What the HECK was this guys problem?

what the HECK was this guys problem?

Other urls found in this thread:


In the most generic sense, he was hungry.


>Play KOTOR2 expecting some of the best villians in Kiera and Nihilus
>Get meme villains instead
I don't know why I keep believing you people

Nihlus is a great villian, he doesn't need dialogue to be a character, everything around him shows his character.

Maybe you should try playing the game again, for context.

>Guy who eats all the force shows up
>Says absolutely NOTHING
>does nothing but send assassins after you
>dies like a bitch

But I do need to play it again and commit to a path so I can enter the cave on the Sith planet.


>be on star destroyer just chilling out and killing Mandalorians
>superior activates superweapon
>crushes my ship into pieces and fucks me up
>overwhelmed by echoes
>get hungry

I was right, you do need to play it again, and pay attention this time - Nihilus isn't even responsible for the sith assassins, that's Sion.
>But I do need to play it again and commit to a path so I can enter the cave on the Sith planet.
No wonder. You are going to have a fun time when you get there, user.

He got so fat to the point where snacks weren't enough anymore

In actual fact.

>guy is responsible for killing most of the Jedi Council from KOTOR 1 by eating the planet they were on
>his apprentice hunts you
>be on the verge of completely destroying the Republic by aiding the Onderon secessionists - which the game clarifies multiple times is, along with the destruction of Peragus, the first event in a chain towards a Dark Age
>destabilising and destroying worlds all over the Galaxy
>GO-TO sends half of the Galaxy's underworld after you so that he can speak to you and enlist your help in stopping Nihilus from fucking everything up
>Atris' plan involves luring Nihilus out with you and Telos IV so he can be destroyed

>Atris' plan involves luring Nihilus out with you and Telos IV so he can be destroyed
Dumbest plan in existence. Probably as a result of being too high on the sith holocron juice

>tfw the guy's theme song isn't even used ingame

I think the only place it ever ended up being used was on that kickass old KotOR II site

>Dumbest plan in existence

Of course it is. She's gone fucking mental.

Luckily Kreia's plan was twenty layers above hers, involving using Atris' plan and getting you to destroy her.

Yes, the backstory is serious shit, but I too remember this boss being a disappointment. After him being presented and great villian, you sorta walk onto him and kill him.

He's got the munchies

The Restoration patch buffed him a fair bit.

The story reason why he's so weak against you is that the fight starts off with him trying to eat you and choking on you since you're basically a big ass hole in the Force. That fucks him up hard. An empty vessel is kryptonite to an entity that lives off eating Force users.

The only problem with her plan is that you end up confronting her before Nihilus. Atris did literally nothing wrong.
Well, maybe aside from torturing Handmaiden. But Handmaiden was hers to torture.


>Atris did literally nothing wrong

>lured Nihilus out who then ate Katarr and killed hundreds of Jedi
>set the game in motion by leaking your location to the Sith and Republic
>trying to found an evil Jedi Order with only one member in it
>takes one conversation with Kreia to realise she's actually gone full Sith

Don't bully!

Legitimately, there was nothing wrong with any of that - she gets outplayed by Kreia, but then who doesn't? She had no way of anticipating what would happen on Katarr, and she still makes the appropriate contingencies. Her plan on Telos is completely sound, and her character arc shows that the Exile can redeem her entirely.
The fact that you can't add her to your party after doing so is a tragedy for which I will never forgive Lucasarts.

She was as clumsy as she is stupid.

Seriously. An Atris eager for redemption as a companion would have been amazing.

>tfw I always leave Atris at the mercy of Sith holocrons, even on LS playthroughs
Bitch doesn't deserve redemption

>autistic screeching
Why do Siths devolve into assholes despite their goals? Isn't force just force and the "dark" and "light" is just the way you harness it? Wouldn't light side be just as corrupting as the dark side then?

>She was as clumsy as she is stupid.
Not at all? I completely agree.
I know! And not just because she's cute, but how much more interesting it would make the rest of the game and her character if you could interact with her as a full party member.
The counterpart, where Kreia stayed with you and you fought Atris as the final boss would have been amazing, too.

