Games with actual good and justified time limit missions/quests?
Picture pretty damn not related.
Games with actual good and justified time limit missions/quests?
Picture pretty damn not related.
Dead Rising
Catherine does it really well.
Majora's Mask is still the best
>time limit missions/quests
fuck how can you enjoy these? nothing in vidya gives me more stress than having to do some shit in a specified time limit.
Are there any games, (whether handheld or console) where you can be a chain slinging hero?
Persona 3/4/5, Way of the Samurai, Majora's Mask
By making it turn-based time rather than real-time. Persona is a good example of this. You get one action per slice of time (afternoon, evening, night, whatever) but you can dick around endlessly while you're deciding.
It really preserves the atmosphere
expeditions viking
The Ur-Quan Masters (Star Control 2). If you take your time, the antagonists will deal with that matter that occupied them for so long and they'll start cleansing the galaxy. There's a number of ways to delay them and you can win even after the purging beings (you might even want to let them destroy their first target...), but things actually happening in the galaxy rather than the map being a glorified menu for choosing linear scripted sequences really gives weight to the game's storytelling and emergent gameplay potential.
This. Really hate how you will still bend the knee to the Danish king even after you conquered Britain.
>asks about time limit
>posts GoT pic
>claims it's not related
>"Winter is coming" in 7 fucking years
Pic is pretty goddamn related to time limits son
>picture pretty damn not related
>being on the hopeless mission of sabotaging the White Walker Army before they find a way to get past the Wall
>not related
Don't play Benjen like that.
Thats the point, it keeps shit real, makes you focused. I am more immersed and gripped playing Dead Rising than I am with any other the other games becuase its given me goals and choices and I have to decide if I can do certain ones and which are important. A time limit makes players actually think and lean forward to get shit done, as oppose to lazing back and not really paying full attention, because you dont need to, every seconds counts so you make it count in games with timelimits.
That said, its not for every game. Its like having a single life isnt meant for every game even though its an engaging concept.
pikmin 1. The thirty day limit makes sense and is hard enforced.
I support this message
Did anyone else get pissed off at Benjen's death?
Such a fucking arsehole and what a waste of his character. So many better things they could have done.
I mean as Viserion dies and the Night King is about to skewer Drogon, have Benjen appear and have a fight with the white walkers allowing Jon to reach Drogon and get away with Jon looking back and screaming 'BENJEN' only for him to look up and smile as he's ripped apart by the undead.
Darkest Dungeon
Ancient Domains of Mystery kinda
>turn-based time limit quest
>"There is no time"
Is there a worst scene in recent tv history?
>benjin slowly walks to his death for 30 seconds while Jon leaves on his horse
The whole fucking season was probably the worst fall from grace in recent history, what an absolute shitshow
This is now a /got/ thread.
Post Daenerys!
Atelier games.
Some Quests in Witcher 1 are time based. Pretty good excuse especially when you have day and night cycles.
The Void is entirely based around how efficiently you use your time. Pathologic can be the same way and coincidentally made by the same dev.
It gets a lot of shit but I liked Tyranny's time limit, added a sense of urgency to a genre that typically gives you all the time you need. Imagine if in NWN, you only had enough time to do 2 of the starter searches? You'd have to think about what gives the best benefit, and what consequences you have to deal with later.
I feel like they added alot to atelier rorona.
Yeah it was fucking awful. Benjen was the entire reason for Jon joining the Watch in the first place. I wonder how many people were looking forward to their reuinion.
What makes you think he's dead?
Majora's mask. Once you get the Song of Time everything becomes trivial.