Perfect video games do not exi-

Perfect video games do not exi-


How do you people laud this game so highly?

> painfully linear
> no story (lore =/=story)
> no music aside from boss battles - 99% of the game is played in silence
> a core game mechanic is to let you summon 2 people to do anything remotely difficult for you
> you can just run past every enemy without being touched
> combat boils down to hammering R1, which, unbelievably, also allows you to recover health when you attack
> multiplayer is laughable
> the main game can be completed in about 3 hours
> weapon and armour choices are basically pointless
> dialogue is pretentious and tries to hard to be edgy

I could go on.....

I went in blind and platinumed it in 10 days, never having played a Souls game before.


Usually, when people say "I could go on" they actually can't. Prove me wrong, faggot.

> weapon and armour choices are basically pointless
> weapon (...) choices are basically pointless
You're basically retarded.

Clearly you haven't seen my other threads...

It's a pretty good game. Maybe the best, most refined version of the Souls formula out there.
However it still has some flaws.
For instance, going back to health items you have to farm instead of having them replenish at lanterns.
It mayhap be one more on the subjective site, but I really liked how they solved the problem in Dark Souls 2.
Having Estus Flasks as a constant way of healing and the gems as a bonus was pretty great.

>It took him 10 days to platinum Bloodborne
Are you a retard or what? You can Platinum it in two days, well, maybe not you.

Despite aesthetics they all pretty much act in the same way, one option is for fast attack, one option is slow attack. Because of the mental collision detection that comes about from locking onto a target, reach is virtually immaterial.

You can choose 1 weapon and go through the whole game and defeat all enemies with that one weapon choice. There's no element of applying your weapons to a certain boss or enemy, it's not a necessity, making weapon choice basically pointless.

>> the main game can be completed in about 3 hours
>> weapon and armour choices are basically pointless

Given I went in blind and never having played a Souls game before, platinuming the entire game in that period of time was laughable.

Certainly for a game that all of you people rave on about how it's L33T GAYMAZ ONLEE HARDC00R NO CASHUALZ KEKEK

>PS4 exclusive

Armour is infamous for being immaterial in Bloodborne, that's not a new concept.

Read reply re: weapon choices here
I did NG+ in 3 hours, this is by no means a record whatsoever. You can literally run past every single enemy without difficulty.

The answer, as always, is shitposting

>One Reborn

Yes, everyone is totally raving about hardcore it is. That's why most people laugh at you taking 10 days to complete it. And we all know it was 11 days. And we have all seen the webms of you summoning for help, and grinding to be way higher level than you're meant to be.

Some weapons are stronger against certain kind of enemies, just like some armors have various protections against status effects or type of damage like arcane. I know you are hardcore and brizzed through game in 3 hours without paying attention to all this, but mortal people playing Bloodborne were using different types of equipment.

>it's not on Piss Sea so it's game flaw


Yep, just bury your head in the sand because you have no means to reply to my points.

This goes for you too

10 day autist is back. How does it feel to be the barneyfag of Bloodborne?

You already got reply. It's not my fault you have head in your ass baito-kun.

Hey guys check out this awesome pvp battle I had the other day

I've beaten every Souls game multiple times aside from Demon's Souls (because I haven't played it), but I genuinely dislike Bloodborne. There's something about the gameplay that's different from the Souls series in a way that I personally feel is bad, and whenever I ask for advice on how to play the game people just tell me to get good. I know I suck, it's just that there's a metaphorical pit I keep falling into with this game that's stopping me from enjoying it.

I'm not even dying that much, or anything, I just really don't like the game and I feel bad about it, since I liked the Souls games.

>all weapons are viable making other weapons essentially useless.
This is partially false, the weapons are well balanced and can take you through the whole game which adds variety for multiple playthroughs plus there are weapons that clearly better than others in a given scenario. Bowblade trivializes laurence while a short range weapon like saw cleaver or blade of mercy will get its ass kicked to hell and back, sure you can defeat him with those weapons but bowblade is objectively better in that situation, same goes for tonitrus in brygenwerth.

>post 2 year old webm of 2 retards

So it's game fault that some people are shit?

