Deus ex

>deus ex
>system shock

what are other interactive sim?

Other urls found in this thread:

prey (2017)


post more of her

sims 4

Why does she have a tiretrack on her face



you faggots are getting insufferable

>far cry


>interactive sim
Why isnt it called FPS-RPG anymore?

Why is human revolution above the original Deus Ex? Good list other than that though.

>implying girl (male)
an attempt was made

ugly bitch got nothing on katya

>jensen over denton
>dishonored above thief 1 and bioshock 1

>far cry 4
>good list

> interactive sim

Far Cry 4 IS a pretty immersive game though. Maybe not GREAT but it's certainly enjoyable. Far Cry 4/3 are both in the same ballpark of "pretty good open world stealth action game".

Miru is life

>DX:HR above DX

>Far Cry 4
>Bioshock 1 and not 2

>Miru is life
actually its just to see

She's so cute it makes my kokoro hurt

Did he get run over by a bike or something?

What did he mean by this?

kuru kuru :D


what a cute girl(boy)

Whats an interactive sim?

Sup Forums is still triggered that bethesda used tha name of an old mediocre game in naming the prey(2016) and blame it for killing off the sequel that was never going to come out anyway.

It's called immersive sim


go home homo

>Human Revolution above Deus Ex

>you will never have a Katya
Why live?

why do slav women do that to their eyebrows, it's repulsive.

>Alice Johnson
what did they mean by this?

>"do i look kawaii yet guys?"
>horde of 2d virgins flocking to this ugly shit

>implying that's her name

>interactive sim
What the fuck are you even talking about?

the name alice is italian i think or french

Isn't she actually mentally challenged?


you misspeled cute :3

>weeaboos keep going on aobout how western shit is ugly
>put half-mongolian 6/10s on a pedestal
Oh, the ironing

back to Sup Forums and masturbate to your manjawed white hairy women

Is prey actually that good? I can grab a key online for a tenner and I'm tempted

Prey 2017 is a godsend
Also I can't believe not one person here said Thief 1&2.

I'm on nofap and your picture gave me a most massive urge to fuck. Fuck you and Monroe.

>interactive sim
You just watched Warren's GDC talk, didn't you?

Nofap is a meme

could prey run on a gt710 2gb?


Enemy Engaged
Jane's F-15
Jane's F/A-18
Falcon 4.0

I hate fucking people like YOU, who think every fucking game is a motherfucking SIM.
YOU are the reason why the gaming industry is in ruin, you cocksucking piece of shit.

I wish YOU were dead, you have taken everything that was great about gaming.

>gt710 2gb
Holy shit, I actually laughed.


Are you calling Warren Spector shit and saying he killed gaming...?

I know, I just don't want to fap every day so it stays more enjoyable and I'm able to cum more. Also, I was gonna meet my fwb for the first time yesterday but she had her period. We are meeting again next week.



Haha no

It's absolutely worthless garbage.

What's an interactive sim?

Shit son, for someone who likes the best game genre you sure have shit taste

but but it can run it?

Why are you lumping all of those games together when only two of them are even remotely similar?

I hope not.
Especially since you are clearly fucking stupid.

>God tier
Whut that shit is awful

mmmm why

Interactive sim?

That's a retarded fucking name.

>He doesn't know what an immersive sim is

What about dishonored 2? It's on sale on Steam and I want to know if it's worth getting.

>immersive sim is better...

Oh what gave it away?
Was it the fact that I asked?

it's worst than the first

Wow, I'm really out of loop when it comes to Sup Forums memes.

Was that supposed to be a question?

yes you called me stupid after i just asked a question idk much about gpus so sorry retard

I liked the first one though, is it playable enough?

Well, have fun staying retarded and dependant on others, uneducated shitter.

it's like
de:md on de:hr or de on de:hr or bioshock 2 on bioshock
if you know what i mean

I like this girl

here you go senpai, i don't have menstruation like the other one guy...

Immersive Sim has been something of a genre since 1992, dumbass.

There is a demo on steam, you can check how it runs.

Why not just poster her instagram?

but katya is better

Grab the demo on steam if you want to try it. It took me 5 hours to explore it, more devs should do that.

Post pics of your friend.

I shouldn't spread her pics tho.

Nice bait

>Thief 1
>OK Tier
Thief 1 and 2 are two parts of a whole and shouldn't be separated. It's a matter of taste if some people don't like the adventure elements of the first game as much as the straight robbery of the second.

Interactive sim?

Did you mean Immersive sim? Because if so, bioshock and dishonored aren't ones, I don't know about system shock.

they call interactive sim now