Atris is not for bullying, you fuck.

KOTOR II was a disappointment, by far inferior to KOTOR

I'll bully her as I please. She deserves every bit of it

Yet another Sup Forums thread ruined by Sup Forumsspies.

>I'll bully her as I please. She deserves every bit of it
What she deserves is nothing to do with it. Atris is for being bullied by, because she needs a safe way to express her feelings for the Exile. Accepting how you contributed to her fall and redeeming her is the best ending.

Yeah, because of all the other posters I see discussing the game at length. Fuck off.

>Accepting how you contributed to her fall
But that's wrong though
Also,don't worry. The discussion at least keeps the thread alive

>how you contributed to her fall
She was the uppity cunt who stayed put with the council despite wanting to fight in the wars. The Exile had nothing to do with it.

Redemption is too good for her after she caused the death of an entire planet. She wanted to preserve the knowledge of the Sith, so she can drown in it for all I care.

Mira > Visas > Handmaiden >>> Juhani >>> Brianna

>Handmaiden > Brianna
t. Handmaiden sister

>Brianna last
t. people who only played female characters

You did, though. If the Exile had been braver and stayed with Atris to make sweet Jedi babies like she wanted, then nothing would have gone wrong. I believe that even if the Exile had just been brave enough to ask Atris to go to war with him, perhaps things could have been different.
Thanks, user. Redeemed waifu is better than straight waifu anyway.

>The Exile had nothing to do with it.
The Exile has everything to do with it. It was Atris' love of the Exile and specifically her jealousy over the Exile choosing war over her that originally made her start channelling her tsundere into her ideology as a Jedi, and everything that goes wrong stems from that. That's why recognising how the Exile contributed to her fall (intended or not, knowing or not) is so important to her redemption - without acknowledging it, she can never truly forgive you, and she can never reconcile her feelings with her beliefs as a Jedi, so she chooses to change her view of the Jedi.

>Redemption is too good for her after she caused the death of an entire planet.
Atris had no way of knowing or foreseeing what would happen on Katarr. She made what would otherwise have been a sensible sacrifice, and was beaten by an enemy she could not have known anything about. Wouldn't you hold the Exile equally responsible, then? After all, it was the Exile who created Nihilus in the first place.

>She wanted to preserve the knowledge of the Sith, so she can drown in it for all I care.
Spoken like a true Jedi, indeed.

I really enjoyed this game and wish I could participate in discussions about it, but I never know what to say. I don't have strong opinions.

That's why you fabricate strong opinions in order to start discussions.
Fucking Mirafags I swear

he became a parasite. to stop feeding would kill him

Do you have a favourite scene/conversation or quote from the game, user? Who were your favourite and least favourite party members?

what was your favorite saber style? what was your default team?

>Isn't force just force and the "dark" and "light" is just the way you harness it?

It isnt. Dark Side is a sort of corrupting separate entity.

>what was your favorite saber style?

Shien also acceptable.

I agree, even if only to watch just how mad she would be when you bed Brianna and Visas. She would go /r9k/ tier "reeeee".

Visas Marr was the most interesting I thought. Mical was kinda of annoying but I hardly ever played as a female, so I never really went through his storyline. Does he ever become less of a bitch?

Makeshi or Soresu generally for the deflection bonus. I didn't mind fights taking a long time so long as I won in the end. I tended to try and grind enemies down. Generally I played Guardian and I think I had Bao Dur or Atton along for technical skills and Visas because I liked her.

Th-thanks guys.

It's simple.
>dark side rewards passion
>some people are passionate about justice, community, love, anger, not all terrible things
>a good majority just like to fight and kill
>the fighters and killers proceed to fight and kill everyone else until Darth Bane institutes a system of master-apprentice fighting and killing that survives eons
whatever chance the Sith had to be more than assholes was ruined by the assholes enabled by the dark side

The Light Side IS as corrupting as the dark, just in a different way. As Light Siders seek to preserve absolutely everything and fear the consequences of doing anything, they become crippled with their passivity and inability to take meaningful action or do anything but sit around contemplating their navels and slowly disappearing up their own bums. It's a corruption as insidious and dangerous as the Dark Side when you think about it.