I didn't summon for help, don't make things up. The fact that you are making things up means that what I did impressed you and you're trying to muddy the water to make it seem less impressive.

But don't be impressed, the game is fundamentally very easy, any difficulty is manufactured e.g. not levelling up your character in an RPG.

The last PC game I played was Half Life. I haven't owned a PC that I could even play games on in about 15 years.

So what are more hardcore action RPGs on default difficulty then?

>Th-this cash grabbing exclusive is good, I swear! Buy the console now so that I don't feel like I wasted money on it!

No experienced player of Bloodborne believes armour is used for anything other than dress-up.

Your reply of not actually forming a reply to my comments. Awesome.

>it's not on Piss Sea so it's cash grabiing. If you like it, it means you wasted money on it because I'm anally frustrated.
Every Bloodborne player that is not retarded knows that certain armor suit certain situation better. You trying to tell me that weak arcane protection suit would be better for fighting Micolash or player with arcane build? Frenzy protection armor is not better against certain enemies? That's some new stuff m8

Well, Cloud__ffvii, is this webm not you?

Consider yoursel spoonfeeded.

I don't really play action RPGs. Sonic the Hedgehog and The Lion King were more difficult though and I played them about 25 years ago.

You grinded the chalices like a retard. If I remember correctly, you were already level 80 by ROM that is 20 levels overleveled for the dlc. If you are genuinely seeking approval on how easy the game is, how about you beat the game at bl4? now that would be impressive.

I know this is shitposting, but honestly, can anyone name a single game that does all of these any better?

They weren't though. Also nice list of action RPG that are harder. Considering your logic every title from genre is casual.


What does it feel like being one of the biggest autists on Sup Forums of all places

As a bloodletter user, I have to disagree.

> painfully linear
Is that really a problem though? Only the original Dark Souls had this more open design. Demons Souls, Dark Souls 2 and 3 and Bloodborne were more akin to the design of 3d metroidvanias instead of an open world action RPG.
If you think about it original Dark Souls is closer to a 3d metroidvania than an open world game.

> no story (lore =/=story)
Souls games were never known for their originality storywise. It’s a pretty simple story of a hero saving the day. Only the endings put a somewhat original twist to it where you can either be the edgy dark lord or good guy.
What I enjoyed in Bloodborne was it’s way of portraying a city descending into madness over night.

> a core game mechanic is to let you summon 2 people to do anything remotely difficult for you
That’s FromSofts way of adding a difficulty setting to the game.

> you can just run past every enemy without being touched
You do that in most games. The ones that trap you in a room with enemies you have to defeat are pretty shitty though. For example, NuDoom’s painkiller like arena fights are entertaining for the first five times but then they just become too repetitive and boring.

> the main game can be completed in about 3 hours
That isn’t a problem though. If you want to do 100% you can absolutely do that. I’d rather have a game that can be finished in 3 hours than a game that drags on for 12 hours filled with boring combat and trivial story bits.

> weapon and armour choices are basically pointless
Armour choices are more or less pointless but weapons are not.

> dialogue is pretentious and tries to hard to be edgy
That what comes about if you get inspired by H.P. Lovecraft


But you didn't summon anyone?

> painfully linear
>I can choose which boss I will fight first

Already stopped reading

Remember that thing I mentioned about manufactured difficulty?

See what? You repeated the same "armor is not important hurr" in one sentence withou any explanation completely ignoring counter arguments presented to you. Are you retarded or serious?

>every game that has experience system is casual now

Just ignore this 10 days guy he's full of shit, that's why he won't fight any anons here. He'll claim that he sold his PS4 already or someshit, truth is he'll get schooled in a 1 on 1 fight even with me and I haven't even played BB in like a year.

I don't play any other ARPGs so I can't comment. I have played Bloodborne and I know this is beyond easy though. It's fundamentally very easy.

Not an argument.


You're right, it's a fact.

>my word is fact

This is not how it works.

>2D game
Not 3D

Not for help. If you've been part of any of these other threads you'd already know, this was from before the summer holidays though.

I can only refer back to my original, irrefutable evidence.

