>mfw this looks better than most sprite/2d fighters
A few more tweaks and a bit more R&D and this method will replace hand drawn graphics
>mfw this looks better than most sprite/2d fighters
A few more tweaks and a bit more R&D and this method will replace hand drawn graphics
Guilty Gear Xrd already nailed it
I'm sorry can you talk about a game that's popular
They improved on it a lot in this game
My only gripe is sometimes the heads look too small in certain angles. For example Goku in Other than that it would be perfect.
The detail around the muscles needs to be refined a bit more. Looks like low poly 3D at times
And everything is a bit too shiny. We need deeper saturation and less perfect geometry
It is low poly 3D, the models themselves are PS2 level. It only looks good due to hand crafted lighting in every single frame.
I kind of get what you mean but personally it feels like it was done intentionally to capture the look of late DB faithfully. Too much detail and it wouldn't capture Toriyama's cartoony style imo.
Then they didnt do enough to mask it
I think your right. It looks better than the modern series anyway
It looks good, but it's not perfect, come on.
You can still easily tell the models are polygons and not 2D in certain shots. It needs a lot of work, but it's a good step in the right direction and this style can only improve from this point.
Speaking of which, is this style of modelling patented by ASW or can other companies do their own take on it as well?
The general issue with many 2.5D fighting games nowadays is that they lost the elasticity of the sprites animations. Even if a dev team applies that technique to their own fighting game it doesn't mean that the fighting game becomes automatically better.
It all depends on what you want to achieve. In ASW's case it works because they go for the '90s anime aesthethic and it does a decent job at that, but they also did some choices like limiting animation frames that wouldn't work in other cases.
So it's not a natural evolution that every 2.5D fighting game should follow but maybe they can take some hints from this style and then develop their own take from this point.
Its not perfect but its still pretty and better than most 2d fighters. We will get there soon
>lost the elasticity of the sprites animations.
its doable with 3d. it depends on the animators. they had a segment where they showed hyperextension of limbs and exaggerated movements for this effect in guilty gear.
>is this style of modelling patented by ASW
It's not a style of "modelling" as you say. If you look at the actual models in GGXrd, which has a similar style to DBFZ, they look very weird because the shading is so important they give life to the ugly models.
how do we go from this
...to this
Xrd's animation clearly has a lot more effort put into it
It's an interesting take but I don't think it's the only solution.
SFV manages to look good even without that style.
They just switched from UE3 to UE4.
This. I want to see the next installment of Xrd on UE4.
like magic
You see, if they didn't fucking release the game so soon and actually finished it before releasing it it would've been praised to hell and back
Fucking Capcom is master at shooting its own feet.
And it only takes them an age to make a new character
Damn, left one looks like a fucking League of Legends model.
What other fighting game developer releases characters as quickly?
I don't see how it needs "a lot of work"
I mean if you compare it to a good artstyle like Xrd it looks like garbage in the comparison.
I just wish SF would drop its "3D" and go back to sprites or adopt what ArcSyS is doing.
The model themselves look angular and low-quality once you get over the very smart use of filters. The style is obviously meant to convey that '90s anime look but it doesn't mean it's perfect.
So how is the gameplay of this game so far ? I couldn't get into the beat and i was watching some streamers play it and it looked kind of dull, but maybe it feels better to play it in person
I absolutely dont want SF to look like Xrd.
"Good" artstyle my ass, to me they all look like plastic in those games, which might be a good look for DBZ, but absolutely not for SF.
GG animations are also way inferior because they copied their budget PS2 era keyframes.
not him but this is an awful opinion you have, find some taste. sfv looks like shit compared to xrd
It seems to be okay, not amazing in any regards. The assists make up for a very straightforward combo system.
Nope. Ignoring the shit tier designs ASW shits out I still prefer SFV stylistically.
GG wouldnt work with those looks, but I dont want that anyways.
Got lucky yesterday. I work sales gaming related and we had a company party with some games and to my surprise dbf was there, everybody flocked to origins and far cry 5 tho, so I have dbf all to myself for a good 2 hours or so. Shit looks and feels phenomenal
Youre never going to convince a SFbabby. He will eat anything that Capcom shits in his mouth.
