Wait a minute, that claw...
Wait a minute, that claw
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How were you supposed to know you could rotate items? awful game design like sonic casino tube tier awful
as much as i hate puzzles in video games i don't understand adding a puzzle that isn't challenging and if anything is indicative of the level of person that game was aimed at
The best part about this puzzle is that it was braindead easy, yet there are people who genuinely, seriously, unironically struggled to figure it out and either brute forced it or had to look it up. Fucking embarrassing.
How the fuck do you brute force a puzzle
Simply trying every solution.
trying every possible solution until you get the right one
the same way i brute forced your mother
spinning her into every position
Try every combination until it works. They're actually proud of it, too. Instead of accepting themselves as the brainlets that they are, they say "Oh, why didn't they make it more obvious". Reminder that these are the same people that call Skyrim a "casual game". What a bunch of fuckin' posers.
you don't because you are a Skyrim farmer and need to work 16hr/day to make ends meet thanks to your country's shitty environment.
It was more about finding the key, than actually trying to solve the puzzle. Like, Resident Evil locking you out of a room because you don't have the right keycard. I know they even mention this in a book, it was about keeping the draugr IN, not keeping people OUT. Sadly, don't know the name of the book, I'm sure a quick Google search would give answers.
think about how many straight up retards they must've encountered when they focus tested bioshock infinite.
Is Skyrim the most retarded game in vidya history? I can't think of a single game aimed harder at retards than Skyrim.
Knack 2
Knack 2 is ained at kids though. Skyrim tries to be grown up
I don't know how you could think it was obvious. Everyones first thought would be to look around the area for clues. Brute forcing only takes on average 13 tries so it was the most efficient way to solve the puzzle
why don't people read the fucking manual
In Skyrim, 3!, no?
bruh just glitch through the door by moving close to it
Fuck me no should be 3^3
>He didn't read the bandits journal
>reading books
nigga im a dragonborn not a nerdborn
I'm the one that bruteforced it when I first played it years ago, not understanding why did they make the puzzle that stupid.
I even tried looking on the wall sculptures for clues, etc. It completely didn't occur to me that the claw was it until one time I inserted it and noticed stuff on it.
I also had no clue that you could turn items around in the inventory, so yeah.
>the story of how Fallout 4 was created
Nigga you're a fucking stillborn, read a book damn
>Play Skyrim on release because loved Morrowind and enjoyed Oblivion even though it wasn't as good.
>Get to Bleak Falls Barrow door
>Search the hyrogliphs on walls for any hint
>Look at claw in inventory, study it for any signs, nothing there
>Reread journal and listen to NPC hints
>Drop the claw, study it, see some tiny circles but they're much too small to read on my screen. Try holding it in the ingame world but you can't actually rotate it so no luck there, maybe it was a false lead.
>Backtrack and look at more hyrogliphs, sifting through the debris
>Randomly try it. Oh, only 3 symbols easy to brute force it.
>Decide to search online instead of brute forcing because I'm obviously missing something clearly, and I might need it for future puzzles.
>Find out about a HIDDEN MECHANIC that wasn't mentioned ingame, or has any popup hint, and wasn't in any of the previous games.
>Blast through future puzzle ez as
That set me back a few hours but now it's just second nature for me, still though they should of had something saying 'hold right thumbstick to rotate' (which they now do, at least on the PC version.)
>No one watched Todds 22 Minute preview
You could've prevented this
>All those voices that weren't in the game which sound 100%
This 'puzzle' is so retarded it barely qualifies as such
>rotating inventory items
how is it possible to be this fucking retarded?
Holy fuck
>How were you supposed to know you could rotate items? awful game design like sonic casino tube tier awful
It says to look at the claw in the journal, except there is usually no reason to even read the journal so you'll probably not even notice the explanation.
i knew because i watched the E3 presentation
How young are you?
Be honest.
absolutely savage
How will ever recover?
