What's your plan for the ps4 Dragon's Dogma release?
Will you level pawn to the 10lvl and wait few days for the thousands Rift Crystals? Or playing game is more important?
What's your plan for the ps4 Dragon's Dogma release?
>playing game is more important?
Yes it's more important and people are gonna be playing it instead of waiting for a negligible amount of rift crystals, third worlder kun.
My plan is to not get it
No plans, I already played the re-release on the PC a year and a half ago. Not intending to buy it a 3rd time.
My plan is
>make cute loli arisen (Ranger)
>make onii chan pawn (also Ranger)
>not give a fuck that he'll never get hired and have fun adventures
>plan for PS4 release
I have it on PC, complete with a bunch of quality of life improvement mods. If I wanted to go back to playing a shitty version instead I still have my ps3 and ps3 copy of the game. Also why buy a rererererererererererererererere..........................................rerererererererererelease to reward lazy fucking cash-grabbing when they could've been working on a fucking sequel or spiritual successor at least instead?
They already released sequel and it's pretty great.
Now instead considering all b2p and f2p games trash I gave exception to the hub based ones(first guild wars and dragon's dogma online)
>4th release of a game
capcom is really milking it now
Just like skyrim
>see that Dragon?
>You can climb it
Dark Arisen release was the least jewish dlc in the history of gaming if you owned original.
And this one is just $20, so after shit sony, FROM, Naughty Dog and few others developers did with "remake without anything new for $60", I actually don't mind much. Japs and many normal people hated pc version anyway thanks for the no protection from the cheatengine users and others cancers of community.