This is what happens when you give an inch:

This is what happens when you give an inch:

>So, I've been unable to get a pitch accepted on this, so it's time for Twitter: South Park: The Fractured But Whole looks so nasty. You probably remember the thing about the game's skin colour slider recently - I'm white, I'd rather promote someone else's voice on that. But it also has a segment for choosing your character's gender. It's separate to the character creator, in a meeting with Mr. Mackey.

>You were assumed to be a boy in The Stick of Truth, so in The Fractured But Whole, the game actually asks your character's gender. You get to choose to be Male, Female, or Other, and if you choose to be a girl, Mr. Mackey will call your parents to make sure they know.

>There's so many issues here. You're not able to say "No, actually, don't tell them", and on top of that Mr Mackey will say at one point... "Everyone was under the impression that he was a boy. Uh, I mean *she* was a boy."

>Why on earth does the game misgender your character? I get why - it's trying to play on the assumption of your gender in The Stick of Truth, but misgendering pokes fun at your character. It's not a recognition and apology for getting your character's gender wrong - it just makes fun of you for not fitting them.

>And following that, Mr. Mackey gives a ham-fisted explanation of "cisgendered" and "transgendered" people, including the "-ed" suffix. The explanation of why that's awful and indicates a rude and offensive ignorance can be found here. But also: why does the game care? Why does The Fractured But Whole want to slap the history of your character's gender on the profile? It's utterly irrelevant, creepy, and a result of how people often feel entitled to a trans person's history. I don't care who you are - you have no right to know whether I'm cis or trans. There's no "none of your damn business" answer.

Other urls found in this thread:

>This then culminates in you going outside and a bunch of "rednecks" (term used in-game) attacking you for your gender identity. Regardless of what you chose, you'll be attacked, but they'll say they don't like your type. First up: they assume if you're a cis or trans person, playing on the bad assumption that you can tell visually if someone is cis or trans. Clue: you can't. There is no rule for "Oh that person is trans", and seeking one out is inherently transphobic. But on top of that, this joke is minimising the genuine, real threat of trans violence people face every single day. This joke is saying that anyone can be harmed for their identity, whether they're cis or trans.

>Cis-directed violence is not a thing. I have a "TRANS IS COOL" sticker on my laptop - I love it, but I'm aware it does put me at risk, because trans-directed violence is real. This entire sequence serves to belittle trans people - wrong terminology, misgendering, and poking fun at the murder of trans people.

>So, when you see The Fractured But Whole 'including' trans people: don't support it, it's making us the butt of a joke. Most of this comes from Eurogamer's playthrough. I also don't care if the rest of the game does trans-positive stuff. This segment is gross and no positive scene can make up for it.


So... A school counsellor is supposed to keep a child's psychological issues secret from its parents?

While I don't watch SP anymore, Trey Parker and Matt Stone will always have my respect of how few fucks they give. I'm dead certain they are having a good laugh about this, and don't plan to change a damn thing.

>south park
>rude and offensive
who knew


A school counselor is just a person who says words. They aren't bound to do or not do anything. They have a job until they touch a kid or a kid shoots someone.

pretty sure when a tranny has big hands and a literal adams apple i can fucking tell "she" is trans

I honestly cannot properly communicate how surprised I am that for 20 fucking years, South Park continues to surprise people when they make fun of them.

>joke about how the parents are so dumb they don't even know the kids gender

you got the wrong board buddy, Sup Forums is two blocks down

Who wrote this? Sounds like pasta.

>you have no right to know whether I'm cis or trans
I can only guess which
>playing on the bad assumption that you can tell visually if someone is cis or trans
>This joke is saying that anyone can be harmed for their identity, whether they're cis or trans.
>I have a "TRANS IS COOL" sticker on my laptop - I love it but I'm aware it does put me at risk, because trans-directed violence is real.
Look everyone at how brave I am for having a sticker

>playing on the bad assumption that you can tell visually if someone is cis or trans. Clue: you can't

>mfw trannies think they can pass as anything but what they are: mentally ill freaks

>getting upset over southpark

That's when you know someones lost the plot

>Google a bit of the rant
>It's from a neogaf post which is a compiled post from a Twitter rant

It ain't pasta, which is the sad part.

Proof that SJW's literally don't know what a joke is.


I like it how they handled this. It's obvious new kid is a boy, the other boys wouldnt play with him if he wasnt. Choosing your gender basicly does nothing in that regard, which is a nice reality check

most trans people I know aren't complete wieners about this shit
why do faggots like this always try to ruin it for the rest of them?

>being trans
>playing a South Park game and expecting it to be politically correct
which one is the more insane and mentally ill thing to do?

