Theres only one real question that determines good or bad taste

Theres only one real question that determines good or bad taste

which one do you play first

Bad taste = buying either of them for any reason other than to scalp
Good taste = emulating on a PC, laptop, portable console, home console, your phone or a high-end calculator for free and not giving nintenjew a penny

Nintendo fans are stooping to Sonic fan levels of pedantic.

I meant which game do you play first you nignog

>tfw eurofriend
>tfw stuck in Murica for the time being
>tfw managed to get SNES mini preorder
>tfw it's the shit-ugly murican version
why live

You should have played every one that interests you several years ago
Replay order doesn't matter

Star Fox 2

But i grew up with sega

Impossible since you have to unlock it

How do you unlock it?

Genuine question.
Brit here. Got 2 on pre-order.

It's definitely not nostalgia that makes me prefer our version. If I was American I'd still want the European one.

Are there any Americans who honestly prefer the purple version? It just looks so drab and devoid of fun.

I bought the versions of what I owned back in the day (jap famicom and NA snes).

playing starfox 1

The controllers are better (2 concave buttons to differentiate from the convex ones)

They give more context for some games.

Also the box is clearly better if you look at how it advertises the top games versus just throwing a random Mario World art on the front and calling it a day.

>Are there any Americans who honestly prefer the purple version?
Yeah you 50hz shit eater.


Sega died many, many years ago
You had every opportunity to buy one of the hundreds of thousands of devices capable of emulating classic nintendo games

What? There's no way that's true. Two buttons go inwards? That would require a different processing method. Surely the only difference in controllers is the colour?

What? It's a plug and play console.

I've never fallen for the fps meme. Are you really trying to pull that retroactively, before any of us knew what fps Was?

>Two buttons go inwards? That would require a different processing method. Surely the only difference in controllers is the colour?
Why is it so had to grasp for you?

>your phone

both are pretty ugly compared to the Mega Drive and even the Model 1 Genesis

Why is murican SNES looks so much worse?

They've been there for a while. Have you peeked in any of their Nintendo Direct streams? They've surpassed fast autism by this point. It's monstrous.

>Emulating on your phone

Get the fuck outta here, that's disgusting.

Original PAL SNES had games play slower by 20%. SNES Mini will run them in original speed though.

>Good taste = emulating on your phone
Only true if your phone is an Xperia play or JXD s5800