BOTW Puzzle

Help me out here. So I've been stuck on this puzzle for over 4 months now. It says on the Collectors Edition Guide™ map that there is a korok seed here but I just can't figure it out.

So there are three STATUES, with three BOWLS, two of the BOWLS contain APPLES. There is also an APPLE tree nearby. HOW THE HELL DO I SOLVE THIS???

I tried attacking the statues, changing the apples do different combination of bowls, cutting all the grass around the place.

Im close to giving up I didnt expect puzzles in Zelda to be this hard. These games are clearly only meant to be played by mega society members jeezus

Put an apple in all the bowls?

Yeah I'm not a fan of that "puzzle", but that doesn't mean OP isn't a colossal homosexual.

You need to equally fill each bowl with items from your inventory except for apples. Done right you will only have apples in your inventory and each bowl will have an equal number of non apple items.

At the beginning I just thought of the three statues as decorations with free apples for taking.

Then one time when I came across them and I already had plenty of apples, I thought I'd roleplay a bit and without thinking about it too much, I instead put an apple in the third bowl.


OP, remember to check your inventory, you might have missed a hint.

Is that you Dean Takahashi?

>I was too stupid to get this
>initial thought was to cut down on of the trees

Hold up, what are you supposed to do there?

Remove some apples i assume


>don't have any arrows
>have to monkey my way around two trees
>pray I don't take the wrong one

>don't have any arrows
You are telling me you can make apples drop down with arrows? Really?
I spent 300 hours of my save file climbing trees to pick apples. Fuck.

I just hit them with a hammer

>not hitting the tree with a blunt weapon

I'll admit it took me quite a while to figure these out.

my girlfriend unironically didn't figure this out. she complained about not finding any koroks when I already had well over 100 on my save and I tried to explain to her that they're literally everywhere and she just needs to look for little details that look slightly off and used one of these apple puzzles as an example and she couldn't figure it out until she got mad and I told her to put another fucking apple in the third bowl

maybe I should break up

That would ruin the puzzle you fucking nerd slinger


You should appreciate the fact your girlfriend doesn't care about videogames and she still wants to stay with a huge nerd like you.

The shooting gallery korok seeds are legitimately good content.

I honestly didn't know these were puzzles until that korok mask was released and wouldn't stop rattling. Took a bit of time to figure out what the heck link is supposed to do.

A normal person's first thought would be to make an offering to the 道祖神... This is why westerners shouldn't be allowed to play video games.

I am western as fuck but that's the first thing I thought, making an offer. Especially because I first found that puzzle in Karakiro village and I saw Paya praying near them.

>Turok 1 is subtitled Dinosaur Hunter
>In Wind Waker, the first Zelda game with Koroks, you kill an old man who won't let go of the past.

deepest lore

The Korok puzzles that gave me the most trouble were the 'shoot this decorative thing with an arrow sticking in it' like the gate at the entrance of Kakariko village


>mega society
Shit, he knows

Yup, there's one or two at Karariko, and one around Hyrule Castle Town

Hell, do you carry a few fire weapons to speedup melting those ice formations that sometimes hide monsters, treasure, ore, or koroks?
Or know that seting a pieces of wood down in a group and setting them on fire is a decent way to get a portable updraft pre-Revali's Gale
Or that shield surfing doesn't use up durability on sand (beaches included) and snow, only on rock and grass
Or slapping on your Sheikah stealth suit is a great way to speed up fairy catching as you can basically jog up to them instead of crouching

are you me

>like the gate at the entrance of Kakariko village

This is actually the only such puzzle I can think of.
All the other "shoot an arrow at it" Korok seeds are a balloon with a target on it, or an acorn.

There's on around the... I guess 'main entry gate' of Kakariko village

It's a pretty huge gate if I remember right, so it'd be easy to miss if you're not looking for it

The main gate of Castle Town, not Kakariko, my bad

Yeah I know, it's got an eye that you need to shoot and a hint in the fact that there are arrows embedded in the wood around it already.

Which is why I said
>the only such puzzle I can think of.

>find a row of cactus in the desert
>"oh hey free volt fruit"

>...wait, shit.

and people laughed when Shiggy was cited as "spending all his time in BotW climbing trees".

>At the beginning I just thought of the three statues as decorations with free apples for taking.
Fucking Burger spotted.