If you haven't played as a Sith Lord yet,do it. Clearing out rooms with Force Storm is the best. You also get the benefit of exploring all the differences for dark side. And the fact that Kreia loves BIG Wisdom characters
Also having your character show up on the title screen is pretty badass

>play Restored Content Mod
>it adds a fight between Atton and Sion
>lose it in 0.5 seconds every time because I didn't waste any time with equipping companions

Is the whole "dark side corrupts your body" non-canon after the prequels?
Because Dooku looked fine.
Palpatine and Anaking were fine too before being physically attacked.

It's a metaphor for an emotional void that you can never fill, you fucking idiots. He's the ultimate sith in that power and emotion become the same, and his very being is to consume all of it.

Nothing that deep will ever exist in a villain in the new star wars movies. It's below that.

Play TOR

I always thought Palpatine had some kind of Sith magic powering his body and extending his life, and when he attacked Samuel L Jackson he just had to put so much power into it he couldn't keep up the illusion anymore

No, fuck off.

I like that Sith are only focused on their own power while Jedi always think of others first
That's basically exactly the D&D difference between good and evil and it's great

I think at least parts of it was redone a bit and shipped of to the MMO. Sounds very familiar at least

He didn't want to die,

They're not focused on their own power, that's where you're wrong. The Star Wars Universe is very convoluted.

Sith are actually born of love and passion. Not of themselves, but of others. You can't care about others without emotion. It simply cannot happen. Unless you're somehow perfect. The jedi are actually a translation of Jewish priests that could stand in front of the ark of the covenant. Why do you think the underline is red when it's not capitalized?

I'm a Jew and I notice this. You twat waffling shitbag. Purity is extremely rare, power is not.

That's interesting and everything but the Sith teachings in the temple in 1 are straight-up about only serving yourself and only your own power mattering, sorry

That lore is nonsense. I think the new movies may be right in one thing- Jedi have very little basis in reality. Masters exist in the grey area, Jedi do not.

He was the victim of poor writing in a shitty rushed game

this, mostly

star wars is a universe created by a manchild. kind if like a slightly less autistic chris chan

which of course explains the appeal

also, the holocaust was a lie


My life for yours

This was explicit in the novelization of Episode 3 (of course that's all out the window with Disney). I only read it because I worked at a bookstore at the time, don't judge me.

Handmaiden's better

Get out.

I think Jews are far too left wing and they're just asking for it to happen again, as a Jew. Still, it DID happen.

>hey they also killed "x"


>open video
>see author's profile pic is anime girl
>immediately discard since he no longer has any credibility
Saved me about two hours, thank god

Ah I see you're a man of shit taste

what is you explanation of the six million jews killed in russia headlines in the new york times in 1919, then again in 1930, then AGAIN after ww2?

it comes from the torah, that figure

what is your explanation for this?

also, the gas chamber was built by the russians. this is documented

Why would anyone judge you? My dad and me used to read pretty much every SW novel that existed and they were mostly great
I remember reading the novelizations and thinking "wow this is great, I can see what Anakin is actually thinking when seeing Coruscant for the first time instead of having to look at a shitty actor trying to look in wonderment"

>Let me watch a video supposedly explaining (but really simply summarizing) a thing rather than engaging with it myself
Kill yourself millenial trash.

The E3 novelization also gave Anakin an unspoken one-liner quip every time he did something evil, no joke. I remember specically when he's killing the Seperatists at the end one says "but Palpatine said we would be rewarded handsomely" and he goes "you don't find me handsome?"

six gorillion

Dooku just wanted to leave the republic and was only a bit evil compared to sheev

Stop talking to droids.