>Try every combination until it works. They're actually proud of it, too. Instead of accepting themselves as the brainlets that they are, they say "Oh, why didn't they make it more obvious". Reminder that these are the same people that call Skyrim a "casual game". What a bunch of fuckin' posers.
It uses a game mechanic that is never explained, indicated or useful at all in any other situation. The explanation to look at the claw is in the journal which is only practically useful for when you decide to do a quest from 10 hours ago and don't remember what the objective is.
wtf this is so retarded. i stopped playing when i got here. this part is like impossible to solve
It's a 3x3 puzzle with only like 27 possible combinations.
Even on the off chance that ZERO of the claws in the game ever gave hints, they would still be possible, albeit take a tad longer.
There's only 27 possible combinations you dumb fuck .
>>He didn't read the bandits journal
I read the journal, but "the answer is in hand" means nothing if you don't know that you can rotate objects in the inventory. If you don't know that, the idea of examining the claw is not a solution. Also, it makes no sense to put the combination on the key either.
It's not a logical puzzle.
Sadly, most games these days cater to these dumb fucks. Puzzles are now something you get the answer for right near the damn thing. Quick, someone post that zelda webm where you walk into the room and the camera zooms into the order you're suppose to hit shit.
>>rotating inventory items
>how is it possible to be this fucking retarded?
It is a hidden mechanic. It's never explained or indicated. Nor has there ever been a situation in any game where I wanted to rotate inventory items.
yep, faggots like that. Give me mindless action! Cause there sure isn't enough of that trash around already!
>It uses a game mechanic that is never explained, indicated or useful at all in any other situation.
I use it all the time, though. It's fun to look at all the weapons and items in detail. Does everyone here just rush through the game and ignore all the immersion?
>It's a 3x3 puzzle with only like 27 possible combinations.
The "puzzle" is that the combo is engraved on the claw key. But to logically come to the conclusion that you can look at the claw to find the combination is dependent on knowing that you can rotate objects in the inventory to look at them.
That mechanic is not explained ever. This isn't like real life where anything is possible. The player can only do what the devs programmed into the game. That is the extent of solutions to a problem. You have to know about the rotating inventory items mechanic to come to a logical conclusion to the "puzzle."
obviously most people here didn't even get past the first door puzzle
>I use it all the time, though. It's fun to look at all the weapons and items in detail. Does everyone here just rush through the game and ignore all the immersion?
I can see them in the open world. I don't need to get uber close.
Story of skyrim's life.
Dear god in heaven, please put me in the screencap
Fucking roasted
Yeah most people on Sup Forums try to complete a game asap so they can shitpost and spoil everything. Naturally, they're not the brightest.
>I need my hand held on FUCKING EVERYTHING!
Just stop playing vidya m8.
It's said to be on the claw if you read the journal. Moving it in your inventory without the zoom feature shows, briefly, the button to zoom in.
You're retarded, and so is literally anyone who ever got stuck on this puzzle for more than 60 seconds.
I had to look up how to solve this type of puzzle twice.
I felt so stupid.
I can't think of a video game, ANY video game, that renders you inventory in 3D and doesn't allow you to rotate it.
Even fucking DS games do it. Not just 3DS, but the original DS. I bet it's a feature in hundreds of games you've played but your dumb fucking ass never tried.
I think my first experience doing it was with Shenmue 1 because I was mostly into 3D platformers in the 90s.
It's a lot more forgiving then Resident Evil 1 where you had to rotate a book until you were holding it with the pages facing out so you could find an emblem hidden inside.
Jesus user.
>rotate objects in the inventory to look at them.
>That mechanic
Do they have to put in a fucking tutorial to teach you how to use the pause menu? If you're too stupid to do that then just watch someone else's playthrough rather than give yourself a headache trying to play the game by yourself.
>>I need my hand held on FUCKING EVERYTHING!
