Anyone here still play BF1?

Anyone here still play BF1?
The new DLC maps are pretty nice, some of them leave much to be desired.
The Fedorov is the new automatico and the model 1900 is sexy.
Patch supposed to coming out later that will buff LMG's, SMG's and Medic rifles.

Please no Sup Forums shitposting, i just want to talk about vidya

how's the pc pop during peak hours?

i bought it forever ago and loved it during beta but haven't played much

Still plenty of full conquest servers.
Nothing else though, but im from emu land so its hard to accurately guess the numbers since everything is pretty dead here

I take it nobody plays Frontline mode?

dude the dlc is dank as fuck. My only problem is with the hard as fuck destroy 2 airplanes with LMGs challenge

Just use the MG15 supressive, 200 round mag dumping planes and eventually you get lucky, i think its a stupid as fuck challenge.
Easier to do than the 15 tripwire kills

Yeah I was trying that on Albion but everyone was dippin and diving in the fighter plane

Fuck BF1.

BF3 & BF4 are superior in pretty much every way.

I play it everyday, clocked in 670 hours at the moment
The only map I downright dont like is Galicia, everything else is fucking brilliant. Albion is a bit unbalanced but still fun

Everybody always played frontline, though I last played BF1 2 month ago

I got 2 plane kills in row on Galicia, a good strat is to use a flak gun to weaken them then try to finish them off with the LMG.
Also even if you land 1 bullet, you interrupt their repairing.

BF4 is only good now after excessive patches and DLC's, at launch it was probably worse than BF1.
Although i will agree with BF3 being better, but that's dead now.

>BF3 being better, but that's dead now.
Not in the Europe. There are still plenty people playing, I never struggle to find a 64 man conquest match anyway.

Do it on the new Galicia map (it's flat and wide open so you won't lose sight of the planes) and only target the heavy bombers as they are slow and easier to maintain sustained fire on. The mg15na suppressive is also the best choice of gun, using all those tips I completed the challenge in 20 minutes.

>In the Europe
Dirty slav detected

>Fedorov is the new automatico
Nah. the M1907 SL Trench is the medic equivalent of that gun.

Bombers are the easiest
It takes a while and still requires a bit of luck, but you can hit them 100% of the time

>I can run and shoulder fire a 60lb lmg the game
how about no

>muh realism in vidya games

Agreed. Anyone got any tips on how to get those fucking trip mine kills? They only do 72 damage so just leaving them in doorways unattended very rarely gets you a kill.

No point in using that setting then, just do a steampunk battlefield and have all the wacky shit you want.

>leaving them in doorways

People are aware that they might be there. Put them in spots people run across like the side of buildings and near the flags.

Battlefield games have never been realistic though, its always been an arcade-y shooter.
Try Verdun if you want a more realistic experience


Man I used to fuck with verdun, but after BF1 I just can't. It lacks polish in almost every way. Tripwire games needs to make a WW1 tac shooter and do it right.

How's the game on PS4?

Use them in operations because everyone is so lit up by other shit
Or just play babbycore for instakills
Pretty great actually
More players than on PC, FOV slider, looks great, runs great


might reinatall for the squad rush miss that game mode

>Battlefield games have never been realistic though
I know but BF1 push things a little bit too far.

fix server.

Fucking how
Its not any more unrealistic than BF3 or BF4

>Fucking how
Most weapons in the game never saw combat in WWI or never went past prototypes/blueprints stage or simply couldn't be used in the way they are in the game, like running around and shooting a watercooled 60lb LMG

So just use the weapons that were actually used if your autism is too severe
Just spam ironsight SMLE if it really bothers you that much

>ur just autistic lol

Remove submachine guns and STG42 prototype from RO1/2 and you have far more realistic WWI shooter than BF1.
Especially on Mamayev Kurgan

>I can't enjoy video games if they're not completely historically accurate and 100% realistic
Enjoy your trench foot and maggots faggot

Wars from BF1/2/3 never happened.
WWI is an actual event with actual historical documents.
The problem is not that you are not expected to shit in trench entire game, but the fact they slapped extra amount of modern shit on this "historical" game because they can't design something original and different than CoD.

