Why arent u playing wow at this very moment, legion fixed everything besides pvp

why arent u playing wow at this very moment, legion fixed everything besides pvp

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Because I don't want to spend all my free time playing just one game.

Because I'm going homework, but I got bored after the disaster that was 7.2. Mythic Nighthold was also AIDS and I hated it enough to not transfer servers with my guild.

I hear they're doing well now though, one of the top ten guilds on Tychondrius.

ugh then go play a opne world survival game you faggot

Fuck off, 7.3 broke all the nude mods.

WoW models replaced with popular high schoolers/college kids and a full array of mainstream clothing brands and knick knacks when?

MMOs are TRASH!!!!!

Is it still
>run around the leveling area till max
>hide in your favorite city
>do your daily quests
>wait for a queue to pop
>do whatever the queue was for
>return to step two until new expac

>The only reason you pay attention to warcraft now is for porn

it feels kinda pathetic that I care more about new porn being made for WoW than the actual WoW content


Then they didn't fix anything.

Draenei > Humans > Blood Elves > Night Elves

Night elves only ever looked good in cinematics and fan art

where do you find this shit?

they can do flips though

can we get some sauce in this thread please

>"fixed everything"
>Added AP grind and legendary RNG, two of the biggest problems the game has ever seen



>Playing WoW past BC


why did you make a second thread for this topic?

>those gross-as-fuck fingers
Why do people do this? Smooth models and near-perfect skin then incredibly detailed and anatomically correct finger joints? It just looks fucking weird. Like old granny fingers.

Both images have watermarks with the name of the artist. You don't even have to reverse image search.

Come on now.

Can't be bothered leveling my alts.

>idolizing TBC

Because raiding is trash and PvP was the only thing in WoW I ever cared about.

Not even idolizing. It's the cutoff point.

There is literally nothing of merit or worth past that.

WAIT, I recognize that pose.

>implying you wouldn't want to slip your dick in between these fangs


That depends. How huge will the cum explosion be?

>legion fixed everything besides pvp
>besides pvp
Thats why


>besides PVP
>tfw afking BG's for gear/honor level/AP on my new 110 resto shaman to do arena
>mfw all the braindead melee that have years of CC/silences/interrupts
>even ret paladins have an interrupt now


neck yourself you retarded LFR hero mongrel

Id blow my load inside of an Elf on top of Garithos' likely-unmarked grave

I fucking love Night Elves

Arena ruined the game.

No one can prove me wrong.

what the hell is this

are there modern clothes in Wow?

paladins had an interupt since cata

>No BBW panda bitches


because i started an ironman on RS3 and im actually having fun.

no, its a fucking fat whore who thinks they look as good as the shit they draw, but they're still really fat and ugly and probably fill their house with disgusting cats who have all kinds of diseases.

And they sell this shitty art to horny tweens or lonely sperg like the guy who keeps posting these fucking pictures. And they make fucking bank because the guy posting these steals his moms credit card to pay this fat fucking whore hundreds of dollars to draw his wow waifu.


You can't prove yourself right either.

Oh. I mostly played during TBC/WOTLK, figured it was added during Mists.


I see, thanks

trash game for trash people.

I will now list some general problems with WoW which have sadly spread into other MMOs.

On PvP:
>Constructed/competitive PvP. MMOs by design are imbalanced so this has always been stupid, both for the people who want to play like this and the effect it has on class design later on, it encourages the removal of flavor and homogenization that we have all seen.
>Lack of PvP servers and flying mounts. Both remove any danger from the world and turn it into a commute between quests. Why even have the world? PvP servers where everyone is grounded allow players to create perhaps the most memorable moments in the game since there's no easy escape, you find situations you need to react to which are out of your control.
>Faction based PvP (For the horde/alliance!). A pathetic attempt to artificially encourage PvP in their neutered environment. The best rivalries are created by players themselves. Guild v guild or player created alliances.
On progression.
>Time gated token systems. I shouldn't need to explain this - it's just a way to pad your subscription.
>Daily quest rep grind, does anyone enjoy this?
On grouping.
>LFG/R was a mistake. Kills community.

stat inflation

There's nothing wrong with big numbers, learn to count beyond ten.

>t arena fag

Arena was so mindless and laden with welfare loot that you could make a team and purposefully throw games and as long as you played the whole season you got free shit.

It killed any open PVP design or hot zones as a result because it was more queque baby content.

And the entire loot base/item balance revolved around not being "OP" in the arena based on cry baby e-sport try hards. So the death of unique items, fun effects and procs happened and weapon speeds to itemization became generic spreadsheet percentage bumps.

Then because it was such a core replacement to any other PVP in the game- Skills and class changes started to revolve around the arena and things that were fine for years were suddenly "problematic" because of snot nosed faggots screaming about THEIR RANKING GOING DOWN REEEE.

Arena ruined the game and anyone who defends it is a sloven retard sub human.

Fucking this, how I miss the times when I could look at my damage and quickly calculate how quickly I'm killing someone.

They should just make a fucking slider so you could self downscale all these retarded numbers.

Big numbers are fine if you need more precision with everything like Runescape multiplying everything by 100. But MMO's do not need disgaea numbers.