It's a game. They have rules and limitations. They need to be explained because interaction in the game is limited to very specific things that the were programmed. There is a near infinite array of possibilities for this. Especially on mouse and keyboard.
They could make a puzzle where you go into the skills menu and press shift+y and then something happens to tell you what to do. There are certain input combinations that aren't obvious and there is no real reason for the player to test. They need to be indicated.
You only knew about rotating objects in the menu to solve the door because you saw the presentation at E3. I don't give a fuck about that shit. It was explained to you outside of the game. Don't pretend like the puzzle makes logical sense.
>Do they have to put in a fucking tutorial to teach you how to use the pause menu?
I'm sorry, but pressing a button that says "START" to STOP the game isn't intuitive at all.
>It's said to be on the claw if you read the journal.
Why would I read the journal? This is the only situation where the journal is useful at all. All experience indicates that the journal is useless unless you need a reminder since you ignored the quest for 10 hours.
>Moving it in your inventory without the zoom feature shows, briefly, the button to zoom in.
Why would I try to move shit in the inventory?
Autism is a bitch
Everyone look and laugh at this retard who's going all Dean Takahashi on us because he didn't know that video games let you rotate 3D renders in your inventory.
>I can't think of a video game, ANY video game, that renders you inventory in 3D and doesn't allow you to rotate it.
And I've always ignored it because it's pointless.
>You only knew about rotating objects in the menu to solve the door because you saw the presentation at E3.
Dude, just stop. You're retarded, it's over. Two things:
First of all, as fucking stated, the "puzzle" and I wouldn't even call it that, only had 27 fucking "solutions"
Second, if you couldn't read the bandits journal and see that the "answer was in the claw" or what ever and then you didn't try to inspect the claw and VERY FUCKING EASILY discovered the mechanic, then:
See above. You're a fucking retard. It doesn't matter what you say or what excuse you think up. You're still a fucking retard or at the very least you are when it comes to games. There's nothing wrong with that. Many retards go on to lead quite normal lives. They just suck at games a bit more.
>Why would I read the journal?
Because you're playing an RPG you stupid fucking faggot.
>This is the only situation where the journal is useful at all. All experience indicates that the journal is useless unless you need a reminder since you ignored the quest for 10 hours.
Completely false. Most of these shrines, and even a lot of other areas, have quests directly tied to going to an area and gather information about it to proceed through hidden areas or puzzles.
>Why would I try to move shit in the inventory?
To look at the giant fucking important glowing claw quest item in your inventory you idiot.
You and people like you are why we even have quest compasses.
>"it's pointless"
>"omg this puzzle is broken and doesn't work, i'm not missing anything here at all"
>Why would I read the journal? This is the only situation where the journal is useful at all. All experience indicates that the journal is useless unless you need a reminder since you ignored the quest for 10 hours.
Why would you play the game at all?
>Moving it in your inventory without the zoom feature shows, briefly, the button to zoom in.
Because the fucking journal told you the answer is in the claw. And if you didn't try to figure it out. stop bitching about the fact that you're a retard. You're one one those people that falls down the hole in Mario and then complains that you died because the game didn't tell you to jump right?
Play in traffic
ITT some inbred jackass just confesses he has no idea how to even play WRPGs but insists WRPGs are flawed for not auto-playing like your modern cinematic shooter.
>It's a lot more forgiving then Resident Evil 1 where you had to rotate a book until you were holding it with the pages facing out so you could find an emblem hidden inside.
>Everyone look and laugh at this retard who's going all Dean Takahashi on us because he didn't know that video games let you rotate 3D renders in your inventory.
It makes way more sense in, say, Resident Evil 4 because the 3D renders actually look good.
Look at this? Why the fuck would anybody think it's a good idea to program rotation into this menu when the items look like that? It's mushy armour with bad textures.
The Skyrim items are the exact same in the menu as they are in the world. Why are you taking a closer look at them? They are only designed to look ok in the playable world where you aren't getting your face up close to everything.
