipment. They're basically asking for users to get their pawn banned this way.

Pretty sure it just unequips the incompatible gear. The real issue is modding stats without consideration for what's legitimately possible and not; doubly stupid however considering that same mod has a section entirely devoted specifically to modding the stats with legitimate values presumably so that doesn't happen.

I'm only just now getting around to playing it with the ps4 release. Can I use a fuck huge Axe at least?


>disable the mod toggle for removing vocation restriction
>equip your pawn appropriately/legitimately, update them in the Rift by Resting
>re-enable mod toggle and have fun while remembering to disable it before Resting or checking the Rift again

Not exactly rocket science.

because core skills are enough to shred trash mobs without any issues, and activated skills can take whole healthbars off of larger enemies.

I'm more confused as to why the fuck anyone would care about their pawn in somebody elses game.

Magick Knight.

What other vocations are viable when I've been playing up to level 53 only as a sorcerer, aside from briefly grinding some augments from other vocations?

My magic attack is pretty high so I assume Magick Archer would be good, but would any other vocations benefit from magic attack if I equip them with elemental weapons or something?

dragon's dogma online localization at TGS?

Magick Archer would be great. Anything else probably not. Maybe Mystic Knight if you feel like beating off great cannons for eternity, but I wouldn't recommend.

If you're on PC just use the hooks mod to respec if you want to go Red/Yellow

stupid ass weeb gayme

What's the best build for my pawn that I'll probably be switching between strider and fighter? For a fighter I'm pretty sure the best build is getting as much stamina as possible, so ranger to a 100, then either ranger or warrrior for the rest, since those give equal stamina at that point. Will that build be fine if I switch them to Strider when I feel like it?

M I N I - G A M E S

gonna lose sleep over this game, im looking forward to playing it again

speaking of mystic knight and great cannons, does anyone play mystic knight without it, and just stick with sword skills? I've played around with sky dance which is like their only exclusive sword skill, but has anyone else done it?

Or is it just a gimped fighter if you decide to not use great cannon

It's a 100% more fun fighter without magic skills. Sky Rapture is ridiculous fun. You can do awesome stuff with the phantom range of abyssal anguish, especially on your thrusts. Stone grove/forest/jungle is a lot of fun too.

Also you get to use maces which are much better feeling than swords

I'm conflicted over if I should get the PC version or wait for PS4 version.

On PC I'd get Flying into Free back.
On PS4 I'd get my comfy console experience.

Are there ANY differences with PC and PS4 that we know of?

none whatsoever unless you count pc having mods.

>Are there ANY differences with PC and PS4 that we know of?

Nothing yet, AFAIK its a pure port without bells and whistles.

How long does it take for this game to pick up? I found some fuck in a cave surrounded by magical wolves if that provides any reference.


>What's your plan for the ps4 Dragon's Dogma release


I played the absolute shit out of the original I dunno if I'm going to bother with this one. Loli pawns belong in the brine, make sure you help them get there.

kill yourself

Going to build a ranger arisen + fighter pawn this time. I can't ignore min maxing in games so will probably end up playing assassin for 50+levels until I'm satisfied with the damage output. Played tons of DD back in the day but my PS3 broke down a few months ago so I'm hyped as hell for this and Dragon's Crown.


what's your favorite attack animation? I love the way your character wipes their dagger after using snakebite

>4th re-release
>still no hint about DD2
>they probably still have the team working on DDO on full clock
God i hate Capcom so much.

is fracture dart or downpour volley better? they seem to be very similar attacks

>Level 50 fighter pawn
>Looks and sounds unintrusive
>Dragonforged Dragon's Dogma
>High bestiary knowledge
>Rank 9 warrior augments
>Challenger/mitigator inclination
>100% immunity to the most harmful statuses
>Comes back with only 500 rift crystals, 1 star on everything and a "he was shit" message


bet you equipped shield summons or some nonsense

I prefer how hype downpour looks personally and fracture just doesn't feel as good to use.

Pawns are apparently pretty good aiming with fracture though.

Make a very pretty healer lady.
That always works.

No shield skills, blitz strike/dragon's maw/heavenward lash (might have been antler toss instead at that point). AI seems to do well with those.
Someone probably just summoned him to fight Ur-dragon or some nonsense.

What's wrong with that? I don't have a fighter pawn but I don't get mad when I summon one with that skill.

What's wrong with shield summons?

>generic tall arrogant female ranger with shit tier inclinations and terrible stats because was stried/ranger only
>5/5 and 4/5 almost everytime
People really like waifus
I wonder what would happen if some of them checked my arisen and learned that it was loli mystic knight/magic archer

My pawn is an old man named after a fantasy wizard sorceror and he gets good ratings.

No one ever hired my pawn so i stoped playing ;_;

how can I make my ranger pawn use her bow? she just runs around and stabs enemeies

>16 hours into the game
>picked mage as my character
>bored out of my fucking mind
>want to reroll warrior and climb big dudes
>have to do the entire boring prologue again
I'm not sure if I can make it, bros.

Just change class on your existing character, stats aren't that big a deal

nigga you dumb


As if I'd play on a shitty network

Goddamn horny Mason!

This game gets so cool at times, im almost sad I out leveled everything while playing hard mode.

Playing sorcerer does not make things hard later on.
Sorcerer is hard mode at the beggining, then...

I just downloaded it on PC. What are some essential mods?

>tfw can't go back to console because of infinite stamina out of combat mod

increased weight limit

You should be euthanized

Use unistall.exe and never touch worst version again

awakened daimon is going to keep me up at night


just play the game

holy fuck MUH

I'll make a plan once the damn game becomes available on Amazon UK.

Here's your (You)