Just found out i dont actually own my steam games im just renting from valve apparently

>just found out i dont actually own my steam games im just renting from valve apparently

why the fuck are valve allowed to do this?

why gingers are so damn ugly

>Buy game
>Download at max speed off Valve's servers
>Download crack separately
>Refund game
>Only use steam to pirate at max speed

Damn, feels good to have a brain! :)

buy games from GOG then

You never own the game, you only own a license allowing you to play the game and some medium delivering the data to you
Semantics a shit

>retards actually believe this

What happened to Lindsay? She was such an important figure for me growing up. I loved Parent's Trap.

It's so they can legally revoke your game(s) in the event you violate their terms of service.

hollywood jews got her addicted to drugs and cock

because you let them

same here, minus the buying and refunding part

Lindsey aged like rancid milk and cheese

It's called drugs, you do realize she was an addict, right? Don't know what she was doing, pretty sure it was either meth or heroin. It really fucked up her appearance, probably blew all her money on it. Now she's just some washed up degenerate.

Meh, I've got most of them downloaded locally and cracks are always available if steam goes to complete shit.

Hollywood is one hell of a drug

Every company does this. They do it to cover themselves legally in the event you get caught cheating or breaking the ToS. If you aren't a hacking faggot, you have literally nothing to worry about. Them taking away your game for no reason will literally never happen, because any company doing that would be committing financial suicide. Why would anyone buy games from the companies that just decide you can't play anymore out of spite? Stop being an alarmist, reactionary retard and think for yourself for once.

Thank you sated skeleton

>not already having the fedora-core knowledge

>why the fuck are valve allowed to do this?
because retards like you exist

When you buy a pizza, do you own the pizza store?


Do you rent the pizza

>when you go to the story and buy a disc you also aren't actually buying the game just the rights to use the software
I hope you realize this.

Fucking massive slowpoke.

Yes because you poop the pizza out after a while.

yes i shit into those dog poo bags (i steal them form the park around the corner) and i send them str8 back to pizza hut with a msg and i tell them im tired of renting i want to own my pizza

>her firm tits in that car movie
Fox can take a fucking seat, Lohan in her prime will always shit on that thot

Are you telling me you agreed to the terms without actually reading?

>that thot

sell your steam account

name one occasion where someone lost their right to use a disc

>it's a Sup Forums crossboarding shitposter episode
go fuck yourself nigger stay on your containment board


When you own it physically though they can't revoke the licence.

Physical> Digital

t. Sup Forumsedditor

That literally doesn't matter. The fact is even a disc is just a license to use the software.

> buy a copy of a game (say fallout 4)
> installs 5 gig fownloads remaining 20.
> requires steam and internet to activate....
> patches only relased via steam

They are coming up with new ways to fuck you not matter what.

My stupidity with PC's prevented me from falling for the steam trap.

Basically it revolved around me trying to download and play TF2 but couldn't fix the screen because for some reason, the game went sideways and when I tried to fix it, it just ended up completely upside down and I was too stupid to look up for a solution on the internet back then and was worried I might fuck the computer up because I downloaded steam and TF2 so I deleted it. This was like 7 years ago when I was 16.

Years later, as I've gotten better with managing tech (but still didn't try playing tf2 again) ive learnt about the ways of game devs and studios and how Steam wasn't this so called godsend for PC gaming. I'll stick to my PS4 and switch, thank you very much.


I think he meant in the sense that you pop a disk in, install, then play. Some companies are looking into eaya to complicate that.

t. crossboarding nigger

Read the fucking ToS.

The odds of Steam going out of business are about the same as your local grocery store shutting down. There's no real concern of losing all your games for the forseeable future

local grocery store just shut down last week

DRM servers.

Yeah I'm old and I've seen discs being made into useless coasters because of discontinued DRM. Pic related.