It is 3! you idiot
Yo, mind if I use this?
All this pointless arguing
I would care if they incorporated puzzles at all through out the rest of the fucking game.
They threw in this one shitty 'puzzle' on the first misison and it'slike they forgot about puzzle features, or got lazy, like everything else in the rest of the game....
>Don't pretend like the puzzle makes logical sense.
>huh, this book hints that the answer might be something to do with the claw itself. Maybe I should look at it? I have opened my inventory at least once before and noticed that the game shows models for the stuff you pick up
>I can see the claw but I'm not seeing anything useful, maybe if I try literally the first thing I think of, such as moving the right thumbstick, it'll rotate the model
>oh hot damn, the model rotated and I know the answer. That was a neat gimmick, I sure hope they don't repeat it a dozen times
Now his excuse is, "the models aren't high enough quality for me to WANT to rotate them".
He's not even grasping, he's just clawing at the air like a basketball American on a noose.
The best part about all of this is that the default position of the claw in your inventory lets you see all 3 icons
Why did the builders of the dungeon bother to build in a puzzle if anyone who has the key also has the solution to the puzzle? Might as well just have the claw open the door.
I know, right? The retard in this thread had to have rotated the claw in his inventory to hide the solution from himself, then magically forgot things could be rotated at all.
>game inexplicably closes without any warning or error message
>Because you're playing an RPG you stupid fucking faggot.
Fuck your faggot table-top RPG bullshit. It's archaic and gay, you niggershit. The 3D modeled man with a voice actor said to go do something. It's that fucking simple.
Furthermore, my own experience in the game tells me that the journal is useless because it gives no new information. So taking the claw puzzle into the equation, the journal is useless 99% of the time. So it's not logical to look to it as a solution, since the rest of the game tells me that it is useless.
>Completely false. Most of these shrines, and even a lot of other areas, have quests directly tied to going to an area and gather information about it to proceed through hidden areas or puzzles.
And I got through them easily, without reading the journal, which is almost always useless.
>You and people like you are why we even have quest compasses.
I played with a mod that removes the HUD compass and the quest markers.
>>"it's pointless"
>>"omg this puzzle is broken and doesn't work, i'm not missing anything here at all"
99.9% of the time it is totally pointless. Making the solution to a puzzle something that is absolutely useless 99.9% of the time is not a logical thing,
>Why would you play the game at all?
The point is that there is no reason to read the journal because every time that I looked at the journal it gave me no information. Thus the reasonable consideration is that the journal is useless, which it is.
The average person in medieval settings is so illiterate and uneducated that, yes, even such a simple puzzle that has the answer on the key itself would go over their heads.
You really do take advantage of how much shit you're taught in elementary.
Did you just quote me 3 times in the same post?
>I played with a mod that removes the HUD compass and the quest markers.
>>He mods games on his first playthrough
>>>And complains on an anonymous imageboard when he gets stuck at 50 IQ puzzles
Kill yourself.
>Plays an RPG
>It's too complicated for him
>"Fuck RPGs, man"
>Proceeds to argue RPGs are the problem, not himself
>Now his excuse is, "the models aren't high enough quality for me to WANT to rotate them".
Yes. How would I stumble across the rotation mechanic? Look at it. It's shit. The idea that one would want to zoom in on it or see the other side is stupid. I barely want to see it zoomed out.
>I sure hope they don't repeat it a dozen times
Are you stupid or just new? There were dozens of these puzzles that didn't even vary.
I belive that it was more about "keeping shit in" rather than "keeping shit out". But that could also be BS when bethsda was confronted about the stupidly easy "non-puzzles" of the game.
I discovered item preview by total accident
You know what else is pointless 99.9% of the time? Your posts, yet here you are insisting everybody understands just how retarded you are. You refuse to let anyone go to bed tonight with any doubt in their mind on how big of a fucking moron you are.