God you are fucking autistic.

you have completely changed my mind and i'm now excited for the gunpla dlc
>if you think some things aren't realistic in a game you're autistic xd
kill yourself you retarded fucking brainlet

>the fact they slapped extra amount of modern shit on this "historical" game because they can't design something original and different
Those modern shits add depth, longevity and appeal to the game
If the game was historically accurate and only used weapons from the era, nobody would play it today. Having weapons that were never used brings depth and actual variety to the gameplay.
>they cant design something different than CoD
Aaah, you're just retarded

PC population is shit if you're NEET and play at NEET hours in the middle of the week. I bought the $40 BF1 Revolution for PS4 last week for this very reason and have been having a good time being able to join full Operations servers on any map at any time of the day. PS4 literally has 3-4x the playerbase as PC.

>>if you think some things aren't realistic in a game you're autistic xd
I didn't say that, autismo user

How much are the dlcs? The fact they weren't in the base game really puts me off buying it out of principal and not giving money to those Jews

ayy I also enjoy this game from the comfort of a willy willy

Theres a new revolution edition with all the DLC, supposedly its full price
The DLCs individually are like 15 bucks I believe

Finally had to uninstall, cant find a game anymore, let alone a hc match after the newest *dlc*.

>hc match
You deserve to get no matches

can i play as a girl yet?

>longevity and appeal
People played RO1/2 when classes with assault weapons were limited to 5 on each side, and those games lived longer than this generic piece of shit ever will.
They (and(you)) have heads too deep stuck in modern military shooter paradigm that they can't fathom good game without red dots/unlock treadmills/weapon customization and run&gun gameplay.

The very idea that this series is now in any way better/different (other than muh big maps) than CoD just adds extra level of delusion to your opinions.

DICE / EA jumped the shark with putting a black guy on the standard game cover and a strong independent woman on the Revolution cover and main menu and of course all the black Germans and Ottomans and Brits running around. It's just absurd for a WWI game. It's world war one for christs sake, WWI had 60,000,000 people on the battlefield and 99% of that was European / Semitic men yet they try and bend history to be all inclusive. It completely takes you out of the experience as a WWI game. In BF3 / BF4 I literally didn't even notice or care that my no name character was black or female or whatever, but such massive and historical events as the first two world wars shouldn't be fucked with like this.

>he didn't get BF1 Revolution on PS4 for $40
>he isn't able to join 24/7 full matches of any and all DLC maps
>he payed for the version with 1/4th the playerbase

Unfortunately yes

Worth going in on the season pass? I'm in Australia and am a bit tired of the old maps. I've been holding off since I wasn't sure if the game would be alive this long but it seems to be going pretty well.

>The very idea that this series is now in any way better/different (other than muh big maps) than CoD just adds extra level of delusion to your opinions.
yeah, except... game modes, tanks, planes, behemoths, gadgets, gunplay thats actually nuanced, classes and much more
But I guess because its run-n-gun now, that means its CoD.

I went for it because I play almost everyday, I'd say its worth it
The french DLC was pretty good, but the Tsar DLC is fucking amazing. Turning Tides and Apocalypse are still underway and I have high hopes

How's the PC population nowadays? I only play that map in the Alps since it's the only really fun one but a few months ago no one was playing it so i deleted bf1.


CoD and BF always die fast on PC

i really don't get the dying thing, it averages 30k pc nowadays which is a lot
i don't have a problem finding servers in squad which only peaks 1k, hows 30k an issue?

why can't we ever have nice things

It's dead if it's not pubg and pubg is flavor of the month anyway.

>20-35k is dead now

flavor of the month for 5 months

>aussie oldfag who used to play a bunch of the pre BC battlefields
>love rush in the modern games, far more fun and engaging than conquest
>lol only conquest dude mindlessly running around mindlessly is awesome anything else isn't BATTLEFIELD
I hate everything

Anyone fancy boosting for the parabellum?

leave your xbox gamertag

>remember when the PC version averaged 4-digit numbers like 4-5 months ago
Why is it growing if Sup Forums told me this game was a failure?