While that's absolutely terrible, I love puns that replace adverbs from established phrases like that
So I'm conflicted

The Russians killed way, way more Jews than the Germans did. Yet modern Jews demonize Hitler over Lenin or Stalin because they were communist. Most Jews these days have communist ideas because they decided the Torah was a :"give people all your shit" book.

Yet, where is the Jew giving all their shit away? I agree on some points but the idea that the holocaust didn't happen is utterly ridiculous.

Habeas corpus is an existing body of law that has existed for hundreds of years. They did it, and you're denying it. You're out of your fucking mind.

>it's a "Stormfags try to hijack an unrelated actual discussion" thread
Please just fuck off and go somewhere else

>responding to it
Kill Your're self


No worries, user.
>Visas Marr was the most interesting I thought.
I agree, especially with her devotion to and interactions with the Exile. Her past and contrast with Handmaiden and Kreia was really interesting.
>Mical was kinda of annoying but I hardly ever played as a female, so I never really went through his storyline. Does he ever become less of a bitch?
He does, but then he immediately gets mindraped by Kreia into forgetting everything, so the whole plotline goes nowhere. It's a cool scene, but it's probably only worth seeing once.

Good taste in your favourite playstyle, too, user. As someone who also almost exclusively plays Guardian it's pretty interesting, since I take the opposite approach - Juyo or Shien for the most damaging crits possible and trying to make my character as damaging as possible, especially against single enemies.

the jews were the communist leadership. more than 50% of the russian plenum.

stalin killed jews because they were making communism unstable

hitler put the jews in camps because they were spreading bolshevism and encouraging killing factory owners

the jews never admitted to this. why would they admit the holocaust was fake?

they violated habeas corpus. thats not a holocaust. they didnt exterminate them systematically. stop ewuating the two and lying you kike

explain the six gorillion moisha

Don't worry user, I've already started to hide all their posts and will continue to do so

I believe it's intended to be for people who have already completed the game and want to consider it with more complexity. Blankposter can't be here all the time to discuss the game directly with people.
>supposedly explaining (but really simply summarizing)
Could you explain this distinction further? I haven't watched it yet.

Do you always play warrior guys in RPGs? Just asking because while I love the jumping all over the place you can do as a Guardian, I prefer going full force storm, but I generally like playing OP mages in RPGs

Your evidence is pure conjecture and totally implausible.

You stand, on quicksand my friend.

>first time someone admits to being an unironic jew on Sup Forums
>head up ass
its people like you who strengthen Sup Forums

Okay I'm gonna reinstall it
Do you think the droid planet from RCM is worth it if I've already played it? I remember it was a pretty standard AI going insane situation that had lots of boring running around in the beginning

explain this
it is always six million. it comes.from jewish scripture


Haven't played the RCM, how unfisnished is the said restored content? Like, does it just end? Does it glitch out?

If you've watched one such Youtube you've watched them all. The epithet 'content creator' says as much needs to be about such people.

There's a reason why the Droid planet isn't added in the content restoration mod

The stuff they cut was, for the most part, nearly done. At worst generally some animation scripting will be a little amateurish.

Yeah I thought so too
It's good. Obviously they don't just put in half-baked scenes in the game, the entire point of the mod is to put them back into the game and make them work
I don't remember if they provide their own writing for unfinished scenes but I certainly don't recall any horrible fanfic writing

Huh, that's cool. Why'd they cut it then?

>Do you think the droid planet from RCM is worth it
>if I've already played it?
Fuck, no.

Anyone have that picture of young Kreia?

time constraints
also something something obsidian always getting fucked over by publishers

I don't understand the premise behind the Exile though. So the Jedi council foresees that Revan will turn to the dark side if the Jedi intervene in the Madalorian war. But Revan does it anyway. So at that point, since intervention is happening anyway whether they like it or not, the smart move for the Jedi council is to go balls deep BALLS DEEP and send everything and everyone they got to try and overwhelm the Madalorians and end the war as fast as possible.
By keeping Revan on short rations, they ensure the war drags on for longer and the chances of the dark side taking a hold of Jedi fighting it are much greater as they endure ever more trauma.