>3D game
Not 2D

So you admit that you couldn't have beaten it without levelling? Before you call it a "core mechanic" No, it's not a core mechanic since some players have already completed it without levelling or using glitches and without doing chip damage . Do it on bl4, on preferably NG++ or whatever difficulty you are on, with a fully upgraded weapon and you will permanently shut up the GIT GUD crowd for good.

I think the blood farming was deliberate, though I admit it didn't hit the mark. I think the reason Yarnham is the best place to farm vials is to make the player live out the actions of a blood drunk hunter as the game gets harder. As you start to struggle, you end up going back to mindlessly murder anything that moves in order to keep your blood fueled hunt going. Many players won't even think of it this way, because they've become blood drunk and only see walking blood receptacles now. Don't think it was implemented well but I assume this was the idea.

And I can refer to my original, irrefutable evidence. What now?

Exactly so go post in a thead about 2D games faggot. ARPGs in the same style as Souls games are few especially in the 3D realm.

Just kys, scrub

Ah, yes, cause if someone disagrees with you, they must be underage. And yes, I remember you justifying it. He surprised you with a boss fight, and kept standing in your way. And the boss one shot you, despite the webm not showing any of that.

No wonder it took you 10 days to platinum it.

2D is easier to make difficult since you have less options in terms of movement, hence the difference which you admitted to already anyway.

Not that fag but I remember that armour isn't a big deal. The way it calculates damage means that even top tier armour is rarely going to buy you an extra hits worth of damage or an extra second to heal, so style is the main focus for many players. It's not useless, but it doesn't function like armour in other games.

hey guys i looked up guides and pretend i went through it blind and i post a picture of me getting the platinum within a timeframe i deem pathetic. Bloodborne is le shit xD

I actually made an open invitation to anyone to face me in a pvp and nobody would, the best I got was this guy

Who would play coop with me and proceeded to run me into mobs and mobs for about an hour before running me to a boss fight after using up all items and not being set up for it.

>gives me another (You)

>any criticism of bloodborne, big or small, is dismissed as bait and shitposting

Who is the worst
NV fags, BB fags, or Kirby fags? They are all very guilty of this.

>Imagine failing so hard at Bloodborne that instead of learning the game you go on Sup Forums to complain about it.
>Imagine getting so angry at getting told to get good you google how to break the game just so you can win an e-argument.
>Imagine being a useless NEET with nothing better to do than grind until your twice the recommended level and still end up dying in
>Imagine spending 10 days in a game you don't like to get an achievement that no one over the age of 18 cares about just to prove a point.
>Imagine stalking Sup Forums 24/7 so you can post in every Bloodborne thread about how you wasted your time, and doing this for three fucking months!
>Imagine missing the point of Booldborne so hard you think it is supposed to be some super hard bragging rights game instead of a game with a cool atmosphere and satisfying combat

Face it dude, you've done the equivalent of using a walkthrough for a point and click adventure and your bragging about it.

witcher fags

>Loses argument that easily
I'm here till this thread 404s, hope you got the enegy

look at this thread, what criticisms have been made?

>I won the internet argument I must be a pretty kewl guy

Being willing to argue on Sup Forums isn't something to be proud of user


Too easy

>finishing game in 3 hours or armor being useless is somehow criticism, not baiting

I mean if I say Witcher 3 can be completed in 1 hour, has no story and graphics looks worse than PS2 games that is criticism too?



OP sounds like a Bethesdrone, he probably thinks Elder Scrolls and Fallout are better games

Never said I got one shot killed. I said that I had been run through swarms of enemies for an hour prior to facing the boss without knowing it was coming up. The other guy even attempted killing me with the cannon balls, subsequently destroying my health and using vials in the process.

After all of this, I was led to the boss.

I have a job, a well paid one.


And what?

Sure thing buddy, how's that depression going?

Are you willing to do a bl4(no levelling) run to shut up the haters?