>hows 30k an issue?

Shitty fucking EA pc servers and a browser that doesn't even list all servers, also don't forget that 30k is split across the globe, realistically near you there's probably like 8k within acceptable ping or less at times, and many times from monday to thursday in the daytime the global pc player count is at around 15k. Meanwhile on PS4 there are almost 3 times as many people playing at any given time.

>cant find a game anymore
Why do you tell lies on the Internet?

Alright. Checked on Best Buy and saw that the edition with the season pass is only $50 right now plus another $10 off with GCU, guess I'll pick it up.

>listening to a bunch of no life shitters wh spend all day trying to convince everyone that every gas me is a failure.

Lel and kek.

Maybe I'll just get it. I still play the game on occasion too so why not? Thing is it is $60 aud and i could buy a whole new game for that, so the chance that I won't really be playing the DLC much really gets to me and my stingy nature.

It's totally worth it, I got it a week ago at Target and had them price match with Amazon when it was only $40 on there. It plays fine, only real noticeable downgrades compared to PC is distant detail is reduced and the dynamic resolution kicks in at times and makes it look like 900p with a film grain filter that kicks in.

>leave tripwires into places that are far enough from the battle that nobody suspects them
>72 damage
>leave tripwires in places that have active fighting around them, thus also people who have less than 72 health
>they get destroyed by explosive spam

There's truly no way to win.

BF4 still has a decent amount of players, BF1 took way too long to release DLC, and haven't fixed the bugs in this ame

Still plenty of servers, it depends on where you live

What does Sup Forums use as their emblem?

I like mine because I can be a weeb while people unfamiliar with it just assume its the BMW logo

Load up one of the smaller game modes like domination or team deathmatch.

Then, two choices. Place a mine around a corner, run around it and shoot an enemy with your pistol. Run back around the corner and hope the enemy chases you, right into your mine.

Otherwise, run around with your pistol, bumrush the enemy and shit out a mine right on top of them. You'll probably die, and you'll have to hope the mine gets triggered.

Shooting down 2 planes with LMGs was much easier.

I don't even know what emblems are

saw some dude with the brazzers logo on his tank

It's been out less than a year and numbers are already this low. It's practically dead. Stop being retarded.

cos everyone playing pubg

This. Fuck those shills who pretend that it's not dead, 20k is practically desolate for a game like that.

That's embarrasingly low for an AAA multiplayer game, just compare it to something like CS, Dota, LoL or PUBG. It's dead.

>can get a match in 9/10 game modes within a minute
>dead just because muh numbers

>Easier to do than the 15 tripwire kills
Yeah setting tripwire mines near objectives is soooooooo much harder than shooting down planes.

>only good game mode is back to basics
>it's fucking dead and the only active server on PS4 is some server on the other side of the world

>Enemy hit 72
>Enemy hit 72
>Enemy hit 72
>Enemy hit 72

Shooting down 2 planes with LMGs is easier than trying to get your HE tripwire kills passively like that.

Just wait until you try it. That plane assignment can be completed in 5-10 minutes in Monte Grappa, but in the tripwire challenge you get kills maybe 20% of the time someone walks into your mine. And that's assuming that the mines don't get destroyed by stray grenades or mortar shells before anyone even comes close to them.

>20k is practically desolate

It's pretty bad since the initial sales of the game were so high, and it had a full priced season pass to go with it. Either the season pass didn't sell well or people did buy it and the game was still not interesting enough for them to come pack and play the DLC.


It only took me like 4 matches of Rush to get the tripwire kills. Git gud

BF is CoD ever since 3.
Is just has vehicles.

Monster Hunter palico head.



New Ops any good?

>playing a console shooter on PC

Trying to play it. The lags are fucking insane since the dlc.

As to it being dead, I play games that have usually 1k players online, that's kinda dead cause you have to wait 10 minutes for a game. If you have a server you can instantly join that's full of people, it's fine to me.

come over to bfg


The servers are unplayable, fix the fucking lag

So I'm not the only that has decent connection quality in literally every other multiplayer game yet still gets all those stupid connection issue icons in the top right corner of my screen when playing Niggerfield?