>In order to 100% a game you need to play online with other people
In order to 100% a game you need to play online with other people
stop making these shitty threads
Name one game on the Switch that does this
i fucking hate that too.. the new doom was fantastic but ill never play it online just for that reason.
>In order to 100% a game you need to have sex with other people
>In order to 100% a game you must play 'co-op'
Why does it matter? Are you autistic?
>Caring about achievements
Oh wait, never mind, of course you are.
>Destiny 1
>clear a raid without anyone dying
>trophy lies solely on others shoulders and not your own accomplishments
>Half of the achievements are from the tacked on multiplayer that nobody asked for
>The servers are shut down
such... agony!
>Caring about what other people like doing rather than just doing what you enjoy.
>In order to get the platinum trophy you have to play and finish 5 coop matches on multiplayer with another 7 (seven) players, farm 1 million exp, gather all intel on the coop maps and other shit i forgot.
>servers are down
I hate shit like this.
Why have an achievement that relys upon other people when 90% of people that play vidya are either idiots or casuals.
wtf i love achievements now gotta 100% everything!
>Online locked content
>dude thrphies lmao xd fuck off achievement bby steam shill kthx
fucking sony
So just don't. Complete all the other things and pretend it's 100% - which it really is when you don't consider achievements you don't care about.
The only reasons you can't is either:
-you have OCD (the real thing, not "haha asymmetry is annoying"), in which case you should get some help
-you are an idolater who fetishizes virtual medals instead of the real achievements that they represent, in which case you knid of deserve it
>online is shut down because old so you will never get 100%
Trophies are far better than steam achievements, so far I encountered none of that bullshit that makes you go out of your way playing the game, instead you plat the game if you 100% it. That's how it should be done, not "shoot an arbitrary number of enemies which is two orders of magnitudes higher than what you would encounter during the campaign"
Pokemon red and blue started this bullshit in the 90s
>Name one game on the Switch
>had 1 (one) friend who wasn't a tard
>spanked crota into the stone age
Admittedly this was around taken king though
>caring about achievements