Low quality products for a high price, expensive DLC...

Low quality products for a high price, expensive DLC. The French studio is so shit it makes the american arkane look absolute high quality developer

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boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/"Low quality products for a high price, expensive DLC. The French studio is so shit it makes the american arkane look absolute high quality developer"/

This is the third time you're making this thread
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/"Low quality products for a high price, expensive DLC. The French studio is so shit it makes the american arkane look absolute high quality developer"/

hi marketer

I want the Arkane back who made Arx Fatalis and Dark Messiah, this nu-arkane who are Bethesda's bitch and use Valve playtesters to design their games.

Not to mention Prey was developed by the french studio which is considered shovelware tier in France. The game was unfinished and it has less than3 hours of gameplay and it was sold for 59.99+tax

How man Zenimax bucks are you making from doing this?

Paying to shit on their own developers?

>get caught shitposting
>bitch about it and shift blame

Fuck off, retard.

He's going to keep making it as long as people keep posting angry replies. That's how the board works, cockbreath.

Not to mention none of this is true.

Tell me you didn't think Prey is a masterpiece. Even Knack II and ReCore are more polished and feature more content than Memeprey

Unless you derail the thread. which is pretty easy to do admittedly.

Bethesda threads are full of marketers and fanboys

Their games lack any good design
They're just okay in the end, Prey for example was so boring, bland and generic
It had some great bits but overall the game is boring

I had fun

i want every arkane employee to get cancer and die

>considered shovelware tier in France

You do know that they release games worldwide, right? It doesn't matter what France thinks, we can see the things they make for ourselves. If anything, France is glaringly unqualified to judge what is or isn't shovelware.

>brainlets cant admire practical station design

Arkane is shovelware tier. The reason why Dishonored 1 and 2 are slightly better than shovelware is because they use stealth memes with ''victorian'' narrative style
This is Arkane Quality:

What the fuck are you even asking? Try to calm down and then post it again.

>boring, bland and generic
Just like your post, really. You can't go into specifics because you haven't played the thing.

>French studio

Prey was developed by the french team you mememaster

Nope. It was Arkane Austin you autist.

>You didn't play it!
Great argument man
Yea I said some bits were great retard that's one of them
A great station is wasted on such a boring game, it's a real shame

it was 1~2 guys from austin using the french studio

>poor sales on prey, dishonored 2 and its dlc
>single player only games
>games pretty much dead on arrival
>shitty games

why hasn't this company get liquidated yet ?

for some obscure reason people pre-order and buy Bethesda games day 1

>boring, bland and generic
Right back atcha, retard.

>Ywn play arkanes hl2 episode


as far as AAA studios go Arkane is by far the best now, they are atleast striving to make something new and original even if they eventually have to make design compromises to appeal to the mass console market.

Sucker Punch is superior though. Infamous 2, SS and Sly 3 are better than everything Bethesda or Arkane has ever made. Shit, even Insomniac beat Arkane easily

Sucker Punch hasn't made a good game since they sold their souls to Sony. Their only good game was Rocket: Robot on Wheels.

Meh, I got the game for free and I enjoyed the game. It wasn't as hard as some people have claimed and it took me about 4 days to finish the game after doing a lot of side quests.

>Their games lack any good design
>A great station is wasted on such a boring game, it's a real shame
No comprendo
Brainlets really are inconsequetial

Infamous Second Son is one of the only decent open world game I ever played. I agree the story is lame but who cares

I haven't played it yet, XCOM won't let me, but judging by the quality of their past games (and I've played all of them except Dark Messiah) I think you're either baiting or are a buttmad Sup Forumsfag.

>only company still giving us iommersive sims
>nobody buys their games

I hope you all enjoy your cinematic third person movies

You havent played their best game user? Why?

Not much into Might & Magic honestly.
Is it worth a try?