When did Sup Forums become such a bunch of easily-offended sissies? For all their cries about degeneracy, they're a bunch of thin skinned pussy ass bitches.
Imagine how much of a crybaby you have to be to get offended by south park, of all things.

The first one is more mentally ill, the second is more insane.

I hope someone reminded them that if you choose to be a girl or trans then you were raped in Stick of Truth.


>Complaining about South Park being South Park

>When did Sup Forums
Someone can't read.

>if you choose to be a girl
>Mr. Mackey will care your parents to make sure they know


>you have no right to know whether I'm cis or trans
Odds are you don't need to tell me for me to know. Every abomination and their goldfish thinks they "pass" after putting on a dress and dyeing their hair pastel pink.

>Trans fag attempts to seek attention through controversy.
Really activates the almonds

The alien abduction sequence.

I love it how this guy confused "support" with plain "being made fun off"

Holy shit how many tweets did this wordvomit cost?


South park always made fun of everyone equally. That's what's good about it but it's too bad idiots also watch (and play).

You know the kind of idiots who go "haha I love south park :DD" but when it makes fun of something they like it they go "YOUR SHOW WAS GOOD UP UNTIL NOW BUT THIS IS BULLSHIT, WHAT A BAD SHOW, YOU'VE GONE TOO FAR"

>OP is quoting a leftist gaming "journalist"

>lefties ended up being more sensitive than everyone else
Wew what a surprise!

Because attention is the most important thing to a tranny. Even if they aren't active participants in this type of attention-whoring, they are complicit by staying quiet on the sidelines and allowing it to represent them.

Game is gearing up to be pretty funny.

I love the skin color = difficulty slider too, I've seen some SJWs pleased with that not realizing the game is making fun of people who think life is automatically more difficult the blacker you are.

until they get death threats or get sued

So does or does it not affect difficulty?

honestly life is harder the blacker you are

It's confirmed to only change some dialogue.

How does anyone still get offended at South Park?

>If you don't want to be an attention whore then you have to make a lot of noise and get attention so you can be the center of attention instead of other centers of attention

you're a genius dude

>I have a "TRANS IS COOL" sticker on my laptop - I love it, but I'm aware it does put me at risk, because trans-directed violence is real.
wow so brave

>called fractured but whole
>literally fractures butt holes


heh, "benis" :-DDD

Yeah, aren't they totally against Trump? I can't help but think they're being sincere about actually caring about Trans people now. Aren't they SJWs now?

The actual difficulty setting is chosen during the first real fight of the game, the one on character creation does nothing.

I'm happy every time an "outrage" like this happens, it just serves to prove how dangerous it is for a dev to pander to the insanity.

They always seemed left, but they mocked whatever the fuck they felt like anyway. They had an entire season dedicated to mocking PC culture and microaggressions.
They are most certainly not SJW.

No Asians/Indians have it harder, sweatshops abound and over population makes even the shit jobs a rarity.

> I have a "TRANS IS COOL" sticker on my laptop - I love it, but I'm aware it does put me at risk, because trans-directed violence is real.

>user shitposting on Sup Forums calling anyone else mentally ill

>This joke is saying that anyone can be harmed for
their identity, whether they're cis or trans.

This just in, you can only be harmed if you're trans. You can never be targeted for any other reason. I'm astounded anyone could even type this sentence.

At least user probably did not get his dick chopped off.

A lot of video game characters suffer through conflicts and hostility and are being attacked and whatnot. It is all part of the story.

you just know that she's waiting for the day that someone says something about it so she can record it and post it on tumblr. Too bad for her literally no one is going to do that.

What bearing does this actually have on your life?

The answer is none at all.

Stop being so butthurt and put your time into something more productive.

That was some time ago. Now one of them is literally raising his wife's black son. They've been compromised, and it's no wonder that the recent seasons have not been as good.

But people getting upset over stupid shit is funny

>reflexively reaches for her phone every time someone glances at it
>might even start recording the person and aggressively ask "Why do you keep looking at my sticker? You got a problem with it?! You got a problem with me being TRANS?!" Even though the person couldn't care less

God video games are gay

>raising black son
Looks like some plot twist from the movie, where hero becomes what he was fighting against. Anyway it's sad that there's cucks like that in the real world.

Fuck you

I am really getting tired of this gender debate.

That's happened many times to them. Many times


>once posted a made up story on tumblr about how a man wearing a MAGA hat started ranting about trannies due to her sticker
>in the story she shut him down hard in a jerk off, power fantasy sort of way, leaving him humiliated
>the story ends with "...and everybody in the room clapped."

>playing on the bad assumption that you can tell visually if someone is cis or trans. Clue: you can't.

