What are Sup Forums's thoughts on the new Dishonored and the series in general? No politics allowed.
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on the new Dishonored and the series in general? No politics allowed
>Dishonored 1
Really great, even if flawed
Trials was trash, the Daud DLCs were a great improvement and added a lot to the game
>Dishonored 2
Improved on most aspects but fucked up on the story, also not as novel
>Dishonored 2 DLC
Still haven't finished it, but so far, I'm enjoying it.
>Dishonored 2
Is it as bad as they say on PC?
billie is a shit character no matter what her race is
Yes, a mid-tier computer is unlikely to ever reach 60 fps, no matter what you do with settings.
Has always worked fine on my end. Guess I'm one of the lucky ones.
>unlikely to ever reach 60 fps
Man I don't really care. I just hope it works and not too laggy.
i like her
Dropped frames aren't really an issue, it just runs poorly on everything.
So do we take the setup of this at face value or is the dlc about how Daud is a massive hypocrite and The Outsider has no fault in all the terrible things Daud has done to people?
The job is done. Thread can die now.
This is a prime opportunity to sexualize the Billie and I hope Arkane went for it.
Haven't played it yet.
Dishonored was great.
Dishonored 2 is good, but voicing Corvo was a mistake. Also the writing is pretty bad by comparison with the first even as everything else goes up.
I cant look at that pic without noticing her ugly mug, sorry.
She doesnt look badass or imposing, just ugly.
Can the DLC hold up with Dishonored 2 in terms of content ?
Thinking about getting one of them since theyre both like 30 bucks but cant really decide which one
bullshit, im running it fine on a 4690/970/8g
lmao no, campaign is only like 10-12 hours. half of what dishonored 2 was.
Wat, the 2nd one is ~20 hours long ?
The first one was 10/12 hours aswell
Certainly didnt see that coming
yes if you actually explore the levels it takes you 20 ish hours
plus dishonored 2 you can play as either emily or corvo, meaning atleast 2 playthroughs
Oh yea, forget that 2 player thing
Well, guess Im getting D2 then, thanks mate
honestly this
i'm really mad they brought her and Daud back.
Daud earned his rest and Billie is a fucking traitorous cunt
I'd prefer a completely new setting with new characters and all, maybe even different time
Very good game. Good level design, fun powers and combat mechanics, great worldbuilding, a decent story, and a fair amount of replayability. I don't think it had a single weak level.
Bit of a mixed bag. I didn't really care about Daud that much and the low chaos route actively made little sense to me in TKoD because by all rights he had no reason to show mercy and Billie should have been convinced you were going soft.
That said the two of them had four great levels between them with some interesting new mechanics and still pretty damn good worldbuilding. Only disappointment was Coleridge Prison and the Whalers Hideout levels being so small, though the first at least had a neat puzzle element.
The trials DLC is underrated and I wish it was bigger, particularly the stealth and horde modes.
Big improvement on the first game in all but two ways. Levels were bigger, better, and had more interesting unique features. The new powers were good and the new equipment expanded how you can play. The replayability is higher with the split protags and NG+. The worldbuilding is still top tier.
The two big shortcomings are really fucking bad though. Delilah is a trash antagonist and the game is largely a retread of D1 with regards to her storyline, up to and including rehashing a level entirely from it.
The boat is fucking shit compared to the Hounds Pit Pub. It has no expansive sidecast or anything to explore, and gives no downtime between missions. It really impacted the feeling of the game's pacing negatively.
Worse than the first game's unfortunately. Billie isn't all that fun to play and the new equipment it adds isn't as gamechanging as what you got in TKoD+TBW. Levels are better designed and more consistent but somewhat lacking in a 'fresh' feeling. Story is still pretty shit and I suspect the lack of low/high chaos will make the replay less interesting - especially because of the character progression changes.
>what kind of main character do you want
>an ugly, lesbian irrelevant nigger who wants to kill THE FUCKING WHITE OUTSIDER MALE
western games, not even once
graphics is the biggest nogo for me
D1 had really harsh, gritty models and textures but the new one seemed softer, brighter and cleaner.
They've said they're wrapping up the Corvo story with this, so if the series isn't dead they may go in a new direction. Maybe it'll be something like dieselpunk Tyvia.
>Find body of some random aristrocrat I didn't hit on the ground
>Immediately lose my shit and think something went wrong and they found a body
>Miraculously, no one found it
>0 stats all the way through
I thought I was gonna have to repeat the entire 3 hours I spent on Mission 2. Thank god.
Pic related is the body. I found him dead in the plaza right next to where you start. Anyone have any clue what happened here?
in mission 1 i wondered how billie was gonna get her powers and was thinking up all kinds of cool stuff. then the scene where she got the powers happened ... yeah. why are these games so disappointingly written
nothing matches the subtlety and overall quality of the original dishonored game.
>Dishonored 1 DLC were good
Dishonored 2 compared to 1 is proof that muh atmosphere alone is enough to bring down a game.
The DLCs are better and Dishonored 2 is better too.
Dishonored wasn't subtle at all.
Dishonored 1 was far better than Dishonored 2 IMO.
I played the first game and it was mediocre. Okay core gameplay and levels but just stupid design in a lot of places and lots of wasted potential.
Didn't bother to play the DLCs for it or even pirate the sequel. The devs going full SJW doesn't help either.
How come? Dishonored 2 had better levels, better design, better gameplay. The only thing Dishonored 1 had is maybe better story and novelty.
True, the artstyle shift was a big change. Personally I love the look of both but yeah I did miss stuff like the fashion of the cast and the architectural design of the city - the tone changed with them.
D2 looks way grittier, though. D1 looks much worse than you remember it. The textures were already pretty spotty by the standards of the generation it was on