I've never touched anything Might & Magic but Dark Messia is fucking amazing


Get bent autist

They're not fucking good
That's the problem

Yea clones of thiefs and system shock, so fucking original
Also they never made a game as close as good to those, so there's that
A shit company

you must have horrifically high standards if you think Arkane make bad games, every game they've made is above 7/10

You're struggling hard to articulate any valid points.
You have no argument.

not him but being triple A and coming out with those types of games is a huge gamble imo. If i where an investor and planning on getting on my returns later on, i wouldnt have approved those niche SP games at all. Theif and SS clones are nothing compare to whats out there in this multiplayer day and age

The thing I hate about Arkane is the fact that they're saddled up with Zenibeth.

"Arkane died after Dark Mesiah" true or false?

Sadly true.

It's like you haven't played Dishonored. It's only the best stealth game we've had those past few years, and one of the best ever made.

It's like you haven't played Prey. It's only the best Immersive Sims we've had those past few years, and one of the best ever made.

>It's only the best stealth game we've had those past few years

First of all, just because an island of mediocrity stands out from a sea of shit doesn't mean it's good, second of all, false.

>studio makes one bad game
>it's not even bad because of the graphics, music, engine, audio design or mechanics, it just has a shitty story, shitty bad design, and bad pacing

Prey is their best game though, much better than any of the Dishonoreds

Prey never felt so good relieving my itch but now that deus ex is dead and beth doesnt look so happy about dis2 and prey, i think that itch is gonna come back and linger for a very long long time

Styx was good but it can't hold a candle to Dishonored really, and even less so if we count the DLC.

Dishonored is a garbage stealth game, just like it's a garbage action game. It's got some pretty skyboxes and level exploration and that's it.
It's like they were trying to mend Thief and Dark Messiah and came up short in all aspects.

>he didn't even play the DLC

Point at him, point at him and laugh.

If not even the Brigmore Witches bring back memories of Thief, then maybe it's because you simply have no memories of Thief, and have no right to speak of it.

This. The Dishonored games are great. Sure, they're easier than Thief, but the atmosphere is all there.

You need to try harder user.

Dishonored needs to end because it's Stealth is broken.

Prey is a good start and deserves sequels. I'm guessing it sold like shit though so we'll get none sadly.

Are you nuts? SP games sell like crazy, it's just that bad ones don't

no more """"prey"""" garbage? thank god

The DLC was just as bad as the base game and the stealth was just as easy. You dishonored DLC fags are delusional.

The DLC was just more dishonored, it wasn't better or worse

>posting Styx
Take your trash with you on the way out


Then you probably hate Thief.

I don't remember thief giving you game breaking powers
Also level design? Who cares man, just literally teleport around

If you played the DLC, you'd know the witches are quite the challenge to fight even with game breaking powers, especially considering they have a tendency to come by the dozen. And they teleport.

The whole DLC is one big hommage to Thief. Admit you haven't played it, it'll be easier.

Playing Dishonored 2 as Emily after refusing The Outsider's powers and trying to ghost through felt very Thief-ish to me. I had a lot of fun with it.

The witches appear in whopping one level (plus a single encounter at the end of the preceding level). I do agree that the combination of witches with those undead dogs was the closest Dishonored ever came to presenting a challenge.

Witches aren't a challenge, nothing in dishonored is
Also I love it how when people on Sup Forums feel cornered and like they're losing the argument they'll say
>y-you didn't play it!
Such a great argument
No powers is the only way the games give any challenge, I think dishonored 1 was also meant to have it but it was cut
The problem with arcane is that they think gamers are dumbasses who won't play their game unless they give them broken powers
Hopefully, Prey and dishonored 2 failing so hard will make them rethink things, they do have very talented people working for them

>Such a great argument
When you're having such retarded opinions that make it feel like you haven't played it, it certainly does.

Did you play in "easy"?

Really makes me think

What's wrong with Dishonored as it stands? Play with no powers to challenge yourself or spam them for fun. It's good either ways.