ISO dropped on flashdrives are forever.

stores go out of business all the fucking time
if you arent a small child, youd know this

its only been the complete stagnation of technology that current ecosystems have sustained themselves for this long, in 20 years dont expect steam to exist in its current form or for most your games to still be available

just from an OS level, your shit isnt going to work on new OS and new architecture

Just bought DS3 Deluxe for 26 bucks.
Did I do good Sup Forums?

>Technology illiterate child doesn't know what virtual machines are

Valve are bros and the reason why PC gaming exists today, why should you be afraid in the first place?


>Valve are bros

They lied about every single game/update they have released since the original Left4Dead and have leaked customer information to the public twice.

Because you allow them to.


my own ass is bigger

and my tits are bigger >.>

it's the angry jew guy that didnt like the saxophone guy

>why the fuck are valve allowed to do this?

Because no one has challenged it in a civil court. Valve knows that kind of shit won't stand up to scrutiny even in the US with our comparably weak consumer protection laws.

For a potential example of how it would go just look at Steam Refunds. Someone will use consumer protection laws to fight back against something Valve claims in their EULA or TOS and Valve will lose. Many assume that things like EULAs, TOSs, and contracts are iron clad and you're fucked but it's simply not true. A civil bench can void a contract for a variety of reasons including language that goes against other laws, like consumer protection.

>You never own the game, you only own a license allowing you to play the game and some medium delivering the data to you
>Semantics a shit

Supposedly. I'm not aware of anyone actually taking this to court to set precedent and Valve has always tried to go to mediation even in cases where they're clearly violating consumer protection laws.

Honestly the Steam platform as it existed before refunds where it was the wild west with early access and extremely deep flash sales was unsustainable over the long term. Eventually they were going to come into conflict with the law.

>your shit isnt going to work on new OS and new architecture
Funny you said that, i just finished ULTIMA last week.
Maybe i was dreaming?

>Sup Forums in charge of knowing shit how application works.


>meet the heavy.jpg

>The odds of Steam going out of business are about the same as your local grocery store shutting down.

Last month the local Winn-Dixie shut down.

Well maybe they shouldn't have named their store after a horse.

said grocery store not fish market you Filipino mafk

>A civil bench can void a contract for a variety of reasons including language that goes against other laws, like consumer protection.
>mfw australian consumer law and watchdog
If our federal courts weren't gobbing off fuckwit copyright holders I'd be very proud of our justice system

Why Sup Forums so against Digital Media but goes wet over GOG?

damn it i thought that really was the guys reflection for a moment, i blame it on being tired.

>Well maybe they shouldn't have named their store after a horse.

Well I do live in the south.

>said grocery store not fish market you Filipino mafk

Winn-Dixie is a chain of fucking grocery stores in the south eastern US you nigger.

Valve tried to get the ACCC into mediation over refunds and got laughed at I assume. I'm sure they would try the same thing here in the US.

The whole "leasing software" language has been in pretty much every EULA since I can remember but I'm not aware of anyone taking a case to trial over it.

>he doesn't pirate all his PC games
I can install them and play them all offline without internet and I can copy them infinite times. Steam cucks BTFO. I am enjoying Divinity Original Sin 2 lately for $0.

When they say "digital media" what they really mean is the license-to-play style of distribution employed by Steam, EA, Ubisoft, Blizzard, etc. where you can't play a game without having their proprietary software open (DRM)
Sup Forums goes wet over GOG because when you buy a game from GOG, you get the actual .exe file standalone without any external software

Having fun playing with a full group with your friends?

Oh wait, what's that?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

>b-but you don't have friends pirate s-s-scum!
enjoy being a steam cuck.

It just makes sense

>playing PC multiplayer anything that isn't dota 2 which is f2p
lmao just lmao my friend

WTF is going on with that body?

But if GOG goes out of business, then how do you get them again in another 20 years? All of them still a Digital Media services.

you're renting the game any way you look at it you don't live forever so why be a Jew like most of Sup Forums

That works with online?

>what's hamachi\evolve