This is why nobody even wants to bother with your crap games.
In what universe do Xrd characters look like plastic?
>Come up with an objectively ignorant opinion
>gets shit for it
Its llike you don't have eyes user. Saying you dont like the game is perfectly ok, but its another saying they look bad.
Get some taste.
He says while he likes SFV. I don't even play Xrd anymore and it's a way better game ground and ceiling. Keep sucking Capcom's cock.
That's something an ASW shill would say.
I mean, I don't think GGXrd or DBFZ look bad at all, but that style works because those games have a very specific aesthethic. SF doesn't want to become that, they chose another road and it doesn't make that road any less bad.
If it was, I don't know, MvC:I which looks unarguably ugly I would agree, but SFV has its own look and it doesn't mean it has to be like GGXrd.
The only real issue with SFV in terms of look is the clipping issue and some very weird redesigns, but aside from those things the game looks fine.
basically nonexisting textures and drawn on faces give me that impression.
most of them look like toys.
eat shit.
It is though. I doubt no one would ever give a shit about DBFZ if it came up with CC2 style graphics. There's a reason why people suddenly put ASW on a pedestal ala Platinum Games these days when they barely heard about the dev last year. That aside, your opinion is valid but lets not deny ASW's aesthetic set the bar pretty high on 2.5D
>It is though
fuck off retard
>I can't come up with a good reply
You're not helping your cause.
I dont even play fighting games at all anymore, but SF5 looks straight up like clayfighters 63 1/2
See, you are the one who came up with an objectively ignorant opinion and now you are getting shit for it.
And the actual reason that people give a shit about DBZF is that its the first attempt at a real 2D fighter Dragonball since ultimate battle 22 fucking twenty years ago.
>I dont even play fighting games at all anymore
You're making that obvious here.
I don't want every fighter to look like Xrd. Homogenization is bad and I hate the lack of frames of animation. Also no, interpolation wouldn't be enough for Xrd's current animation to make it look on par with other games.
So you actually claim that i cant criticize the asthetics of a game because i am not actively playing it?
That must be the dumbest thing i read today.
only arcsys is autistic enough to do that shit
I think you dont play games at all because that was an extremely retarded statement.
Nice argument.
But that doesnt distract from the imense amount of retardedness your posts are radiating.
But i guess someone who actually defends SF5 must have a double digit IQ to begin with.
Half the conversation is animation. Some things you need to see in motion
Capcom is the only one that's nailed 2.5D animation/feeling without resorting to ASW's magic. Just look at NRS or even KOF14. TvC on the Wii play better than those games.
I did see the animation in motion, after all i played this turd at release.
I'm sure you did.
That and low visual quality on the assets. Dead End Thrills make SFV look next level as fuck and basically untouchable, but you wouldn't know because it looks like trash on PS4 and most average PCs
According to some anons in this thread this looks "bad".
>Dead End Thrills screenshot
You know that these screenshots are taken from a heavily modified version of the game so that it would look right? The game looks nowhere as crisp and detailed on PS4 or even high end PCs.
Dead End has a lot of good shit even for older games
NRS had shit animations even in 2D times and with KoF its clear that they had a negative budget AND 3D amateurs.
KI pretty much nailed the animation style they were going for I think.
But yeah, Capcom has the best 3d animators in the business easily.
Is it me or did they take Ribbon girl, gave her different makeup and then put her in a clown suit
Im sure too, so we good i guess.
SFV looks alright, but post actual legit screenshots.
SFV would look great without the dumb stage clutter in the background
Ryu's stage is boring as shit. I really don't know how Capcom fucked that up.
Yeah, and even Blizzard does this a lot with their 3d models. Say what you will about OW, but a lot of the animations look fantastic, because they use squash and stretch.
>Uga ga ga ga, I don't know what's a smear
check out his boots
Fair enough, I'll do this again.
According to some anons in this thread this looks "bad". This is the PC version at 4K with maxed out settings.
Looks like a mobile phone game.
I didn't post a screenshot of the new MvC game.
Those armpits