>Find their Twitter
>Look at the picture
That's a dude.

reminds me of this

>American schools

>while writing the story she had best masturbation experience in years that she spent without a partner

if you consider having a stepson being cucked then i'm sorry but statistically one of you has cuck parents, cuck uncles etc etc

They have pissed off every single person in hollywood at least twice over their 20 years with multiple defamation lawsuits thrown their way. They aren't afraid of people with died hair

>b-but your family!!

why do lefties always argue in this weird collectivist manner

Because this shit doesn't stop at just games
It infects literally every facet of society right now, and it's fucking tiring to deal with. They know that we're sick of it, and they know that once they get us to tune their shit out for fear of having to deal with another second of their insane ramblings, they've won, and their continued shitting up of society goes unchallenged because we've been deadened to it. This is why you absolutely cannot give them any ground.

You can stick your head in the sand and keep saying 'It doesn't matter to me, this doesn't affect me', but when shit finally goes to all hell, you'll realize too late that you should have given a fuck when there was still time to do something about it.

I don't think you understand the social justice mindset. It's not about equality, or any of that feel good bullshit. All of this righeousness and bluster is cover for their true feelings. Hate. Nothing but sheer hate for you, for white people, for men in general. They want you to be second class citizens or less. They want you exiled, dead, and worse. And I do not say any of this with even the slightest hint of irony. Many of them unironically, honestly believe extermination of the white race and especially white men is the only answer to all of the world's problems.

You know the holocaust? This shit is going to end up being like that, but actually real, and without any confusion on what is being done. You are going to die, you are going to be exterminated, unless good people start fighting back against this bullshit.

>all her tumblrfag followers believe and congratulate her even though every time she reads shit that isn't even actually transphobic, she's left "literally shaking" and "crying uncontrollably"

Oh shit South Park is offensive? Stop the presses.

Whats the source?

>Regardless of what you chose, you'll be attacked, but they'll say they don't like your type.
South Park's rednecks not taking kindly to your types around there? Stop the fucking presses.

nice copy paste

but i voted God Emperor you fucking nigger, and to top it off Republicans divorce and remarry more than any other political demographic, fucking kekistani parasite

>You know the holocaust?
Imagine a deathcamp build and designed solely by women and betas. Used to trap men.

Unless they have some fancy tech that requires no technical ability I wouldn't be too worried.

I think the people getting upset over this know for a fact that this would happen, but they can never pass up a chance to be outraged at something and virtue signal at the same time. It's like offering a hungry wolf a steak, they just can't resist.

The retarded lefties and sjws are on the run, maybe they were advancing into everything 3-4 years ago, but the last 2 years they've been humiliated, debunked, taunted, and abandoned to the point that where it was trendy to be one a few years ago, now its trendy to point out how retarded they are

South Park itself does a pretty good job of always taking the opposite side of the river when it came to trendy hipster bullshit, if you go back even to season 2 you will see episodes and references that seem to directly tie into making fun of the kinds of things you would typically associate with the current broken left, and the democrats and the left itself has been completely shattered as a result of the 2016 election, they're completely on the run

Fuck off

>G-g-guys, fake news, it was only intended to trigger us, not the SJWs

>Republicans divorce and remarry more


If they were like that, then they are the cucks. A person should think for himself, boy. And honestly, you're arguing like a bitch.

>mfw this will all be over when the feds declare antifa a terrorist organization

we're gonna make it mates.

Can you not read?

The worst mistake you can make in war is underestimating the capabilities of the enemy
Individually, they're worthless, but unified in a single cause (kill whitey) I don't doubt they will be worse butcherers than anything Holocaust mythology and its tales have ever produced. Tech industry is dominantly leftist as well, don't forget that.

Again, never underestimate your enemy. Especially when the left does have some possible, but as of yet unverified ties to government and deep state assets or organizations (eg Antifa)

They look weak now but they could have a second wind and come right back if the right 'hands' guide them

Antifa is a perfect d/c asset, wherever they go, chaos follows. Great to keep us fighting each other and not focusing on other things the weaponized left is doing to undermine the country's everything.

>Imagine a deathcamp build and designed solely by women and betas. Used to trap men.

>Gas chamber's door isn't flush with the frame and isn't airtight
>Gas chamber's door is wooden
>Gas chamber's door doesn't lock
>fence made out of sticks
>Guards can't look their prisoners in the eye

It would be a short-lived thing

>a person should think for themselves
>if they make a choice that i personally would not make myself then they are not thinking for themselves
did you get some kind of botched lobotomy nigger?

Fucking lol

I'd like to think only 20-somethings care about this bullshit, but then you read DU, a forum known for being full of baby boomers, and it's somehow already infected by this cancer. Trans bathrooms rights threads sometimes get bigger than ones about healthcare or worker's rights.