Lose game

>lose game
>report teammate who fed the most

You don't actually want to talk about games.

>playing shit games

So I take punishment is becoming the team's bike after the game's over?

Of course!

>nobody posts the ult here teemo picture anymore

that's a cute video game

>playing League

>Shouldn't have fed the Jayce 17 kills, Teemo. This is for your own good.

>lose lane
>blame the jungler

Can't find it, sorry user.

>end up reporting yourself

Yordle males are so fuckable

I'll just leave this here

Which yordle would you marry and happily spend your life with?


Poppy, no question.


Poppy. Too pure for this world.

kled is my boyfriend and i will marry him!

Live and let live.

I would support Gnar for the rest of my life

What a gay thread

i want to rape a yordle and treaten him to tell everyone he's a yordle if he doesn't become my cumdumpsster!

>love new model that doesn't looks like a pissed off fat midget
>hate new personality and canned background story

as long i'm getting new fanarts to save i guess

Sup Forums is over run with faggots to the point it makes /lgbt/ look like a country club in Arkansas by comparison.

How old is Gnar?

what a semen demon

Individually we are weak, like a single twig, but as a bundle we form a mighty faggot. Don't abandon your teammates.

4 billion years

*splitpush entire game and calls you a faggot when you tell me to group*


crash boom bang

>heteros shipping him with jinx due to that new terrible comic
absolutely disgusting, Ziggs is for Rumble ONLY.