Is it gonna be good?

A Battlegrounds clone.
What do you think?

It'll probably be meh, 5/10 at most. Shit animations and repetitive, spammy gameplay.

yes but foreigners (especially americans) will never understand elex so they just dismiss it

It will be Risen/10 so enjoyable but nothing special.

If it's anything like Gothic 2, then yes.
If they do the Risen 2 shit, then no.


>Battlegrounds clone.
What did you mean by this?

>tfw colorblind and this choice

This game looks like a chore to play, classic yuro trash

It's gonna be shit and you know it.

It's gonna Risen 2/3 level of quality.


these shitters gave Gothic III like 90%

Gameplay is gonna be clunky as fuck.
Setting is gonna be weird.

But the map is larger than Gothic 3 and they're actually done hand-crafting and saturating the map this time around. So while it definetely not going to be the greatest thing ever, I'm looking forward to exploring the world and fucking around in it.

is ELEX the playerunknown's memegrounds of rpgs?

setting looks unique and cool, nice mix of fantasy and scifi

I for one am hyped as sweaty spaghetti for some euro jank goodness. Bring it the fuck on already.

>giving a shit wat Gamestar, the bastard child of Bild and Kotaku, thinks

What did the Germ mean by this?

It will scratch my itch for Action RPGs with an open world where Fallout 4 didn't quite have enough "R".

What did he mean by this?

fallout 4 apparently doesn't have enough role

It's going to be a solid 6/10.

More than enough playing, not enough role.

I got to play the rough alpha at PAX last year, it was actually pretty neat. The dude running the booth told me they wanted you to be able to play however you want. He said if you kill a quest giver, the game finds other ways to introduce the quest to you, which im curious to see how true that actually is. My favorite part of my time with the demo was when I was running down a road with my sword out and saw some dudes who promptly drew their swords also, so i attacked them, thinking they were bandits. As i was cutting down the last one, booth man laughed and told me i just murdered a merchant and his guards. So, i stole all their shit and ran off. From what i remember, the controls weren't too bad actually, didn't seem amazingly fluid but it wasn't awful either.

>Is it gonna be good?

once a stable fanpatch comes out in spring of 2021, it'll be a 7/10 game