Honestly this is what happens when a game has lazy devs that dont actually care about the game they're developing.

wow is like where they put every burnt out dev in Activision.

"Oh, you've worked on the Call of Duty franchise for 5 years now? Well, here, let me transfer you over to world of warcraft in Blizzard and you can relax for a year or two. Don't worry, you wont have to do anything that takes any amount of effort."

Pic related: is me when i found out wow isnt a good game anymore.

I want to impregnate a Human

Is raid/dungeon finder gone? No? I'll pass then.

Players' desperate need for comfort and convenience ruined everything that makes these games feel big and immersive.
It's not something that can be undone at this point.

>instead of queuing. I have a set group of rejects to finish the Skinner box with
>now I can slam my rotation macro and do complex mechanics like "activate the switch" and "move out of the AoE" with other people while we talk on vent
I haven't played this fucking garabge in years. Kill yourself for still giving Blizzard money for their homogenized trash.

Imagine being a human and looking like OP's pic

Good news pal, you can. Did you forget you connected to the "only human permadeath hardcore" realm? Heard you only live for 80 - 100 in-game years or so, if you're lucky and do not engage in PvP ofcourse.

when will they have in-depth character customization like those korean mmos

these 5s will be the end of WoW

Yeah the riveting gameplay of [insert game you like here] is obviously superior. You just know so much about what makes a game worth playing, I'm so glad that you dropped by here to shitpost and whine while taking potshots at a game you don't even play from behind the safety of anonymity. It's almost like you're a stupid asshole with nothing better to do!

How do you stop the WoW itch bros?

How do you stay quit?

If a friend asked you to come back, would you?

>implying blizzard even cares about arena to do those changes specifically for arena players
>implying the gear you could get early on from arena was worth much outside of arena
>implying those other things weren't caused by pve-babies (proof of which is that pve is super balanced compared to arena)

>arena was so mindless
Aparrently not since pve-tards are still super butthurt about being shit at arena that they condemn them entirely.

>why arent u playing wow... legion fixed everything
>did they fix "X"?
>then its still shit
>well you're an asshole who cares what your opinion is!
Try playing something that isn't well over a decade old you whiny bitch.

Go on the WoW forums


>Get to the point where no new items or stat increases seem amazing anymore
>"Oh hey this has 5k more vitality that i need"
compared to starting out without heirlooms
>Getting some bow from a dungeon boss that increased my dps by 5 and gave me 8 haste
>"Holy fuck this thing is amazing!"

its ded

Think of all of blizzard's fuckups over the years, every big gooey sinus infected glob of spit hocked into your face for giving them money, and their smug shit reply to "NO ONE WANTS TO PLAY VANILLA" shirtly before over a million players jumped ship to do just that.

Also remember that blizzard is SJW co-opted trash.

The desire to play will fade away.


Probably just the tip of the iceberg.

gnome is better

There's nothing wrong with solo MMO players, it's just they can't get catered too because theyre mostly shitters like that guy..
Soloers trying to clear content intended for whole parties keeps a dynamic going.

Because I've never played world of warcraft and now would be a stupid time to change that.

>Split farming still in game
>Bullshit legendary system
>Titanforged crap
>Majority of European top guilds is still strictly for profit (where profit means real money)

I don't know, despite good encounters PVE is still pretty fucked. Legion fixed nothing.

There's a huge difference between one decked out Paladin trying to solo Onyxia in Vanilla and these faggots that want an ORPG instead of an MMORPG.

>Highly rated

>haste on early game items besides that one gnomeragan mace that was changed to haste in tbc

>Couple of hundred thousand playing on a daily basis
>it's ded

ok m8

>solo onyxia
Was it during the time that one talent that would give extra attacks stacked?

Where's the horse cock?

>out of 10 guilds on tichondrius
holy shit im amazed

thanks bro

>tfw addicted to fapping to wow model screenshots

>WoW forums reflect the community

i'll never have a gf like her...

>Install an addon that changes 1,000,000str to 1Mstr
Wow so hard.

Im addicted to WoW humans, draenei, and both kinds of elves

i can jack it to every one but the taurens

can we stop talking about jerking it to pixels in a video game?

its rly pathetic desu

>Never used to care for Tauren women
>Thanks to Sup Forums I now associate them with motherly attitudes
>Thanks to Sup Forums I now have a mommy fetish
>Slowly becoming sexually attracted to them

Fuck this place man.

fuck off and go to reddit


you're in too far buddy

fuck off, you fucking neet.

The only female contact you've probably ever felt is your mom patting your head when you finally came out of your sweaty dark mancave.

baka desu senpai

Its OW-related but this place and Sombra/Pharah threads made me realize how much I love brown women

I don't want a second job.

how can you possibly be too stupid to comprehend something as simple as "big numbers"?

solo players were the ones who loved daily quests when they came out. I remember blizzard getting tons of positive feedback on the most boring feature they ever put in their game. so naturally they put more and more of them in.

next on the list would be LFR which is also something solo autists wanted and enjoyed.


This desu desu

>tfw wow is shit because they started to put most of their resources into end game raiding, forgetting that the leveling up experience and making friends is the most valuable part of an mmo. also fuck flying, it ended wpvp and exploration, made the worlds feel smaller.