> painfully linear
It's not. You can choose area or boss in many ceases. You can't do this in linear games.
> no story (lore =/=story)
There is story. Also lore is part of story too. Check dictionary.
> no music aside from boss battles - 99% of the game is played in silence
False, some locations have music.
> a core game mechanic is to let you summon 2 people to do anything remotely difficult for you
Which is limited by insight. You can't summon them anytime you want, you have to farm insight to do this, therefore it's impossible "to do anythig remotely difficult for you". You also have to find right players in any time.
> you can just run past every enemy without being touched
You can't. Also good look beating bosses with level 1 by not fighting common enemies.
> combat boils down to hammering R1
No, combat boils down to choosing attack opportunity, proper equipment setup, awerness of surroundings, proper evade, etc. Try just "hammering R1" and good luck getting past first enemy.
>> multiplayer is laughable
How so?
> the main game can be completed in about 3 hours
No, it can't be.
> weapon and armour choices are basically pointless
It was already explained in thread why is this false.
> dialogue is pretentious and tries to hard to be edgy
How? Explain

He also said armor is not useless, so proved you wrong again?

Very well, today in fact I've gone onto just 25mg of sertraline, I'll be fully off the medication within a month and having been on it for 2 years.

It served it's purpose during a difficult period of my life but I'm back to my old self now and very happy and positive about life.

I don't own the game, nor do I have the interest in playing it anymore. It's boring.

Why would I play the game with a manufactured difficultly to try and demonstrate the game isn't easy for you?

So that's why you shitpost in the same threads for months and months

I haven't posted on Sup Forums for about 6 weeks before yesterday.

Any game which scores equal to or higher than 90 is always and I mean ALWAYS overrated. Doesn't mean they're not great, but this principle holds up every time.

As expected.
Good day, user.

As much as I love BB it has its flaws. I'd make a couple of tweaks like reducing the max vial count to 15, but aside from those there is one major thing that I'd expand upon further: the insight system. Its a real damn shame that it turns out to be relevant only in a couple of ingame locations, its pretty obvious that they wanted the entire game to have enemies like cane doctors in cathedral ward that would gain new moves and stuff, as well as environmental changes like amygdalas popping in, but in the end those ideas were hardly applied. A real travesty in my opinion.
The chalice dungeons could also use a little bit of work. People give them a lot of shit, but I think that its a pretty neat design: compared to the main game the enemies there are stronger (especially later on once you get to central and lower pthu), drop better gems and give more echoes. So its like an alternative path that you can sometimes take if you feel your character could use a powerboost, but it comes at a price. If I had to change something about them, I'd make all dungeons like root dungeons, removing pre-generated ones entirely, and add a bit more variety to the layouts and the rite system.

-it's not linear. in the beginning you can choose to fight 2 bosses, only one is mandatory. the 2nd area you can fight 4 bosses in any order you want. after you beat a certain boss you can access the dlc and/or proceed to the 3rd area where you can fight 3 bosses. on top of that the layout of the areas aren't linear in any sense with shortcuts to other areas and shortcuts to secret areas
-lore pieces together to tell the full story, just like in the Dark Souls games
-some areas have music, but having music in every area would kill the atmosphere of bloodborne in the areas without music
-it's not a core mechanic, like Dark Souls titles they're single player experiences with tacked on multiplayer. besides, no one forces you to summon player hunters or NPC hunters to progress through the game
-there are enemies designed to punish you for that, as well as enemies designed to punish you for roll spamming or r1 spamming
-wow,saying the button you attack with is an argument? well Ninja Gaiden Black boils down to pressing you attack button, it's a shit easy game.
-is this your first Fromsoft game? they're all shitfests
-unless you're speedrunning, no you cannot
-armor isn't pointless, some attacks oneshot you if you're naked and weapons can change your playstyle based on range of the attacks and how fast the attacks are. if weapons and armor are useless, can you do a naked BL4 playthrough using your fists?
-not by any measure is this true, this is just false. the only edgy dialogue found anywhere is after Alfred kills annalise. none of it is pretentious
every thread you shit up you make more painfully obvious you used summons throughout most of the way and used guides. you hate the game so much you bothered to platinum the game and shitpost every Bloodborne thread about it. it's one of the most pathetic displays of autism on the entirety of Sup Forums
